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日時:2007年12月12日 L研究会主催 講師: 仙経顕聖
・霊的因果関係:悪魔崇拝、宗教戦争、民族紛争、植民地支配、黒人奴隷化、世界大 戦
・グローバール化、インターネット化、コンピュータ化、通貨・国家・宗教・言語の 崩壊の危機・アイデンティティ喪失の危機、ワンワールド化、時代の流れが急速化
・敵は一体何か:グローバリズム、国際協調、金銭・物質・現世主義、排他・独善宗 教
(1) 歴史的大転換期(アメリカ幕藩体制・ドル崩壊)
(2) 資源・エネルギー・水・食糧問題(砂漠の緑化・簡単な海水の淡水化など)
・健康革命、火山灰技術、永久磁石、水素エネルギーなどによる資源・エネルギー革 命
(3) 新しい国家社会の創造
(4) 画期的技術の浮上と共に正しい心魂の実践・確立が大切
(5) 日本が世界の盟主となって、世界的・歴史的改革を成し遂げるだろう
・革新的指導者登場・国民の意識変革・世界的大混乱(衰滅か協力)の三位一体が必 須
・人間を超えた三千年に一人の仏身の聖心先生と一体となり邪悪な想念の一掃・廃絶 へ
・2012年には、新しい地球創造に向けて波動が大転換へ(気付かぬうちに改革 へ)
・一連の激動の歴史を振り返って、破滅又は回避の謎を後世の歴史家が解明するだろ う
日時:2007年10月22日 夕6:30〜9:00
場所:学士会館3階308号室 会費:2500円
主催:N創造塾 講師:仙経顕聖
・663年白村江の戦い、元寇の役、戦国時代、幕末、日清・日露の戦い、大東亜戦 争
・明治以降の近代は40年周期で推移、今後、再生は可能なのか、このままでは不可 能
・平成とは?:平和に成るどころか、平ら(ペッシャンコ)に成るか、三流国家に転 落
・現在は過去最大規模の難局が襲来、外資の襲来、グローバール化、インターネット 化、コンピュータ化、数千年来の通貨・国家、宗教・言語の崩壊の危機
・敵は一体何か:グローバリズム、国際協調、排他・独善宗教、金銭・物質・現世主 義
(1) 現在の時代環境を正確に把握
・歴史的転換期(アメリカ幕藩体制・ドル崩壊):国家破産、主役の大幅な交替が必 須
(2) 新しい国家社会の創造
(3) 深刻な資源・エネルギー・水・食糧問題
・天下の大掃除の好機到来か:歴史的技術革新も天に通じた正しい心魂での実施が必 須
(4) 国民性の変革
・言語が大きく関係:今や言語の要素は世界性・迅速性・明瞭性、国内外の摩擦の調 和
(5) 数千年来の宗教改革(宙天よりの神聖な波動が降誕・浸透・伝播)
・聖心先生の三千年に一度の仏身顛化の歴史的大偉業(気付かぬ内に意識改革が進 行)
・世界三大宗教の根本理念が重大な誤り(一神教と多神教の調和、神道と仏道の融 合)
・邪悪で猜疑な想念の一掃・廃絶(悪魔崇拝の弱体・衰滅化、闇の世界支配権力の崩 壊)
・正しい心魂の確立が大切:倫理・道徳・礼儀、社会と家庭・個人と社会・男女の調 和
(6) 日本が世界の盟主となって、世界的・歴史的改革を成し遂げるだろう
・革新的指導者登場・国民の意識変革・世界的大混乱(協力か衰滅)の三位一体が必 須
● 'Is a historical predicament of the earth scale evaded?'
Senkyo Kensei Summary
1.What is the seen domestic and foreign predicament to a past history?
・Nissin, Russo-Japanese War, and the Pacific War at the end of shogunate at post of fight of white village inlet for 663 years and former and Warring States Period
・World War, devil worship, religious war, Ethnic Conflicts, colonialization, black slave problem
2.What is the current impasse?
