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2008年06月23日 04:33 発信地:ジュネーブ/スイス
クリッピングする 拡大写真を見る 写真をブログに利用する スイスのバーゼル(Basel)にあるスイス金融大手UBSの支店(2008年2月26日撮影)。(c)AFP/Fabrice Coffrini
【6月23日 AFP】米連邦捜査局(Federal Bureau of Investigation、FBI)は、スイス金融大手UBSに関連した数億ドル規模の脱税事件で、スイスへの捜査員派遣を正式に要請した。米ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)が22日、報じた。
UBSの元従業員Bradley Birkenfeld被告は前週、米フロリダ(Florida)州の裁判所で、富裕層の米国人顧客が数百万ドルを脱税するのをほう助したと供述していた。
米司法省によると、Birkenfeld被告はMario Staggl被告とともに精巧な手法を用い、約2億ドル(約210億円)の所得隠しを行い、720万ドル(約7億7000万円)の脱税をほう助した罪に問われており、同被告は罪を認めている。
Herald Tribune (US) / 2009-01-10 20:38:50
Pressured by the U.S., UBS is closing secret accounts
By Lynnley Browning
IH:Friday, January 9, 2009
Under pressure from the U.S. authorities, the Swiss bank UBS is closing the hidden offshore accounts of its well-heeled American clients, potentially allowing their secrets to spill into the open.
In a step that would have once been unthinkable in the rarefied world of Swiss banking, UBS will shut about 19,000 accounts that prosecutors suspect have gone undeclared to the Internal Revenue Service.
UBS will transfer the assets to other banks or other divisions within UBS, or will mail checks directly to the account holders, creating paper trails for U.S. prosecutors who are examining whether UBS clients used such accounts to evade taxes.
The clients now face stark choices: they can cash their checks, and thereby alert the authorities to any potential wrongdoing, or not cash them, effectively losing their money.
Or they can transfer the money to new banks, a procedure which, in the case of foreign banks, requires depositors of more than $10,000 to report the new account to the Treasury Department.
"You can either take that check and throw it in the woods, or deposit it somewhere and get busted," said a UBS client, who asked not to be named because of the investigations into UBS and its clients. "There's nowhere to hide."
Americans can use offshore accounts, provided they disclose them and pay taxes on their holdings. UBS, the world's largest private bank, said in July that it would stop offering to American clients offshore private banking services that are not declared to the IRS. Prosecutors contend that UBS helped wealthy Americans hide about $18 billion, thereby evading taxes of $300 million each year.
UBS clients who open new accounts at other foreign banks must disclose those accounts' assets to the Treasury Department.
But because prosecutors claim that some UBS clients failed to make adequate disclosures in the past or lied on their tax returns about holding offshore accounts, the authorities may view the new disclosures as criminal evidence, not just of tax evasion but also of money laundering, a more serious offense.
Some tax lawyers, citing recent conversations with the Justice Department, argue that UBS clients who transfer their assets to new accounts at United States banks could also be seen as engaged in money laundering.
"Any movement of money from UBS somewhere else can be a violation of U.S. money laundering laws," said Bruce Zagaris, a tax lawyer who represents several UBS clients.
UBS is struggling to maintain its centuries-old tradition of Swiss banking secrecy amid mounting legal pressure from the Justice Department to turn over client records.
It began handing over some records last summer, causing consternation in the Swiss banking community. The checks and transfers will create paper trails because they move through bank clearing systems.
Karina Byrne, a UBS spokeswoman, declined to comment on Thursday on whether UBS would turn over facsimiles of documents recording transfers. "UBS is progressing with the closings in an orderly fashion," she said.
UBSのKarina Byrne広報担当は木曜日、UBSは送金記録のためファックスを使うのか、と訊ねられたがコメントしなかった。
Some American clients who have approached the IRS about disclosing hidden UBS accounts have discovered that the bank has temporarily delayed closing their accounts by up to three months.
The delay could help the clients because the IRS is more likely to become suspicious if offshore money is moved just as account holders come forward.
William Sharp Sr., a tax lawyer who represents several UBS clients, said, "UBS has been very supportive of their American clients who have chosen to undergo disclosure."
Still, he added that "our view is that if the account is closed and funds are moved to another institution, here or abroad, it could make the case tougher for the clients before the IRS, because it could be new violations of money-laundering controls."
■ スイス銀行がアメリカの圧力に屈した (副島サイト、重たい掲示板より引用)
アニメのゴルゴ13とかで「報酬はスイス銀行の秘密口座に振込んでくれ」と書かれていましたが、とうとうUBS銀行の秘密口座が陥落しました。http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kitaryunosuke/e/7fe8157e1930f1687823b38645d7998e まず事の起こりは IRS(アメリカ合衆国内国歳入庁)がリーマンショック以来の税収の減少で富裕層の資産に目をつけて、スイスの秘密口座の情報を開示することに本腰を入れた。※IRSとUBSの交渉は20年以上も続いていて、UBSプライベート銀行のアメリカ人の資産は2万人で200億ドル以上だそうです。とうとうIRSは強権を発動して、UBSのプライベート銀行部門のトップを逮捕。ttp://www.afpbb.com/article/disaster-accidents-crime/crime/2408885/3066286