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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/05/27
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 27 May 2007. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Sunday, 27 May 2007.
・ Jaysh al-Mahdi changes name of death squads to name “Division for Commanding Righteousness and Forbidding Evil.”
・ Jaysh al-Mahdi believed behind murder of world-famous Iraqi calligrapher in Baghdad.
・ US air strikes kill 20 civilians in southwestern Baghdad Saturday evening.
・ US admits eight more of its occupation troops killed in Resistance attacks in Iraq.
・ Sectarian leader Muqtada as-Sadr in meeting in an-Najaf reorients his movement to play “positive role” in US-occupied Iraq, in keeping with American desires.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance group reports destruction of minesweeper Friday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units had detonated a bomb on a dirt road near al-Fallujah, destroying a mine sweeper vehicle and killing the troops aboard it at 12:15pm local time Friday, 25 May 2007.
Resistance group reports destruction of US troop transport vehicle near ‘Anah Thursday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units had planted several land mines on the road used by enemy columns near ‘Anah Lake. One of those mines exploded under a Zeal transport vehicle loaded with US soldiers, the communique´ reported, sending charred body parts flying around the area at 9:10am local time Thursday, 24 May 2007.
Jaysh al-Mahdi changes name of death squads to name “Division for Commanding Righteousness and Forbidding Evil.”
In a dispatch posted at 11:56pm Makkah time Sunday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi Shi‘i sectarian militia had set up new armed formations under the name “Division for Commanding Righteousness and Forbidding Evil.”
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported informed sources that asked not to be identified as saying that the “Division for Commanding Righteousness and Forbidding Evil” is in fact a new name for the death squads that have returned from hiding in Iran, where they underwent additional training in murder and assassination.
The source said that the “DCRFE” had recently murdered a professor in the College of Fine Arts in Baghdad and other individuals condemned to die by the Shi‘i sectarian hierarchy.
The move to rename the Jaysh al-Mahdi’s death squads comes after US efforts to obstruct those squads led to the arrest of some of the more prominent killers of Iraqi Sunnis and as Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr responds to Washington’s call upon him to play a more constructive role in cooperation with the US occupation of the country. (See related story below from an-Najaf entitled “Sectarian leader Muqtada as-Sadr reorients his movement to play “positive role” in US-occupied Iraq, in keeping with American desires.”)
Jaysh al-Mahdi believed behind murder of world-famous Iraqi calligrapher in Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 12:20am Makkah time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi Shi‘i sectarian gunmen shot and killed Khalil az-Zahhawi, one of the most famous calligraphers in the Islamic world, outside his home in Baghdad Sunday, in what is believed to be another of their sectarian murders.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that az-Zahhawi, a Sunni, is famous for his artistic calligraphic representations of the names of the Sunni Caliphs. He was attacked and killed while outside his home in the Baghdad al-Jadidah section of the occupied Iraqi capital. The British BBC reported that his body had been transported to Diyala Province for burial.
Az-Zahhawi had taught Arabic calligraphy to students from all over the Islamic world. It was said in Iraq that anyone hoping to succeed in the field of calligraphy would have to study with az-Zahhawi.
The murder is another of the many heavy blows that the US occupation has dealt to cultural circles in Iraq, where literally hundreds of professors, scientists, doctors, and other academics have been killed since the American invasion in spring 2003. Sunnis, in particular those with technical, academic, or scientific qualifications, have been subject to what appears to be an on-going campaign of extermination. The Zionist Mossad and Shi‘i sectarian death squads have been singled out for suspicion in the murders.
Pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen murder Palestinian in Baghdad Saturday, as Zionist-inspired drive to partition Iraq continues apace.
In a dispatch posted at 9:45pm Makkah time Sunday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that pro-Iranian Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen shot and killed a Palestinian refugee in front of his home in Baghdad on Saturday.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported sources concerned with the affairs of Palestinian Refugees resident in Iraq as saying that Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen loyal to pro-Iranian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr opened fire directly on Jalam Ahmad ‘Abd al-Hafiz in front of his house in the at-Tubji neighborhood of the Madinat as-Salam section of Baghdad on Saturday evening. ‘Abd al-Hafiz was killed in the attack.
