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イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/06/13
投稿者 white 日時 2007 年 6 月 15 日 16:04:50: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/06/13



Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 13 June 2007. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007.

・ Iraqi Baath Party issues important statement on bomb attack on Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’ Wednesday. America and puppet regime carried out the attack as pretext for launching Bantustan scheme for walling off and isolating Iraqi towns and cities that resist occupation.

・ Muslim Scholars of Iraq blame US, puppet “Iraqi government” for bombing of Shi‘i shrine in Samarra’.

・ Patriotic Shi‘i religious leader Shaykh al-Khalisi calls for Iraqis to stand together, denounces bombing of Shrine of the Two Imams as evidence of a US plan to incite sectarian strife.

・ Shi‘i sectarian militias reportedly are systematically killing off inmates in Baghdad prison. Urgent appeal issued to patriotic parties, human rights associations to stop the murders.

・ More Shi‘i sectarian murder expected following mysterious bomb attack on Shi ‘ Golden Mosque shrine in Samarra’ Wednesday morning.


Iraqi Baath Party issues important statement on bomb attack on Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’ Wednesday. America and puppet regime carried out the attack as pretext for launching Bantustan scheme for walling off and isolating Iraqi towns and cities that resist occupation.

In a statement posted Wednesday on the progressive Iraqi website albasrah.net, the Iraqi Baath Party declared that “the primary responsibility for the explosions today in Samarra’ lies with the occupation, the puppet al-Maliki government, and Iran.” The Baath Party stated, therefore, that “any serious response to actions such as these must consist, in the first place, in continuing the fight against the American and Iranian occupation, in bringing down the whole political process in Iraq, in refusing to get involved in it, in burying the puppet government, and absolutely and resolutely rejecting any sectarian course, whatever it may appear to look like on the surface.”

The Iraqi Baath Party statement − which was entitled “the Second Attack on the Tomb of the Two Imams in Samarra’: Who Did It and Why?” − noted that “a year and more than four months have passed since the first bomb attack” on the shrine in which a “direct American-Iranian role was exposed by virtue of the fact that the tomb at that time was under intensive guard, behind two rings of military and security forces made up of puppet Iraqi and American troops. Despite that, the explosion occurred, one that was technically well-planned and took place without interference. This revealed the American role as planner [of the attack] and Iran’s role as implementer.”

The Baath statement said that the aim of that first bombing on the Shrine of the Two Imams, which took place on 22 February 2006, was to “ignite a sectarian war throughout Iraq. This is particularly true since those who carried out the attack were agents of Iran, with [then puppet “Interior Minister”] Jabr Sulagh at their head, followed by the movement of the Jaysh al-Mahdi, in the first place, which undertook the role laid out for it by America and which Iran gave the order to implement − namely to undertake the ethnic-sectarian ‘cleansing’ of Baghdad, transforming it from a city for all Iraqis into one for only members of one specific sect and for Persians imported from Iran.

The Baath statement noted that even though the bombing of the Samarra’ shrine in February 2006 was followed by savage crimes of ethnic-sectarian ‘cleansing,’ and despite the fact that the puppet regime had promised to investigate and punish those guilty of the attack on the shrine, the case was shelved and the puppet regime simply issued statements citing no evidence, but putting the blame on al-Qa‘idah and what it called “Saddamists.” The US-installed puppet regime made no effort to gather evidence or substantiate those claims.

“And now,” the Baath Party stated Wednesday, “the second bombing attack has taken place following all sorts of studies on what happened and after all the government and American promises to protect the tomb. It is impossible for anyone, even the most nai¨ve, to avoid pointing the finger of blame [this time] at the occupation forces and the puppet government in Baghdad, as they are the ones who have an interest in the crime.”

The Baath Party noted that “the American-Iranian Agreement of 28 May 2007 that was reached during talks between the American and Iranian ambassadors in Iraq, put the official finishing touches on the existing cooperation and accord between the two countries, confirming the renewal and deepening of their cooperation in their effort to solve their problems at the expense of Iraq, and developing their cooperation for the sake of renewing their efforts to heat up the situation in Iraq once again, using new methods after all the efforts to ignite sectarian strife had failed.”

