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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10168116180.html から転載。 貧困・疾病、テロ、核拡散…課題解決のため「米次期政権は国連との協調を」【NYTimes意見広告】 11月20日付ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙に“UNANIOUS”(「合意して」)の大見出しで1面全面をつかった意見広告が掲載された。紙面上(写真)で数えると37名(外交専門家)が署名している。ブッシュ政権の二期八年は何かとアメリカの単独行動主義が目立ったが、オバマ次期政権には国連との協調を強めるようアピールしたものである。 意見広告は次のように主張する。 ⇒ We must recognize that the United Nations is a critical platform and partner for advancing international cooperation on today's global threats and challenges, such as poverty and disease, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and climate change. この意見広告には、民主党のマドレーン・オルブライト元国務長官や共和党のブレント・スコウクロフト元国家安全保障担当補佐官など、民主、共和両党の著名な上下両院議員ほか、超党派の識者が名を連ねている。 「UNとUSの協調」(“UNanimoUS”)を表明するこれら外交専門家たちは、オバマ次期政権に対して、国連が平和維持のための前記課題を遂行できるよう、アメリカが滞納している国連分担金を期日通りに納める努力を払うよう求めている。 ============================================= ソースは“UN Dispatch” http://www.undispatch.com/archives/2008/11/unanimous_suppo.php UNanimoUS Support for a Stronger UN-U.S. Relationship A sneak preview of an ad, signed by dozens of Republican and Democratic foreign policy luminaries, that will run in Thursday's New York Times. In today's rapidly changing world of interdependence, globalization, and transnational threats, the United States must balance a strong military with creative diplomacy to secure America's interests. We must recognize that the United Nations is a critical platform and partner for advancing international cooperation on today's global threats and challenges, such as poverty and disease, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and climate change. The letter, sponsored by the Partnership for a Secure America and the UN Foundation and spearheaded by former Democratic Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Republican National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, also includes the signatures of various high-profile Senators, Representatives, and officials from both parties. These foreign policy experts express a UNanimoUS (UN-U.S., get it yet?) consent that the incoming Obama administration should, among other important steps, pay U.S. debts to the UN on time, seek a seat on the Human Rights Council, and provide concrete support for UN peacekeeping.
2008-11-22 12:39:04 テーマ:世界の動き gataro-cloneの投稿
The UN cannot succeed without strong U.S. leadership and support. The next President has a unique opportunity to revitalize the U.S.-UN relationship as a symbol of America's commitment to constructive international cooperation. This investment will pay off substantially by helping to enhance our standing internationally and strengthen our ability to keep America safe and strong.