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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10090436345.html から転載。 2008-04-22 20:53:23 グアム移転の条件とされる米軍普天間基地(沖縄)に代わる新基地建設やグアム移転費用の日本側負担などへの影響がどうなるのか、注目されるところである。 ============================================ http://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/day/200804201300_02.html 海兵隊一部ハワイ移転か/米軍再編(沖縄タイムス) 米海軍省が、在日米軍再編に伴いグアム移転が決まっている在沖米海兵隊の第三海兵師団(キャンプ・コートニー)と、第一二海兵連隊(キャンプ・ハンセン)の両司令部の米ハワイ州移設を希望していることが、十九日までに分かった。ハワイ州選出の米下院議員が米下院のホームページで公表した。在沖米海兵隊八千人のグアム移転の条件とされる米軍普天間飛行場移設問題が膠着し、米議会でグアム移転関連経費が承認されていないことを受け、米海軍が独自案を打ち出したとみられている。 沖縄関連では、第三海兵師団の司令部機能や武器庫、作戦訓練施設などに六百八十万ドル(約七億円)、約四百五十人の下士官兵舎として四百八十万ドル(約四億九千万円)、第一二海兵連隊の司令部施設として百五十万ドル(約一億五千万円)が計上されるとしている。 米ハワイ州の地元紙ホノルル・アドバタイザーによると、米太平洋軍司令部(キャンプ・スミス)は「ハワイの海兵隊強化に、調査費を獲得してくれたことは喜ばしい」と歓迎しているという。しかし、「海兵隊は二十一世紀の太平洋での戦略的課題に対応する態勢を検討中で、国防総省の最終決定は下されていない」との見解も紹介しており、米政府の最終的な結論はまだ先になりそうだ。 -------------------------------- http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/hi01_abercrombie/pr08marine_base_construction.shtml Congressman Neil Abercrombie “The Department of the Navy will begin the budgeting process for the construction which will initially trigger spending on design funds to obtain architectural and engineering services for a variety of projects at Kaneohe Bay,” said Abercrombie, who is chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces and a senior member of the Seapower Subcommittee which oversees the Navy and Marines. “Funding for actual construction is expected in the future to build the necessary facilities related to the U.S. Department of Defense’s plan to increase active-duty strength in the Army and the Marine Corps by 92,000 people over five years. This is part of the military’s ‘grow the force’ initiative which focuses, in part, on construction of barracks or operational facilities. “All of this construction strengthens Hawaii’s strategic role in the Pacific, as well as our local economy. Already, public-private partnerships now in place will be responsible for billions of dollars worth of construction that will build, renovate, and maintain thousands of military homes around Oahu over the next 50 years,” said Abercrombie, who sponsored the legislation that led to the current housing construction. “The military housing also alleviates competition between military and civilian families for rental homes throughout the community, making affordable housing more accessible to local families.” The following is the list of projects that will receive the funds for design at Marine Corps Base Hawaii: Artillery Battery Complex, $1.8 million. Comprised of a heavy gun shop, automotive shop, armory storage, company command post, and general storage. 3rd Radio Battalion Complex, $1.5 million. Two-story command headquarters and single-story communications and electrical maintenance shop for 3rd Radio Battalion. Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, $4.8 million. Project will provide 200 Marine Corps bachelor enlisted quarters modules to house 400 Marines. Bachelor Enlisted Quarters, $4.8 million. This project will provide 228 bachelor enlisted quarters modules for 456 Marines to support the 3rd Marine Division relocation from Okinawa. 3rd Marine Division Facilities, $6.8 million. Supports the 3rd Marine Division relocation from Okinawa and will provide company and division headquarters, an armory, operational training facilities, motor transport maintenance, electronics/communications maintenance, and supply. 12th Marine Regiment Headquarters Facilities, $1.5 million. Supports the 12th Marine Regiment relocation from Okinawa and will provide company and division headquarters, an armory, operational training facilities, motor transport maintenance, electronics/communications maintenance, and supply. ============================================ 【関連投稿】 <日本政府とって見られてよほど困る文書なのか>公表文書、一転取り下げ/米軍再編の混乱ちらり(朝日新聞)
April 9, 2008
Abercrombie announces $21.2 million for design of new military construction at Kaneohe
Washington, D.C. -- U.S. Representative Neil Abercrombie today said the state economy will be receiving a strong boost from $21.2 million to design military construction that will help to improve the readiness of personnel at Marine Corps Base Hawaii at Kaneohe.
“In the very near future, Marine Corps Base Hawaii and neighboring communities will also benefit from the military housing construction projects that have been underway in other areas of the island—at Schofield Barracks, Catlin Park, Hickam Air Force Base, and Manana Navy housing in Pearl City,” said Abercrombie.
投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 10 月 15 日 15:37:13: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw
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