The Baath Party stated: “It is certain that the two sides agreed once again to continue the attempt to turn the armed Iraqi patriotic revolution against the American-Iranian occupation into sectarian fighting. They laid down a new plan for attaining that aim, involving things like a return to earthshaking bombings in an effort to crystallize and further develop the experience they gained in [the Baghdad district of] al-A‘zamiyah − namely the erection of a wall around it, turning the district into a big prison for the local residents.”

The Baath noted that the albasrah.net website had revealed the existence of a plan drawn up by a committee that was chaired by the stooge Ahmad Chelebi and in which agents of Iran took part. That plan provided for transforming 50 Iraqi cities that are resisting the occupation into big prisons or isolated protectorates − like the Bantustans that were established in South Africa in the time of racist rule. Those protectorates are to be surrounded by Jaysh al-Mahdi and other militias in cooperation with the US occupation forces and Iran. They will undertake by various means to wipe out all those who are able to carry arms as they impose the system of the ‘big prison’ on the local residents.”

The Baath statement noted that: “This plan requires some major incident to justify or serve as a pretext for it to be implemented, particularly since the preliminary implementation of the plan in al-A‘zamiyah aroused popular resentment and international condemnation. For that reason necessity dictated that some large incident had to be manufactured to justify the implementation of the big plan. The second bombing in Samarra’, destroying the two minarets of the tomb, was just the pretext needed for the implementation of the plan that had been agreed upon by the ambassadors of America and Iran.”

The Baath Party noted that the attack on the Shrine of the Two Imams was preceded in recent days by bombings of other religious sites in the country, such as the bombing of the tomb of the Sufi Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Kaylani, the bombing of of the Sunni Imam Abu Hanifah an-Nu‘man, and the bombing of the dome of the Imam ‘Ali, as well as numerous incidents in which Sunni and Shi‘i mosques and Husayniyahs were burned down.

The Baath pointed out that accompanying these attacks on Shi‘i and Sunni shrines there has been a dangerous campaign by extremists to label half of Iraq as “infidels” and to claim that killing all Shi‘ah Iraqis is “justified.” That campaign was accompanied by the actual murder of native Iraqis or by their expulsion from the country. There were even Shi‘i Iraqi patriots, the Baath statement noted, who had fled from killing at the hands of the gangs run by Iran − because they had refused to replace their loyalty to Iraq with sectarianism − who were then killed by those extremist groups that called them “infidels,” confiscated their property, and humiliated their wives and daughters, in violation of Arab and Islamic morality.

The Baath stated: “Our party reaffirms that anyone who issues religious opinions that say that it is permissible to shed the blood of Iraqi Shi‘ah or Sunnis or Christian Iraqis or Sabaean Iraqis is a stooge of the American occupation or a stooge of Iran, because those two sides in addition to ‘Israel’ are the main parties that benefit from the murder of people carried out on the basis of their religious affiliation.”

The Baath noted that bombing of the Shrine of the Two Imams on Wednesday came as the occupation was suffering serious reversals. It also takes place at a time when similar incidents of sectarian or partisan infighting elsewhere in the Arab world are helping to bail the Americans and the Zionists out of difficult situations. Thus, in recent days, the problem of the group Fateh al-Islam has burst on the scene in Lebanon, and Hamas and Fateh have been involved in clashes in Palestine. The Baath Party said that these developments, like the bombing in Samarra’, are a part of the general regional plan of America, Iran and ‘Israel’ to try to replace the liberation struggle with sectarian infighting.

The Baath statement called on the Resistance forces to unite together not on any sectarian framework but on the basis of one that endorses, “a program with patriotic aims and with a patriotic identity and nature. It must embrace all of Iraq and all the sons and daughters of Iraq, rising clearly above sectarianism and counter-sectarianism, for this is the only way to shut the door to American and Iranian penetration of the Iraqi Resistance.”

The Baath also called on all those who had taken part in the puppet government or the Iranian sectarian agenda to stop their killings and assassinations and to enter into direct talks with the patriotic Resistance and the Iraqi patriotic forces. It reaffirmed that the Baath Party’s strategy for liberation is based on the firm foundation of setting up a coalition patriotic government that would include all those who fought the occupation and worked sincerely to bring it down. It stressed that there will be no place for any one party to monopolize authority, excluding any other group, noting that in the end rule will depend on the ballot box.

Muslim Scholars of Iraq blame US, puppet “Iraqi government” for bombing of Shi‘i shrine in Samarra’.