The Shi‘i sectarian militias have particularly targeted Palestinian refugees ever since the US occupation of Iraq in 2003. Intent on implementing plans to partition Iraq on sectarian and ethnic lines that were drawn up by Zionist and American strategic think tanks, the Shi‘i sectarians have practiced wholesale kidnapping, torture, and murder of Palestinians, many of whom have lived in Iraq since being driven out of their homes in Palestine by the Zionist occupation in 1948.
According to United Nations estimates, out of the 34,000 Palestinians resident in Iraq at the time of the US invasion in the spring of 2003, there were only 15,000 still alive and resident in Iraq at the end of 2006. A report issued by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Geneva on 27 December 2006 reported that Palestinians in Baghdad “live in a climate of constant fear and are unable to get proper documents.” Shi‘i sectarian militias regard the Palestinians as supporters of Arab nationalism and allies of the Ba‘th Party, which championed their rights in their homeland. Intent on building a Shi‘i state orientated on Iran in the southern and eastern parts of Iraq, the Shi‘i sectarians are thus opposed to ideas of Arab unity that embrace Sunni and Shi‘i Iraqis and view them as part of a broader Arab Nation, distinct from the nation of Iran.
Splitting up the Arabs has been a cornerstone of imperialist policy since the days of British colonialism and promoting Arab disunity has been a basic component of Zionist strategic thinking from the outset. The specific idea of “the dissolution of Iraq into a Shi‘ite state, a Sunni state and the separation of the Kurdish part” was voiced by veteran Zionist military correspondent Ze’ev Schiff in Ha'aretz on 2 June 1982 and was a part of the divide-and-rule strategy laid out by Zionist writer Oded Yinon in his “Strategy for Israel in the 1980s,” published in Kivunim (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism, published by the World Zionist Organization in occupied Jerusalem in February 1982. (It was translated by the late anti-Zionist writer and activist Israel Shahak and is widely available.)
The idea of splitting the Shi‘ah in Iraq from the rest of the country was a cornerstone of the neo-Conservative strategy laid out in “A Clean Break” a paper drawn up by American Zionist government officials Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Wurmser, and Paul Wolfowitz in 1996 for the then Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then in 2000 the neo-Conservative Project for a New American Century wrote Rebuilding America’s Defenses on the basis of the “Clean Break.”
The American version of the strategy for a partition of Iraq appeared in the article “The Three-State Solution” published in The New York Times on 25 November 2003 by Leslie Gelb (President Emeritus of the US Council on Foreign Relations). The same idea was reiterated, this time with “bi-partisan support” in the article by Gelb and US Democratic Senator Joseph Biden in “Unity through Autonomy in Iraq,” in The New York Times on 1 May 2006.
Then on 8 October 2006 the London Sunday Times reported that the partition of Iraq along religious and ethnic lines was one of the suggestions that the Baker-Hamilton commission was advancing.
As Shi‘i sectarian killing spree continues, 20 more bodies found in Baghdad. Bodies of four Arab Iraqis found murdered in Kirkuk.
In a dispatch posted at 10:01am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the puppet police recovered the bodies of 12 unknown individuals who had been shot to death in various parts of occupied Baghdad. The puppet police reported that the bodies were bound, blindfolded and showed signs of torture.
The AMSI reported that the 20 bodies were taken to the Forensic Medicine Department for identification.
In a related incident the puppet regime police discovered four bodies of Arab Iraqis in the northern city of Kirkuk. Those bodies were taken to the local Forensic Medicine Department.
Twelve bodies of puppet army soldiers found in ad-Durah.
