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2009-02-02 08:44:10 オバマ大統領はグアンタナモ基地内にあるテロ容疑者収容所の閉鎖については明確に態度表明しているが、基地返還についてはアメリカの防衛に重大な影響を与えるとして慎重姿勢を示している。 これに対してカストロ前議長がキューバ国民の意志に反してグアンタナモ基地を占有することは国際法違反だとして、無条件にその返還を求めたものである。 また同コラムでは以前、カストロ前議長はオバマ新大統領誕生を歓迎する旨を述べていたが、パレスチナ人大量虐殺に踏み切ったイスラエルをオバマ大統領が支持したことを受けて、今回はその中東政策を厳しく批判している。 ======================================== http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2009/enero/vier30/o6reflex-i.html Havana. January 30, 2009 IT isn’t too difficult. After his inauguration, Barack Obama stated that the return of the territory occupied by the Guantánamo Naval Base to its legitimate owner had to be carefully considered, in the first place, in terms of whether it would affect the defense capacity of the United States in the most minimal way. He immediately added that, in relation to the return to Cuba of the occupied territory, he would have to consider under which concessions the Cuban side would accede to that solution, which is equivalent to demanding a change in its political system, a price against which Cuba has fought for half a century. Maintaining a military base in Cuba against the will of our people is in violation of the most elemental principles of international law. It is a faculty of the president of the United States to abide by that standard without any conditions. Not to respect it constitutes an act of arrogance and an abuse of his immense power against a little country. If one wishes to better understand the abusive nature of the power of the empire, statements published on its official Internet website by the U.S. government on January 22, after Barack Obama’s inauguration, should be taken into account. Biden and Obama are resolutely decided on supporting the relations between the United States and Israel and believe that their incontrovertible commitment in the Middle East must be to the security of Israel, the principal U.S. ally in the region. The United States will never distance itself from Israel, and its president and vice president "believe strongly in Israel’s right to protect its citizens," assures the statement of principles which, on those points, takes up the policy followed by Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush. It is the mode of sharing in the genocide of Palestinians into which our friend Obama has fallen. He is offering similar sweeteners to Russia, China, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world, after the United States converted Israel into an important nuclear power that annually absorbs a significant part of the exports of the empire’s prosperous military industry, with which it is threatening, with extreme violence, the population of all countries of Muslim faith. There are many similar examples; one does not need to be a fortune-teller. For more information, read the statements of the new Pentagon chief, an expert in military affairs. ======================================== 【関連エントリー】
http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10201687402.html から転載。
1月30日付キューバ紙(“Granma”英文電子版)のコラム記事―“Reflections of Fidel”(「フィデルの熟考」)―でフィデル・カストロ前議長は、改めてオバマ米大統領にグアンタナモ基地返還を強く求めた。
Reflections of Fidel
Deciphering the thinking of the new president of the United States(Granma)
Fidel Castro Ruz
January 29, 2009
6:17 p.m.
Taken from Cubadebate
Translated by Granma International