In a dispatch posted at 1:57pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) accused the US occupation and the American-installed pro-Iranian puppet government of responsibility for the bombing of the Shi‘i Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’ on Wednesday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that AMSI, in a statement posted on its website, pointed out that since the bombing of the shrine on 22 February 2006, the entire area had been cordoned off and surrounded by massive concrete barriers. No one has been allowed past the barriers, not even unarmed civilian pedestrians, to say nothing of vehicles. Puppet regime forces and Shi‘i sectarian militias patrolled the area in strength, keeping the area under 24-hour surveillance.

The AMSI statement noted that snipers had also been posed atop buildings surrounding the Shi‘i Shrine of the Two Imams, whose weapons would catch any unauthorized person approaching the building in a cross fire. And if that were not enough, the four gates to the shrine have been locked and no one has been permitted inside.

The AMSI then asked: “How is it possible for an attack to take place amidst all these measures?” The statement pointed out that the bombing on Wednesday consisted of explosive devices being planted under the shrine’s two minarets, with the same expertise that characterized the planting of the explosives that blew up the dome of the same shrine in February 2006 − an attack that itself is thought to have been carried out by the occupation or Shi‘i sectarians as a signal for the start of a massive “purge” of Sunnis from vast swaths of the country.

US admits three more American troops killed in Iraq Monday, Tuesday.

In a dispatch posted at 2:18pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US military admitted on Wednesday that the Iraqi Resistance had killed three more of its occupation troops in various attacks in Iraq.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the US as announcing that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by US troops to the east of Baghdad on Monday, killing one American soldier.

One other American soldier was killed and a second one wounded on Tuesday when another bomb went off in Baghdad, the US statement revealed.

Finally, one US Marine was killed somewhere in al-Anbar Province on Tuesday. In keeping with the standard secrecy of US statements regarding its casualties, the statement offered no further details on the locations or circumstances of the deaths.

Pro-Iranian gunmen together with puppet security forces burn down Sunni mosque in Baghdad’s al-Bayya‘ district following bomb attack on Samarra’ Shi‘i shrine.

In a dispatch posted at 10:42pm Makkah time Wednesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi Shi‘i sectarian gunmen together with puppet so-called “Order Protection Police” burned down the Sunni Mosque of Khudayr al-Jannabi in the al-Bayya‘ district of Baghdad on Wednesday afternoon, in an apparent response to the bombing of the Shi‘i Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’ earlier in the day.

Patriotic Shi‘i religious leader Shaykh al-Khalisi calls for Iraqis to stand together, denounces bombing of Shrine of the Two Imams as evidence of a US plan to incite sectarian strife.

In a dispatch posted at 3:58pm Baghdad time Wednesday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the patriotic Shi‘i religious leader Shaykh Jawad al-Khalisi expressed his astonishment at how the minarets of the Shrine of the Two Imams had been blown up in Samarra’, despite the fact that the entire area had been sealed off by the puppet regime.

The AMSI reported Shaykh al-Khalisi as charging that what had happened in Samarra’ “points to the existence of a new plan by the occupation to stir up sectarian strife.” The Shi‘i religious leader who is known for his opposition to the occupation and to Iranian interference in Iraq asked, “How could armed men blow up the two minarets when the tomb is closed and the [puppet] government forces surround the entire area on all sides?”

Shaykh al-Khalisi called on all the sons and daughters of the Iraqi people to unify their ranks and to make the coming week a week of popular solidarity in the face of the plans of the occupation and the forces alied with it.

Curfew declared in Baghdad following Samarra’ bombing of Shi‘i shrine.

In a dispatch posted at 12:44pm Makkah time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the puppet “Prime Minister” of Iraq, the Shi ‘ sectarian Da ‘wah Party politician Nuri al-Maliki, declared a curfew in occupied Baghdad starting at 3pm local time Wednesday. The curfew is to remain in effect until further notice.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the measure followed the bombing of the Shi‘i Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’, an event which is feared will provoke an escalation of Shi‘i sectarian murder of Iraq’s Sunnis.

Curfews enable the puppet authorities and the Shi‘i sectarian militias, which operate with impunity under the auspices of the puppet regime, to attack neighborhoods, the population of which have been confined to their homes.

Shi‘i sectarian militias reportedly are systematically killing off inmates in Baghdad prison. Urgent appeal issued to patriotic parties, human rights associations to stop the murders.