In a dispatch posted at 3:46pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that sources in the puppet security system and hospitals reported that 12 bodies of puppet army troops had been found shot to death in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the puppet regime sources as claiming that its security men found the 12 bodies, some of which, they claimed “had been tortured,” in the al-Mu‘allimin neighborhood of the ad-Durah suburb.
A medical source in al-Yarmuk hospital in western Baghdad reported that puppet security men brought in 12 bodies of men ranging in age from 20 to 40 years who had died of gunshot wounds to the head.
US admits eight more of its occupation troops killed in Resistance attacks in Iraq.
In a dispatch posted at 11:55am Makkah time Sunday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the US military had admitted that eight more of its occupation troops had been killed in Resistance attacks in various parts of Iraq.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported an American statement as acknowledging that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military vehicle somewhere in Salah ad-Din Province, killing three US troops and wounding two more of them, in a Resistance attack that took place Saturday.
Another Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded, according to the American communique´, somewhere “south of Baghdad,” killing one US soldier and wounding two more American troops and their Iraqi translator. The US statement said that the attack occured as the Americans were busy looking for Resistance fighters and weapons.
The US statement reported that one American Marine was killed somewhere in al-Anbar Province in fighting with the Iraqi Resistance.
Iraqi Resistance forces used explosives and light arms to attack American troops in the area of the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji on Saturday, the US statement disclosed. The American communique´ claimed that one US soldier was killed and three more of them wounded in that attack.
In a delay that went unexplained, as is usual with the vaguely-worded products of US military propaganda, the American communique´ added that two US soldiers had been killed on Thursday, 24 May 2007 when an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded somewhere “east of Baghdad.”
In all, Mafkarat al-Islam noted, the American occupation command has admitted the death of 17 of its soldiers since Friday, 25 May 2007.
US air strikes kill 20 civilians in southwestern Baghdad Saturday evening.
In a dispatch posted at 10:39am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that US military aircraft struck the ad-Dawanim area of southwestern Baghdad on Saturday evening, leaving 20 local people, including women and children, dead and dozens more injured. US troops and their puppet allies also arrested more than 40 residents of the area, shouting sectarian slurs and insults all the while.
The AMSI reported that puppet regime troops attempted to raid the area to carry out arrests but that armed men resisted. In the course of the clash, five cars belonging to the puppet “Order Preservation Forces” were burned.
Resistance blasts US Intelligence headquarters at Baghdad airport.
In a communique´ posted on its website Saturday, 26 May 2007, the Iraqi Resistance organization the Army of the Rashideen announced that one of its units had detonated a bomb by a Humvee and another of its units had fired rockets at the headquarters of US intelligence at Saddam International Airport west of Baghdad.
Resistance group reports Katyusha attack in ar-Ridwaniyah Thursday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units had fired a Katyusha rocket at the at-Tallah Palace in ar-Ridwaniyah in western Baghdad, scoring a direct hit on the enemy position and sending plumes of smoke rising over the target. That attack took place at 3:10pm local time Thursday, 24 May 2007.
Resistance group reports destruction of truck.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units destroyed a US truck hauling concrete barriers in the Baghdad area of al-Ghazaliyah at 2:50pm local time Thursday, 24 May 2007. The truck driver was killed in the attack, the Resistance communique´ reported.
Resistance attack reportedly destroys US troop transport Wednesday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units destroyed a US troop transport, killing a number of American soldiers in a bomb attack on the Shu‘lah - Ghazaliyah Road in western Baghdad at 9:20pm local time Wednesday evening, 23 May 2007.
Resistance unit reports destroying US Humvee Monday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units set off a bomb that destroyed a US Humvee killing all aboard near the al-Khadra’ neighborhood fuel station in western Baghdad at 6:20am Monday, 21 May 2007.
Resistance group reports bomb attack on pickup in western Baghdad Monday.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units detonated a bomb, destroying a pickup and killing the puppet army troops aboard in an attack that took place on al-Basrah Street to the west of the al-Khadra’ neighborhood of western Baghdad at 5:50am Monday, 21 May 2007.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Forty abducted as US tries to set up puppet regional police in Salah ad-Din Province.
