★阿修羅♪ > 戦争98 > 476.html
Re: 何よりもまず、この辺りで調べてみたら?
投稿者 こげぱん 日時 2007 年 12 月 02 日 23:15:07: okIfuH5uFf.Lk

(回答先: Re: 何よりもまず、「重力による崩壊」説について弁護することから始めてくれんか? 投稿者 スットン教 日時 2007 年 12 月 02 日 22:10:56)



Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe who have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day based on solid data and facts -- since 9/11/2001 is the catalyst for many of the events shaping our world today -- and the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers or facts.

We stand with the Scholars, Veterans and Architects & Engineers for Truth along side family members of the victims -- family members of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice -- including the many Ground Zero workers who are now ill or have passed away, when we ask for a true, new independent investigation into the events of 9/11. We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report and/or "hypothesis" as a satisfactory explanation for the sacrifice every American has made and continues to make -- some more than others.
Thank you for taking the time to inform yourself.

- pilotsfor911truth.org


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