・Failure of capitalist economy,Collapse of system of dollar one pole: Surfacing of BRICs・VISTA, and Making to sudden rise, making to dryness in resource and energy,and a population increase.
・Grobalization, Making to the Internet, computerization, and Crisis of collapse of currency, nation, religion, and language.
・Crisis of identity loss, The one world making, The flow in the age is made rapid.
・The resource, energy, water, and the food problem.: It is critical to the resource competition of the large world war.
・The predicament of the earth scale: Global warming, abnormal weather, the extraordinary natural phenomenon, the ultra movement, and the earth's magnetic field.
・A difficult problem with higher dimension over many complex topics: Worldwide difficult problem in the earth scale is not solved by anywhere.
3.How do you solve it?
(1) A present age environment is recognized and understood accurately.
・The historical large conversion period (Collapse of system of American act clan and dollar):A great alternation of the state bankruptcy and the leading part is indispensable.
・Necessity that overall, general situation, and is dealt from a strategic standpoint. A correct causal relation and the background are understood.
(2) Resource, energy, water, and food problem(conversion of greening of the desert and easy desalination of seawater etc.)
・It solves it from a global environment viewpoint by an epoch-making science and technology.
・Resource and energy revolution by fitness revolution, volcanic ash technology, permanent magnet, and hydrogen energy, etc.
・Is it a chance coming of the thorough cleaning of the whole country: Execution by a correct mind spirit that a historical technical improvement runs to the heaven is creation of a new indispensability
(3) Creation of new national society.
・The basis of the nation is economy and military affairs: Tenno system, the constitution, the administration, administration of justice, legislation, the environment, the medical treatment, and the education.
(4)Revolution of national character of japanese
・National character of japanese :Straight line uniform society, indecision of individuality exclusion, and conference society, government official spirit, and vagueness and irresponsibility
・The japanese language relates greatly to national character of japanese : Now, the element of the language is the world, promptness, distinctness, Harmony of domestic and foreign friction.
(5)The establishment of a correct mind spirit is important.
・The principle of the world three major religion is an important mistake (Harmony of the monotheism and polytheism、Uniting of Shintoism and Buddhisms, Karma and Reincarnation、).
・The establishment of a correct mind spirit is important: The home and the individual, and the society and blending together of man and womans ethics, morality, propriety, and the society, and.
・Revolution of national character: Individuality exclusion, uniform society, inconstancy, and conference society, government official spirit, and vagueness and irres ponsibility
(6)Japan will become a leader in the world, and a worldwide and a historical reform will be accomplished with epock-making technoloy and True belief connected with Heaven.
・The Trinity of appearance of reformative leader and people's consideration revolution and worldwide pandemonium (decline or cooperation)is indispensable.
・Combine with the sage mind of Seishin buddha of one person in 3,000 that exceeded man and to sweeping and the abolition of a wicked idea.
(7)The Reformation of several thousand years(Sacred wave motion from highest heaven is born, infiltrates, and spreads. )
・Historical large great achievement of Buddha making once 3,000 year of Seishin teacher(The rethinking progresses while not noticing. )
・It is an extremely caution needed to turn the attention of the dislike, the slander, and the attack: It is heavens whole country indeed self-righteousness.
・Suspicious and wicked idea will be swept away and abolished by the pincer movement of the heaven(Seishin buddha) and ground(antenna that catches wave motion from Seishin buddha in the heaven). (Decline collapse of the devil worship and the world rule power of the dark).
4.Wave motion in the earth scale converts greatly.
・The human race also had the possibility of returning again at the Stone Age in the not-so-distant future in about 1990's.
・It changed greatly in 2000 and the tragedy has evaded. : Satan Lushifer has confessed and ascended to heaven at the New Year of 2000.
・The wave motion of sacred light (Lushifer?) has decended from heaven in the spring of 2003.
・Between 2007 and 2008, the world rule power of the dark will start into the large collapse.
