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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10126753451.html から転載。 2008-08-13 08:13:36 「蟹工船」はサディスティックな監督下で厳しい労働を強いられている乗組員たちの姿を描いた物語である。作者の小林多喜二は、1933年に29歳で警察によって拷問、殺害された。 小説は大半が、乗組員たちが団結しストライキに立ち上がるまでの闘争を描いていて、雇い主である資本家を打倒すると彼らが誓うところで終わっている。 この小説は長らく、プロレタリア小説愛好家以外にはあまり読まれていなかったが、「ワーキング・プアー」の社会問題化と結びあわた宣伝によって、新潮社の再版文庫版が5月頃からベストセラーの仲間入りをするようになった。 専門家によれば「蟹工船」が人気を博しているのは、雇用不安定、広がる賃金格差、低賃金のパート労働や契約労働からくる困窮を反映しているからだ。 ------------------------------------ ロイター配信の英文記事はこちら ⇒ http://in.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idINT31778020080812?sp=true Japan economy angst boosts sales of Marxist novel TOKYO (Reuters) - A Marxist novel written in 1929 has climbed to the top of Japan's best seller list, reflecting growing anxiety about job security and widening income gaps in the world's second-biggest economy. "I think people are feeling keenly that the economy is starting to slow down and things are getting more difficult," said 27-year-old Sota Furuya, a marketing consultant who recently read the book. Furuya is one of the many Japanese readers who have put "Kanikosen", or "A Crab-Canning Boat", on bestseller lists in recent months. It is near the top of several of Japan's leading bestseller lists, almost unheard of for a book of this genre. "A Crab-Canning Boat" tells the tale of a crab boat crew working in harsh conditions under a sadistic captain. It was written by Takiji Kobayashi, a communist who was tortured to death by police at the age of 29 in 1933. Most of the novel is devoted to the crew's struggle to unite and coordinate a strike, and the story ends with their vow to topple their capitalists masters. The book has long been a favorite of scholars of Marxist literature, but it gained mainstream attention after an advertising campaign linked it with the concept of working poor, said Tsutomu Sasaki of Shinchosha Publishing Co, which reprints the pocket-sized book. The book has been on bestsellers' lists since around May. Experts say the novel's popularity reflects anxiety over job security, widening wage gaps and the hardships suffered by growing ranks of low-paid part-time and contract workers. "I think the keywords here are sympathy and similarities," said Hirokazu Toeda, a professor at Tokyo's Waseda University. (以下略)
Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:32am IST
By Yoko Kubota
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