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http://ameblo.jp/warm-heart/entry-10065316663.html から転載。 2008-01-12 10:34:53 ケリー氏によれば、オバマ氏は「次期アメリカ大統領になりうるし、なるだろうし、またなるべき」なのであり、クリントン候補を一蹴してホワイトハウスにおける「権力の移行ではなく、権力の変容」をリードするだろう、ということだ。 ケリー氏がアメリカ政治の刷新をオバマ氏に託したことによって、クリントン候補は新たな試練に直面したことになる。 ========================================== インディペンデント紙の英文元記事 ⇒ http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article3328416.ece John Kerry, the defeated Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential election, has thrown his weight behind Barack Obama, offering his endorsement in the key state of South Carolina which holds its primary in just over a fortnight. Mr Obama, "can be, will be and should be the next president of the United States" and would lead, "a transformation rather than a transition" in the White House, said Mr Kerry, in a swipe at Hillary Clinton. "Who better than Barack Obama to turn a new page in American politics?" Mr Kerry asked, dismissing critics who have questioned the one-term senator's experience. "We are electing judgement and character, not years on this earth," he said, adding pointedly that Mr Obama was, "right about the war in Iraq from the beginning". (以下略)
<米大統領予備選>ケリー氏、オバマ氏を支持 米政治の刷新を託す【英インディペンデンス紙】
Kerry backs Obama to 'turn new page' in US politics
By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Published: 11 January 2008