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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10144371090.html から転載。 2008-09-27 11:12:18 イスラエル、イラン攻撃を断念=米の支持得られず−英紙(時事通信) 英紙ガーディアン(電子版)は26日、イスラエルが今春、イランの核施設攻撃の決意を固めたが、ブッシュ米大統領の支持を得られず断念したと伝えた。イスラエル政府は、ブッシュ大統領の任期中の翻意は難しいとみているという。欧州外交筋が同紙に明らかにした。(2008/09/26-12:15) ============================================= 上記の時事通信記事は伝えていないが、ガーディアン紙によると、イスラエルのイラン攻撃にブッシュ大統領が賛意を求められたのは、今年5月14日に行なわれた建国60周年記念式典で大統領がイスラエルを訪問した際のこと。ブッシュ大統領はオルメルト首相(当時)との会談席上で、イラン攻撃支持を求められたが、これを拒否したという。 またガーディアン紙によると、イランを攻撃した場合、イランの報復によってホルムズ海峡を通行する石油輸送に深刻な影響を与えるほか、イスラエルの空爆程度ではイランの核施設を無能力化できないことなどを理由にあげて、イスラエルの支持要請を断ったとしている。 ガーディアン紙記事中で面白いかったのは、「今度ばかりはブッシュ氏も正しい助言に従った」(“For once Mr Bush took the right advice.”)と論評していることだ。 記事の結びはこうなっている。 イスラエルは議論に負けた。私たちはみんな、はロバート・ゲイツ国防長官のプラグマティズムが勝ったことに安堵のため息をつかなければならない ― 目下(もっか)のところ。(Israel has lost the argument, and we should all breathe a sigh of relief that the pragmatism of Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has prevailed - for now. ) ============================================= 英ガーディアン紙の英文記事はこちら ⇒ http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/sep/26/iran.israelandthepalestinians A target too far The report in today's Guardian that an Israeli air strike on Iran's nuclear sites was vetoed by George Bush in a meeting with Ehud Olmert adds an important piece of information to the jigsaw of our knowledge about how close we have come to igniting a fresh firestorm in the Middle East. The timing of the meeting, May 14, is significant. Soon afterwards more than 100 Israeli jets, rescue helicopters and midair refuelling planes staged an exercise over Crete, 1,400 kilometres away from home - the same distance as that to Natanz, where Iran is learning to enrich uranium. Like Iran, Greece has Russian S-300 air defence batteries which it acquired from Cyprus. Athens reportedly provided the data which Israeli jets could use to jam Iran's batteries. A month later the US and Israel were in advanced talks about upgrading Israel's Arrow II ballistic missile shield. And earlier this month the US defence department notified Congress that it intended to sell Israel 1,000 smart bombs capable of penetrating 90cm of steel-reinforced concrete. All three military developments are no doubt consolation prizes to compensate for the US veto, which - according to our sources - is unlikely to change for the rest of Mr Bush's term of office. For once Mr Bush took the right advice. The two factors that weighed with him were concern over Iranian retaliation and anxiety that Israel would not succeed in disabling Iran's nuclear programme in a single assault. The most important argument against a military strike was not mentioned, namely that it would turn the probability that Iran would acquire the bomb into a certainty. But the two factors mentioned during the Bush-Olmert meeting are important enough. It would require a large number of boots on the ground to recapture the heavily fortified islands in the Strait of Hormuz, which Iran would close to the world's oil traffic in the event of an attack. It would also require not one but multiple waves of bombing raids to dismantle Iran's nuclear sites. The swift destruction of Osirak, the Iraqi nuclear reactor that Saddam Hussein was having constructed in 1981, is often cited as a happy precedent for a strike on Natanz. But the prolonged and bloody air campaign over Kosovo is a better analogy. Israel has been telling anyone who would listen for the past two years that Iran's nuclear programme posed an existential threat, and that the consequences of delaying a strike outweighed the peril to the region as a whole of Iran's retaliation. Israel has lost the argument, and we should all breathe a sigh of relief that the pragmatism of Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, has prevailed - for now.
Editorial The Guardian, Friday September 26 2008
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