In a dispatch posted at 9:24pm Baghdad time Sunday evening, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters abducted more than 40 persons in an operation near the city of Samarra’, 120km north of Baghdad on Sunday afternoon.
The AMSI reported a puppet police source as saying that the Resistance men deployed on the road between Baghdad and Tikrit in the Samarra’ area, setting up fake checkpoints. The fighters stopped and abducted 40 civilians and puppet military men, the source said, and lead them away to an unknown destination.
The source explained the attack, noting that it came against the backdrop of US efforts to put together a collaborationist “Salvation Council” for Salah ad-Din Province that would fight against the Resistance on behalf of the Americans under the pretext of joining hands against Iran. The source noted that most of the 40 people abducted on Sunday were members of the al-Jabbur and Shamar tribes, which have been taking part in the formation of the puppet council.
Resistance group reports bomb attack in Bayji Monday morning.
In a communique´ posted on its website at on Sunday the Iraqi Resistance organization the Jihadi Groups of Iraq (‘Asa’ib al-‘Iraq al-Jihadiyah) announced that one of its units set off a bomb by the side of the main road in the city of Bayji, 200km north of Baghdad at 5:40am local time Monday, 21 May 2007. The blast killed the US soldiers aboard the vehicle, the communique´ reported.
Diyala Province.
Provincial puppet police director abducted near al-Miqdadiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 1:25pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters abducted the Director of the puppet Guards Police of Diyala Province near al-Miqdadiyah, 85km north of Baghdad on Sunday morning.
The AMSI reported a source in the Diyala Province puppet police as saying that the Resistance fighters were dressed in puppet regime uniforms and manning a fake checkpoint that they had set up at the al-Wajihiyah junctions southeast of al-Miqdadiyah, where they abducted Colonel ‘Abd as-Salam Rashid Yahya, on his way to work.
The source offered no information regarding the fates of the bodyguards who were accompanying the US-backed official.
Babil Province.
Resistance group blasts US headquarters in al-Yusufiyah.
In a communique´ dated 26 May 2007, and posted on its website Sunday, 27 May, the Iraqi Resistance organization the Army of the Rashideen announced that one of its units had fired three 82mm mortar rounds into a US headquarters in the al-Yusufiyah area, 30km southwest of Baghdad.
At-Ta’mim Province.
Resistance bomb rips through US Humvee near al-Huwayjah.
In a dispatch posted at 1:25pm Baghdad time Sunday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol near al-Huwayjah in at-Ta’mim Province, about 200km north of Baghdad.
The AMSI reported a source in the puppet security forces as saying that the bomb went off by a US patrol in the ar-Riyad area in the al-Huwayjah district. The blast set one Humvee ablaze, killing or wounding the US troops aboard it.
An-Najaf Province.
Sectarian leader Muqtada as-Sadr reorients his movement to play “positive role” in US-occupied Iraq, in keeping with American desires.
In a dispatch posted at 6:45pm Makkah time Sunday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that pro-Iranian Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr discussed a “new methods” to be adopted by his movement as it battles with rival Shi‘i sectarian forces that also collaborate with the US occupation regime in the country.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that as-Sadr descrived his meeting Sunday with commanders of his movement as “important and sensitive.”
Salah al-‘Ubaydi, the Sadr movement’s public relations representative told the press after the three-hour meeting that was held in as-Sadr’s house in an-Najaf that the as-Sadr movement is seeking to re-emerge in the Iraqi arena “in a new form and with a new approach.”
Mafkarat al-Islam noted that the meeting followed Muqtada as-Sadr’s return from Iran - where he had been living since January - and a call by Washington for him to play a positive role in occupied Iraq.
(See related story above from Baghdad entitled: Jaysh al-Mahdi changes name of death squads to name “Division for Commanding Righteousness and Forbidding Evil.”)