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投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2007 年 6 月 23 日 11:29:21: edtzBi/ieTlqA

ロシア体制派へのプロパガンダかどうかは分からないが、6月18日付、ロシアの日刊「kommersant」に、「プーチンは神の申し子」(Putin Is God's Gift)という記事が掲載されている。

チェチェンのRamzan Kadyrov 大統領は、「kommersant」の記者に対して、「6月12日には、約1万人のチェチェンの青年達が、”3期目の大統領もプーチンに!”という集会を行った」と語り、プーチンに引き続き大統領を継続して欲しいとの意向を語った。

プーチンは「憲法に違反するのでそれはやらない」といっているが、「プーチンに代わる人材はいない」とKadyrov 大統領はいっている。

June 18, 2007
Putin Is God's Gift

Ten thousand young Chechens urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to run for a third term on June 12 in Grozny. Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov told Kommersant correspondent Musa Muradov why he wants Putin to stay.

We Should Beg Him on Our Knees to Run the State

Vladimir Putin recently hinted that the next president may be one of the governors…

I haven't heard that. My opinion is that, if we want to preserve the integrity of Russia, if we want Russia to be a great power, Putin should be president. Why can Kazakhstan have a president-for-life? Or Turkmenistan? Why can't Russia have one too?

Putin says that he cannot violate the Constitution.

Look. Putin is president, he is for the people, the people will say what they want. That means they should be listened to. For example, in Chechnya, 95 percent of the people would come out and say, Putin is necessary for Russia, for our happiness. I swear it! The people will come out onto the street and say that they are for Putin. And it's like that everywhere. Because Putin pulls Russia together. He settling economic relations, friendly relations. I think that the people, and the governors, and the Duma, and everybody who is aware will take it up and ask the president to stay, and he will.

But if he doesn't stay, who can be his successor?

A successor is a successor, but Putin is a personality. I know that it is hard to find a leader – the commander of a unit or a department head. He should have certain characteristics and know how to manage. Appoint a person head of the district or even a village, and he will never manage unless he has a talent for it. Putin knows the system completely now – how to run the state, and where. Someone like that is a great find for Russia. While he is healthy, we should ask him, we should beg him on our knees, to run the state. Some people tie my future to Putin. I don't deny it. Putin gave the Chechen people a second life! Allah appointed him to his place.

And of Putin leaves?

Nothing will happen. Putin's policies will continue in the republic. I respect Putin not only as a president, but as a personality. I am not the FSB's or the Main Intelligence Department's man, I am Putin's man. His policies, his word, for me is law. We are traveling his road. Putin saved our people, he is a hero. He not only saved us, he saved Russia. How can we not bow down before him as a person? I never liked to say pretty words in front of anyone, but Putin is God's gift, he gave us freedom.

I Always Dreamed of Being a National Hero

Putin praises you more than any other head of a region.

Well, I am a new leader, in a hard place, and if the leader is praised, he tries to do even more. I will work as long as my health lasts. There was no war in the other republics, and the other leaders did not work. They are old, erudite and respected. But I became president at 30 and I have to catch up to them. I am still far from them.

Your portrait hangs everywhere in Chechnya. Isn't that a cult of personality?

A cult of personality? Maybe in the good sense of the word. If I am carrying out the policy of the center, and 94-95 percent of the populace supports that policy and they hang some pictures somewhere, that doesn't mean that it is a cult of personality. It means the right policy. If they burned the portraits and tore them up, that would be bad. But you see that, even if they hang the portrait of Putin or Kadyrov in the forest, no one will touch it.

Are they afraid to?

No, it means it's the right policy. It means the people support that policy. Who would know if they tore the portrait down in the forest. No one. It is the rightness of the policy. It the people found fault with me, it would be another matter. But today the people love and respect me. It's because I'm from there. I grew up with them, I know their pain and their needs. I fight against that pain and neediness. I tell the truth, even though what I say is dangerous for politics and security. I know I'm no fool, and I know who I speak against. I have encountered death many times and I do not fear of it. I fear the Almighty. There will be a trial in that world. They will sit everybody down and question them. And the responsibility will be hard to bear there. Now, while we are still in this world, it is still possible to give money or something. Neither money nor connections will help you there. There, what you did is what there is. Everything we are doing today are the things my father [late president of the republic Akhmad Kadyrov] strove for. I am afraid to stray to the right or to the left from the line. I am continuing his work. I want to carry all of his plans to their logical conclusions. So that we have 100-percent peace, a 100-percent economy, so that everyone in our republic who needs it receives help and work. That was his dream and we are moving toward it. I think that all traces of war will be gone from Chechnya by the end of 2008. The main problem is unemployment. Now 75 percent of the population is out of a job, but I think we'll be able to lower that to 40 percent by the end of the year.


