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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10103929553.html から転載。 2008-06-07 09:16:33 最近日本でも米軍と過去に交わした密約文書が明るみに出てニュースとなっているが、表には出せないことを秘密裏にやってしまうのがアメリカの得意技であることは、今も昔も変わらない。 次のニュースを読みながら、いま日本政府はアメリカとどのような密約を交わしているのだろうか?とふと思った。 【密約関連記事】 ============================================ http://www.jcp.or.jp/akahata/aik07/2008-06-07/2008060707_01_0.html 2008年6月7日(土)「しんぶん赤旗」 イラクと秘密交渉 英紙報道 ----------------------------------- 【カイロ=松本眞志】英紙インディペンデントは五日、米国がイラクと秘密裏に交渉を進め、米軍基地の永続化をはかる計画を立てていると報じました。 ----------------------------------- 同紙によると、ブッシュ米政権はイラクに展開する五十の軍事基地とイラクの制空権を米国の管理下に置き、米軍兵士、民間軍事会社職員の免責特権を引き続き保持することを求めています。ブッシュ氏の退任後も、米大統領選挙の結果にかかわらず、次期大統領がこれを引き継ぐことになると説明しています。 イラクのマリキ政権は、米軍地位協定の七月末締結をめぐって反対勢力と対立してきました。イスラム教シーア派サドル師派やスンニ派だけでなく、与党のなかでさえも「地位協定がイラクの主権を侵害する」との声が強まっています。これに対して政府側は、「主権侵害の協定は受け入れない」と釈明。米国務省のサッターフィールド顧問も「地位協定は米軍駐留の永続化ではない」と述べています。 インディペンデント紙は、マリキ首相が個人の心情として地位協定締結に反対しているにもかかわらず、米軍の支援無しに政権が維持できないというジレンマに陥っていると述べています。 インディペンデント紙の報道は、イラクや米国の政局に影響を与えるものとみられており、イラクでは地位協定のもとでの軍事基地の恒久化や軍事作戦、イラク人の無差別逮捕、米軍関係者の治外法権が、結果的にイラクを不安定化させ、「イラク政府が米国の駒の一つとみられる」ことが懸念されているといいます。 ============================================ インディペンデント紙の英文記事はこちら。 ⇒ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/revealed-secret-plan-to-keep-iraq-under-us-control-840512.html A secret deal being negotiated in Baghdad would perpetuate the American military occupation of Iraq indefinitely, regardless of the outcome of the US presidential election in November. But the accord also threatens to provoke a political crisis in the US. President Bush wants to push it through by the end of next month so he can declare a military victory and claim his 2003 invasion has been vindicated. But by perpetuating the US presence in Iraq, the long-term settlement would undercut pledges by the Democratic presidential nominee, Barack Obama, to withdraw US troops if he is elected president in November. The timing of the agreement would also boost the Republican candidate, John McCain, who has claimed the United States is on the verge of victory in Iraq – a victory that he says Mr Obama would throw away by a premature military withdrawal. America currently has 151,000 troops in Iraq and, even after projected withdrawals next month, troop levels will stand at more than 142,000 – 10 000 more than when the military "surge" began in January 2007. Under the terms of the new treaty, the Americans would retain the long-term use of more than 50 bases in Iraq. American negotiators are also demanding immunity from Iraqi law for US troops and contractors, and a free hand to carry out arrests and conduct military activities in Iraq without consulting the Baghdad government. The precise nature of the American demands has been kept secret until now. The leaks are certain to generate an angry backlash in Iraq. "It is a terrible breach of our sovereignty," said one Iraqi politician, adding that if the security deal was signed it would delegitimise the government in Baghdad which will be seen as an American pawn. The US has repeatedly denied it wants permanent bases in Iraq but one Iraqi source said: "This is just a tactical subterfuge." Washington also wants control of Iraqi airspace below 29,000ft and the right to pursue its "war on terror" in Iraq, giving it the authority to arrest anybody it wants and to launch military campaigns without consultation. Mr Bush is determined to force the Iraqi government to sign the so-called "strategic alliance" without modifications, by the end of next month. But it is already being condemned by the Iranians and many Arabs as a continuing American attempt to dominate the region. Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the powerful and usually moderate Iranian leader, said yesterday that such a deal would create "a permanent occupation". He added: "The essence of this agreement is to turn the Iraqis into slaves of the Americans." Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, is believed to be personally opposed to the terms of the new pact but feels his coalition government cannot stay in power without US backing. The deal also risks exacerbating the proxy war being fought between Iran and the United States over who should be more influential in Iraq. Although Iraqi ministers have said they will reject any agreement limiting Iraqi sovereignty, political observers in Baghdad suspect they will sign in the end and simply want to establish their credentials as defenders of Iraqi independence by a show of defiance now. The one Iraqi with the authority to stop deal is the majority Shia spiritual leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani. In 2003, he forced the US to agree to a referendum on the new Iraqi constitution and the election of a parliament. But he is said to believe that loss of US support would drastically weaken the Iraqi Shia, who won a majority in parliament in elections in 2005. The US is adamantly against the new security agreement being put to a referendum in Iraq, suspecting that it would be voted down. The influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called on his followers to demonstrate every Friday against the impending agreement on the grounds that it compromises Iraqi independence. The Iraqi government wants to delay the actual signing of the agreement but the office of Vice-President Dick Cheney has been trying to force it through. The US ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, has spent weeks trying to secure the accord. The signature of a security agreement, and a parallel deal providing a legal basis for keeping US troops in Iraq, is unlikely to be accepted by most Iraqis. But the Kurds, who make up a fifth of the population, will probably favour a continuing American presence, as will Sunni Arab political leaders who want US forces to dilute the power of the Shia. The Sunni Arab community, which has broadly supported a guerrilla war against US occupation, is likely to be split.
<アメリカお得意の密約作戦>イラクと秘密交渉 英紙報道/米、基地永続化を計画【しんぶん赤旗】
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control
Bush wants 50 military bases, control of Iraqi airspace and legal immunity for all American soldiers and contractors
By Patrick Cockburn
Thursday, 5 June 2008
The terms of the impending deal, details of which have been leaked to The Independent, are likely to have an explosive political effect in Iraq. Iraqi officials fear that the accord, under which US troops would occupy permanent bases, conduct military operations, arrest Iraqis and enjoy immunity from Iraqi law, will destabilise Iraq's position in the Middle East and lay the basis for unending conflict in their country.