In a bulletin posted at 2:10am Baghdad time Wednesday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that at that time a massacre was underway of prisoners in the ar-Rusafah 6 Prison in the former headquarters of the puppet “Wolf Brigade” near the puppet “Ministry of Petroleum” in Baghdad.

The AMSI reported that the prison consists of 14 cellblocks. According to information reaching AMSI, all the inmates have gone on hunger strike as fake puppet security forces have come in ostensibly to take the prisoners to court, but in reality taking them out to be murdered.

The sources reported that the puppet forces took Ghazwan Khalid Ghazzal from Hur Rajab out of his cell on the pretext of taking him to court, but he was killed and his body dumped. Ghazzal’s family came to the prison to visit Ghazwan on Tuesday and found that he was not there. Later in the day they recovered his body.

Sources have told AMSI that the prisoners have resolved that to go on hunger strike and die of lack of food is better than to be taken out and killed by the Shi‘i sectarian militias.

Meanwhile, on the morning of Monday, 11 June, women were subjected to brutal treatment when they arrived to visit their relatives in the prison. Bullets were fired over the heads of the visiting women, they were sprayed with black pepper, causing intense pain in their eyes and violent sneezing.

The sources said that the prisoners hope that patriotic parties, bodies and associations for human rights be informed as quickly as possible of the dire situation in which the prisoners are being systematically taken out and killed by the Shi‘i sectarian militias.

Salah ad-Din Province.

More Shi‘i sectarian murder expected following mysterious bomb attack on Shi ‘ Golden Mosque shrine in Samarra’ Wednesday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 9:50am Makkah time Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an explosion occurred at the Shi ‘ Golden Mosque of the Imam ‘Ali al-Hadi and al-Hasan al-‘Askari in Samarra’, 120km north of Baghdad.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses as saying that the blast damaged the two minarets on the mosque.

The Shi‘i mosque of the Two Imams was the target of a mysterious bombing in February 2006 that signaled the start of a concerted campaign by the pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia and other Shi‘i sectarian militias to begin wholesale slaughter of Sunnis in the southern and central parts of Iraq in an effort to partition the country in keeping with plans drawn up by Zionist and American think tanks.

At the time of the attack on the mosque in February 2006, Sunni religious leaders blamed the Shi‘i sectarian militias for blowing up the mosque to provide themselves with an excuse for launching their sectarian “cleansing” campaign across the country. For their part, demonstrations in tightly controlled Iran placed the blame for the attack on the Sh i‘ religious center on Britain.

Although the western media generally blamed Sunni Resistance organizations for the attack in 2006, none of those organizations took credit for the bombing and when the Shi‘i shrine had been under the control of those Sunni Resistance groups for several months, Shi‘i pilgrims visited the shrine regularly and no harm befell it. The 2006 bombing of the shrine in fact took place shortly after US occupation forces reasserted their control over Samarra’.

After the February 2006 bombing of the shrine, the puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry,” which is controlled by the Shi‘i sectarian militias, took direct control of the mosque, making it virtually impossible for Sunni Resistance men to get anywhere near it, and therefore making it unlikely that Sunni Resistance groups could have carried out the attack that brought down the minarets on Wednesday.

Babil Province.

Shi‘i sectarian militias blow up three Sunni mosques in al-Iskandariyah.

In a dispatch posted at 10:42pm Makkah time Wednesday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that in what appeared to be a response to the bombing of the Shrine of the Two Imams in Samarra’, Shi ‘ sectarian militias had blown up three Sunni mosques in the city of al-Iskandariyah, 40km south of Baghdad.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the three mosques were the Grand Mosque of al-Iskandariyah, the Hittin Mosque, and the Mosque of ‘Abdallah al-Jabburi. All the mosques were completely demolished, the sectarian gunmen having planted explosive charges inside the buildings. No information on casualties, if any, was available.

The situation in al-Iskandariyah was tense following the sectarian destruction, with sectarian clashes between local tribes being one feared eventuality.

At-Ta’mim Province.

Resistance blows up bridge south of Kirkuk Tuesday night.

In a dispatch posted at 10:05am Makkah time Wednesday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance had blown up a bridge between Kirkuk and Tikrit on Tuesday night.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the puppet police as saying that the attack isolated the villages to the southwest of Kirkuk, 250km north of Baghdad, but caused no casualties. The attack, in turn, caused the puppet authorities to shut down numerous roads in the region, further hampering movement.



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