By investment. We have agreements with the leading Chechen businessmen – Musa Bazhaev, head of the Alliance Group, and Abubakar Arsamakov, head of the Moscow Industrial Bank. We have good agreements with Kazakhstan. There was a very good conversation with [St. Petersburg Governor] Valentina Matvienko. There are visits to Dubai, Jordan and Libya coming up. Everyone understands that you can do good business in Chechnya, that we have colossal opportunities for it: mineral wealth, mineral water, and so on.

You mean to say that it is safe to do business in Chechnya?

Of course! Even those who had no faith acknowledge it. No long ago [head of the Russian Lotto Co., and Akhmad Kadyrov's opponent for president] Malik Saidullaev came. I am sitting and drinking tea, and Malik saks me, “You are you doing? They told me that you travel with 30 cars full of guards.” I said, “Let's go!” I got in my car behind the wheel and we went to Grozny. We went around the whole city, then stopped in the center and had ice cream in a cafe. He says, “Unbelievable. When I saw reports about you, I thought that it was staged.” If a great man like Saidullaev thought that, then simple Russians, Azeris, Kazakhs were probably afraid and didn't believe it at all.

Is that “great man” in quotation marks?

Why in quotation marks? I consider him a great man.

He was the opposition.

He didn't know Kadyrov's real policy. Now he understands everything and he has changed his opinion and is planning to transfer his business to Chechnya.

You probably made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

He made me an offer. Saidullaev always criticized us. I don't blame him. He wanted to be president, that's normal. I never wanted to be president. I wanted to be a national hero.

The Information That All Chechens Are Bandits Is Untrue

They say Chechnya may be merged with Ingushetia and you'll be made head of it.

I don't know who raised that question. Today, I know many Ingush who hail my policies. Sometimes Ingush come, and Dagestanis come, and they say, “We always lived like brothers and sisters. But I have no desire to unite with anyone. I want to show the whole world that the information that all Chechens are bandits is untrue. When everything is fine with us, our neighbors will join us on their own and align with us. The Chechens and Ingush were always close. It is wrong to maintain a policy that divides us now. Is it normal for there to be checkpoints between the Chechens and Ingush or Dagestanis, as though they were hostile states? There are no such barriers between independent countries in Europe, and we live in one state as fraternal peoples. What are those checkpoints for?

So how do you fight rebels and Wahhabis?

Do don't have to have checkpoints to fight terrorism. You have to raise the youth properly. If there are nightclubs, public houses, and they sell women in the saunas, they take advantage of it [extremism] and enclose themselves in religion and the youth are attracted to it. They should think about that in Dagestan and everywhere else that Wahhabism has cropped up. I suggest that Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ossetia and Karachaevo-Cherkassia take advantage of the spiritual leadership and let it speak the truth. When a person blows himself up and kills civilians, no matter what you call him – a shahid or shahidka – is a terrorist. Things have to be called by their right names. The journalist or correspondent who writes about that should ask a Muslim who that shahid is for the Muslim. He is a bandit, a terrorist, extremist, and we fight that evil. And it is wrong to associate Islam with international terrorism. We make accusations against Christianity or Buddhists. Leave the religion of Islam alone. The religion teaches peace, kindness and creativity.

I Would Leave Politics and Let Someone Else Rule

They say you are dissatisfied with the performance of the republic's prosecutor's office.

Prosecutor Valery Kuznetsov is an outstanding person. He does a lot of work and has a correct policy. It's not even his job to imprison people or press criminal cases against them, if they have committed an offense or misused something. He gives them a chance to return it. He has a correct policy. He knows the system. But his deputy, Chernyaev, calls white black and black white. He doesn't enter into a question. He that kind of biased person. Ask him a question and he will give his own answer. I consider his a nationalist. Nationalists should not be prosecutors. [It has since become known that Chernyaev has resigned from his position.]

You have repeatedly criticized ORB-2, the manhunt bureau of the Main Department of the Interior Ministry.

The public has many complaints about its employees, that they kill and torture. I, as president, have to right to remain silent about it.

They say that you want ORB-2 to subordinate itself, and that is the source of conflict.

That's nonsense. It's 60-70 people. They're not that important. For me it's like comparing an elephant and a fly. I will make them observe human rights. I bear responsibility for that, for I know the Almighty will ask me about it later. If I don't have the authority to do it today, I will have more tomorrow, to punish those people who break the law, disturb the peace and violate human rights. They blame me for everything that happens in the republic, say that my people are doing the killing or something. I assembled all human rights activists and said that they couldn't accuse me and my subordinates indiscriminately. The approach should be that, if I am guilty, my guilt should be proven.

How could they prove your guilt?

It's possible. By making statements to the prosecutor's office and courts.

And the court or prosecutor's office would dare to find you guilty?

And why not? When it was discovered that policemen, three people, got drunk and committed an small, insignificant crime, I handed them over to the court and they went to prison. That was to teach them a lesson. I am the leader of the republic. I don't need disorder in the republic. I need law, the rule of law and enlightenment like no one else ever has. And I am supposed to act the same way, under the law.

They say you achieved more independence from Moscow than Dzhokar Dudaev ever dreamed of.