・Does the saviour show up in around 2005-2010?(The schedule in about 2020 has acted rashly. )・Wave motion : To the large conversion aiming at a new earth creation in 2012. (To the reform of consideration before people notice).
・The historian of future generations will clarify the mystery of ruin or evasion and great existence of Seishin teacher looking back on a series of kaleidoscopic history.
● Historical great achievement that Seishin has changed to Buddha's soul and body
(1) It might be the historical large great achievement that exceeds the ancient Buddha in India that Seishin teacher's changing to Great Saint body and learning of true power from heaven.
The Seishin teacher was deserted by the family and the doctor because it is risked at the end of his life, after many drinking sickness on the way of the life of the hardship.
And as led by the immovable king that enshrined to the Shinto shrine in the hometown.who appeared in the dream while the remainder of his life is also few, to bid farewell to the world so as not to trouble nobody, without being known to nobody, so that he desided to throw his own life away on ground in deep mountains and dark valleys.
And, the mind and the soul of Seishin teacher that stayed in the own inside of his body were connected straight with true God and Buddha enshrined to Highest heaven momentarily at the time of sacred and be able to have reached by the extremity of "Nothing, Empty, and Zero" of cleanness by an own mind and the soul, an own soul got rid of the body, the world of the reincarnation was exceeded, and it reached sacred, sublime Highest heaven.
And, Own soul of Seishin teacher returned in his own body again attended with loud sound, and a historical large great achievement of changing Saint to the body since the Buddha in ancient India of 2500 years ago was achieved as "Buddha" (like as coming way from heaven). As a result, it came for the causal relation and the solution in all events that reached wide many topics to be understood exactly by wisdom of boundless Saint during the future exceeding man now in the past.
And afterwards, Seishin teacher challenged again on the ground in deep mountains and dark valleys by severe training with his full life, being able to do anything excluding flying over the sky, to the highest heaven and indeed ,so that he learned the true infinite power in cosmos of no learning by everbody and even by Buddha in india.
It seems that this historical feat with full sacredness and brilliance will be able to be recognized to the preconception and common sense by caught mere knowledge and learning and not to be judged this sublimeness and loftiness.
Voluntarily,all wicked suspicion idea throw away all preconception stereotype common sense transcend yborecedebted form obedient clean mind incline understand evaluate one provide think.
(2) The society of this world will be purified and reformed by the infiltration of sacred wave motion from Highest heaven.
Now, it seems to have come by Seishin teacher's historical large great achievement aiming at the large civilization history conversion at time when what should be of the religion of several thousand years was reviewed from the basis. The confusion of this world is a reflection of dead' suffering, and indeed, the consolation and the relief of the ghost spirit to pant because of suffering will be important, and only the practice of "Correct belief" by the people's total rousing to action become the one of most inportant action that saves the society of the world now by the mind spirit filled with affection.
Seishin teacher who transcended beyonf of man, and was able the transformation be likely to Saint and to violate and boundless wisdom that held great true power from Highest heaven by nobody sacred and sublime. It seems that if the mind runs with the Seishin teacher, Seishin teacher's sacred attention infiltrates here as long as on earth, and sacred wave motion from the cosmos heaven that exceeds the world of the reincarnation is filled.
Therefore, because an own evil thought returns to oneself as if the act of spitting with heavenward, it extremely seems to dislike this because the mind of opposite and repulsion is declared to Seishin teacher's teaching, to slander, and to attack it by the law of the karma the consequence of one's deeds even though the caution needed.
Already the wave motion wide infiltration of Seishin teacher that is bring from truth God and Buddha that enshrined in highest heaven of sacred clean transcendence infinity, spread gradually sweeping and abolishing wicked suspicion idea and people consideration will be revolutionize now world society purification reform.
And, historical large great achievemen of Seishin teacher, and the historian of future generations will clarify while noticing the existence of the great Seishin teacher behind looking back on a series of kaleidoscopic history of the crisis evasion etc. for a large disaster in pandemonium and the earth scale that is worldwide political, economic, military events in the future.etc.
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