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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10100599457.html から転載。 2008-05-27 19:05:10 合併が実現すると300万人をこえる巨大労組が誕生することになる。合併後の労組委員長については、旧組織から代表を一名ずつだして共同委員長制をとり、名称は今後協議することになるが、「グローバル労働組合連合」(“the United Global Workers' Union ”)といったものになるのではなかろうか。 いずれにしろ歴史的大合併、最初のグローバル労働組合誕生への道が敷かれたのである。 ============================================ 英テレグラフ紙の英文記事はこちら。 ⇒ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2008/05/25/cnunite125.xml Alliance between Unite and USW reflects globalisation fears, writes Mark Kleinman Unite, Britain's biggest trade union, is preparing to announce an historic merger with a US counterpart, paving the way for the establishment of the first global labour organisation. People close to the talks said last night that Unite had finalised the details of a framework agreement with the United Steelworkers (USW) union, which has more than 1m members in the US and Canada. (中略) The merger with the USW will involve the formation of a new umbrella organisation, but will see the two unions continue to operate with a degree of independence. The new "parent" body will have two co-chairmen, one of whom is expected to be Simpson, and could be named the United Global Workers' Union or something similar, according to people close to the talks. Officials will meet to decide on the new name at the end of June. (以下省略)
英と米・カナダの労組組織が合併 ⇒ 大西洋をまたぐ巨大労組が誕生へ(英テレグラフ紙)
Unite set for historic US merger with United Steelworkers
Last Updated: 12:30am BST 26/05/2008
Unite's 2m members in Britain and Ireland work for some of the largest companies in the FTSE 100, including BP, and Rolls-Royce