I don't know what they mean…

That the Kremlin is willing to meet you halfway on everything.

No. The Kremlin will meet anyone, any leader, halfway, if he is working for the good of the people. If I properly say what is needed in the region, with grounds, they are obliged to meet me halfway. What else would they do? We are servants of the people and we have to serve, whether we want to or not. If a person occupies a post, he has to serve the people. Therefore we have the grounds to show and prove what the republic and the people need. And they meet us halfway. What have I achieved? What independence? On the contrary, I am for a strong united state.

And for your personal independence.

I, Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov, am the way I am. I cannot be any different. I am a protector. A politician is like a chameleon – he has interests of his own. My interest is my people and my republic. That's all. And so I don't understand all the rest. The people I interact with understand that. Other think I am 30 years old, a former policeman, I fought in the war, I have a beard, I'm not a politician, not a diplomat, and I became president. I don't know how to ask for things softly and prettily like them. I speak directly, exactly and briefly, so that it works out. Therefore, the people understand me. The interests of politicians are not important to me, the interests of the people are.

People just start their careers at your age. And you're already president. What next?

Anyone will tell you that Kadyrov has authority, that he is respected, that he is a leader. But, I'll tell you honestly, that is not for me. I would leave politics and let someone else rule. I even say sometimes, get someone else ready to ruler the republic.

Is that possible?

Why would it be impossible, when we have a team, a system, direction and people know where to go?

Are there such people on your team?

Yes. There is Muslim Khuchiev, mayor of Grozny. When he became mayor, there were only 800 legal entities registered as taxpayers in the city. Now there are over 9000. That's how he works!

Opposition? What's that?

To whose benefit were the events in Kondopoga and Stavropol?

The enemies of Russia. They pay them money in other states, and they want to take advantage of the Chechens again. Stavropol, Kondopoga had purely grassroots causes. There little guys got into a fought and they are making a lot of noise saying it's like those there… the bald ones… skinheads. That's a disaster. When Dmitry Medvedev came to Chechnya, I suggested a fifth national project, a spiritual, moral project. What do we have in Russia? We have no birthrate in Russia. Demographics are a disaster. Why? Because there is no training. No spirituality. The young have no understanding that they should get married, and love their homeland, religion, customs and traditions.

When the events in Kondopoga occurred, you said you could help them sort it out. That statement scared them.

Journalists blew that statement out of proportion. I didn't say anything like that. What were they afraid of? It was not a political ploy. I ended up in politics by chance. I am a protector of the people. I like to tell the truth. Yes, they accuse me any way, that say Kadyrov is bad, Kadyrov is this and Kadyrov is that. For instance, when I closed gambling establishments, some people started yelling, Ramzan is imposing Sharia, and so on. But what is the law, what is democracy, if the people demand it?! If children are the only thing they have at home, they take them to gaming halls and leave all their money behind there, and the family goes hungry? What democracy? Now the question of gaming halls has come up all over Russia. I see problems, I am always with the people, I study them and I solve them [problems]. I advised the State Duma not to look for a place for casinos but to ban them altogether. If we close down the gaming business, robbery and murder will stop immediately. I player will kill anyone to pay his debt. For $1000, $2000, $10,000. We, the Chechens, are bringing order to Chechnya. I want to show the world that the Chechens have always been hardworking, peaceful people. Now, every time there is a fire or a fight, they blame a Chechen.

Why do you think that is?

You know, they used the press to show that the Chechen is a bandit. When the war was supposed to begin in Iraq, there was an explosion in America. The tallest building fell. Why did it fall? It wasn't supposed to fall because of an airplane. It was held on pilings, but it fell any way. What floor was the explosion on? Specialists say it is impossible for it to fall because of the collision of the airplane. There should have been impact inside it. It's the same with the Chechens. They had to show that we are bandits. the Chechens themselves were supposed to show it. They let Basaev go in Dagestan, then let him back into Chechnya. Why. It was a closed border. That is what I want to tell you, that the Chechens defended Russia, Muslims defended Russia. Thousands of guys died defending the integrity of Russia and the world. And today, thanks to Vladimir Putin, his wise policies and the first president of Chechnya, we have peace and calm. It was a historically important step when Kadyrov united the people. And there is no schism.

Is there an opposition in Chechnya now?

No, I don't see one. If there is, I welcome it. Opposition. What is that?

Maybe someone criticizes Ramzan Kadyrov on local television?

Anyone can criticize any leader, including me.

And nothing will happen to him because of it?

What will happen? Aren't I a Muslim? If I have authority, power, that doesn't mean that I should prohibit anyone to criticize me and place myself higher. I will answer for that in the other world, before the Almighty. I am a Muslim, a Chechen. My religion does not allow me to act incorrectly. Nationality does not allow it.

Maybe you can remember sometime when they criticized you?

Well… I was among the people not long ago, and a woman said to me, “I used to hate you, but now I see your actions and I welcome you.”
Musa Muradov
All the Article in Russian as of June 18, 2007

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