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投稿者 gataro 日時 2008 年 2 月 16 日 11:44:35: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10073062800.html から転載。

2008-02-16 11:25:25



2008年02月15日 17:39 発信地:ワシントンD.C./米国

ベルギーのブリュッセル(Brussels)で、キューバのグアンタナモ(Guantanamo)米海軍基地内のテロ容疑者収容施設の設置6周年に際して、国際人権団体アムネスティー・インターナショナル(Amnesty International)が行った施設閉鎖要求デモで米大使館前に立つ参加者(2008年1月11日撮影)。(c)AFP/ERIC VIDAL

【2月15日 AFP】キューバのグアンタナモ(Guantanamo)米海軍基地のテロ容疑者収容施設で、容疑者らを尋問する様子がビデオ撮影されていたとする米法科大学院の調査報告書が14日、発表された。録画された尋問は、2万4000件以上にのぼるという。
 同報告書は、米シートンホール大学法科大学院(Seton Hall University School of Law)のマーク・デンボー(Mark Denbeaux)教授と学生らがまとめたもので、複数の公文書を調査した結果、米政府がグアンタナモでの尋問を記録していた新たな証拠を得たと主張している。

 その1つとして、2005年5月のケビン・カイリー(Kevin Kiley)陸軍軍医総監(当時)による内部文書に「すべての尋問はビデオに録画された」との記載があったと指摘。

 また、同年6月のランダル・シュミット(Randall Schmidt)中将の報告書にも、02-05年に同収容施設で2万4000回の尋問が行われたと記されていたとしている。


 この調査報告書について、グアンタナモのリック・ハウプト(Rick Haupt)報道官はAFPの取材に、尋問の監視は行っているがビデオ撮影は義務ではなく、日常的に撮影を行っているわけではないとして、尋問ビデオの存在を否定。カイリー軍医総監の報告書は医学的見地からの見解であり、記述は「不正確」だとの認識を示した。(c)AFP


AFPの英文記事はこちら ⇒


Thousands of Guantanamo interrogations were taped: report
Thu Feb 14, 5:24 PM

WASHINGTON (AFP) - More than 24,000 interrogations of suspected terrorists at the Guantanamo prison camp were videotaped, though the US military has not confirmed the videos exist, a report said Thursday.

A spokesman for the "war on terror" camp told AFP that while officials monitor interrogations, the prison was not required to videotape them and did not do it on a routine basis.

But professors and students at Seton Hall University School of Law released a report which cites officials documents that they said provide new evidence that the government has recorded interrogations at Guantanamo.

They cite a May 2005 internal report from Army Surgeon General Kevin Kiley in which he wrote: "All interrogations are videotaped."

A month later, Lieutenant General Randall Schmidt issued another report saying that 24,000 interrogations took place at the US naval base in the southeast tip of Cuba between 2002-2005, they said.

"Records indicate that an infrastructure for videotaping exists at Guantanamo," the Seton Hall Law report says. "Cameras are positioned in every interrogation room, and each room is monitored from elsewhere."

But Guantanamo spokesman Rick Haupt said Kiley's statement "is erroneous," adding that his report was by a medical authority, not intelligence services.

"JTF (Joint Task Force) Guantanamo is not required to videotape interrogations and did not routinely do so," Haupt said.

"That said, we always monitor interrogations, in accordance with DoD (Department of Defense) Directives for the purpose of interrogation oversight and to ensure safe and humane treatment of detainees," he said.

In December, the CIA sparked outrage when it acknowledged that it had destroyed videotapes showing the interrogations of two suspected terrorists.

"The two CIA tapes that were destroyed were only a tiny fraction of perhaps 24,000 recorded interrogations," the report's authors said.

The report was written under the direction of Seton Hall law professor Mark Denbeaux, who represents several Guantanamo detainees.

The school of law report was released the same week the Pentagon announced that military prosecutors were seeking the death penalty against six Al-Qaeda detainees on murder and conspiracy charges in the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

"Our students proved that Guantanamo interrogations were videotaped, which impacts the impending trials of the six detainees," Denbeaux said in a statement.

"We all want to see the perpetrators of 9/11 punished," he said.

"But if the tapes of those interrogations still exist, it is imperative that we understand, before these trials start, whether the information was obtained through standard interrogation procedures or through torture."


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