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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10134442847.html から転載。
2008-09-02 08:36:05
9月1日からミネソタ州セントポールでアメリカ共和党全国大会が開かれているが、全国大会を前にして8月31日を中心に、「平和のための退役軍人会(VFP)」(“Veterans For Peace”)と反戦女性団体「コード・ピンク」(“CODEPINK”)がそれぞれ反戦平和のデモンストレーションを行った。
以下は“Democracy Now!”から。
Vietnam Veterans for Peace Demonstrate Against Fellow Vet John McCain
On Sunday, Veterans for Peace, a large national organization made up of veterans of every war, from Korea to Vietnam and Iraq, led a protest in the streets of St. Paul against the Republican National Convention. Among the members of Vets for Peace, there is a sizable contingent of Vietnam War vets. So, too, is the man they are demonstrating against: the presumptive presidential nominee John McCain. Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill files a report from the streets of the Twin Cities.
RNC Demonstration - Veterans for Peace(YouTube)
「コード・ピンク」のデモ行動には警察が制圧出動して時にはこんな場面も(“PINK TANK”から) ⇒
Protesters and police clash at RNC; CODEPINK members safe
Posted by Jean -
Mon, Sep 1, 2008
CPHQ, Give Peace a Vote, Rock the Parties!
All of y’all out there have been calling and e-mailing to CODEPINK members out here in St. Paul at the RNC, wondering what’s going on with reports of police, riots, tear gas and more on the news. We’re all fine. But we came very close to a crazy scene just about an hour ago, on our way home from a beautiful, massive anti-war march.
DNC Protests: Police slam CodePink protester to the ground(YouTube)