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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10121735048.html から転載。 2008-07-30 18:58:24 【国際】 【ワシントン30日共同】米下院本会議は29日、米国が過去に行った奴隷制と人種隔離政策について、黒人に謝罪する決議を発声投票によって初めて採択した。 30日付ワシントン・ポスト紙などによると、これまでにバージニアやノースカロライナなど5州が奴隷制を謝罪しているが、損害賠償につながる可能性があるなどの理由から、連邦議会では謝罪決議は採択されていなかった。今回の決議は損害賠償には触れていない。 下院の決議は、南部テネシー州選出で白人のコーエン議員(民主)らが共同で提出。アフリカから強制的に黒人を連行して奴隷にしたことを「彼らの名前や運命を奪った、残虐で恥ずべき非人間的行為」と批判。米国の黒人は奴隷制やその後の人種隔離政策によって今日も苦しみが続いていると指摘した。その上で「米国民を代表して奴隷にされた黒人とその子孫に謝罪する」とした。 ---------------------------------------- 米ワシントンポスト紙の該当英文記事はこちら ⇒ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/29/AR2008072902279.html The House yesterday apologized to black Americans, more than 140 years after slavery was abolished, for the "fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow" segregation. The resolution, which passed on a voice vote late in the day, was sponsored by Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), a white Jew who represents a majority-black district in Memphis. Cohen tried unsuccessfully to join the Congressional Black Caucus this year. "I hope that this is part of the beginning of a dialogue that this country needs to engage in, concerning what the effects of slavery and Jim Crow have been," Cohen said. "I think we started it and we're going to continue." Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) is considering introducing a companion measure in the Senate, he said. Cohen faces a tough fight against airline lawyer Nikki Tinker, who is black, in the Democratic primary Aug. 7. His measure was co-sponsored by 42 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. James E. Clyburn (D-S.C.), the House majority whip; Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.), chairman of the Judiciary Committee; and Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.), chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. None of those caucus members has endorsed his reelection bid. A total of 120 lawmakers, including two Republicans, co-sponsored the resolution, Cohen said. In February, the Senate apologized for atrocities committed against Native Americans, and the body apologized in 2005 for standing by during a lynching campaign against African Americans throughout much of the past century. Twenty years ago, Congress apologized for interning Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War II. Congress has considered a similar apology for the slavery and Jim Crow eras, a gesture long sought by African Americans. Such efforts were always bogged down by concerns that the apology would prompt a greater call for reparations for slavery. In recent years, black activists seeking reparations for slavery have gotten private companies, such as banks, insurers and railroads, to apologize for playing a role in bankrolling, insuring, capturing and transporting slaves. In 2005, Wachovia Corp. revealed that one bank it acquired had put thousands of slaves to work on a railroad. That same year, JPMorgan Chase apologized for the role that a subsidiary had played in using 10,000 slaves as collateral and accepting more than 1,000 slaves as payments when owners defaulted on loans. Several states, including Virginia, North Carolina, Florida and Alabama, have issued apologies for slavery. "They had a greater moral authority on this issue than the United States Congress," Cohen said. "I'm proud we did this as a part of this Congress."
米下院、奴隷制謝罪を初決議 黒人差別も【東京新聞/ワシントン・ポスト紙】
米下院、奴隷制謝罪を初決議 黒人差別も(東京新聞)
2008年7月30日 17時42分
House Issues An Apology For Slavery
By Darryl Fears
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 30, 2008; Page A03