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イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/05/05
投稿者 white 日時 2007 年 5 月 07 日 18:11:00: QYBiAyr6jr5Ac

□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2007/05/05



Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 5 May 2007. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

Saturday, 5 May 2007.

・ US admits military commander wounded in Resistance attack near wall around al-A‘zamiyah district in Baghdad.

・ Abu Ayyub al-Misri, leader of al-Qa‘idah in Iraq, issues recorded statement denying claims of infighting among Resistance groups, days after puppet regime in Baghdad also asserted it had killed al-Misri.

・ Four US troops reported killed in Resistance car bomb attack in Samarra’.

・ US admits American soldier killed in al-Musayyib area Thursday.

・ Rivalry between Shi‘i sectarian militias escalates into armed clashes in Baghdad, an-Najaf on Friday.

Al-Anbar Province.

Wave of mysterious murders of Sunni students, religious leaders sweeps al-Fallujah.

In a dispatch posted at 5:40pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that for about a week the city of al-Fallujah has witnessed a large number of murders of local residents - a phenomenon that has already prompted many families to flee the city for other, more securer regions.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a medical source as saying that on average there area five murders in al-Fallujah every day. The victims include school students, religious scholars, and religious individuals who frequent the mosques. The victims, who are being shot to death, are killed in various districts of al-Fallujah, 60km west of Baghdad.

A source, who asked not to be identified, told Mafkarat al-Islam that most of the bodies of the victims are dumped in the streets and the scene of dead bodies lying on the sidewalks has now become routine for residents of the city.

No organizations have taken responsibility for the killings or explained them in any way, and therefore local residents put the blame for the murders on three possible parties: one is the puppet “al-Anbar Salvation Council” police force, knocked together by the US occupation forces from among collaborators in al-Anbar.

The al-Fallujah puppet police is another party suspected of being behind the killings, and the third group suspected of being behind the killings is an armed group in the city that, the medical source said, was working on wiping out all those who differ with them.

Shi‘i sectarian torture murder spree continues: 10 victims’ bodies found on Saturday.

In a dispatch posted at 12:42am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that puppet police recovered the bodies of 10 murder victims whose bodies had been dumped in various parts of Baghdad.

The AMSI reported a puppet police source as saying that most of the bodies were bound and blindfolded and showed signs of torture before they were shot to death with gunshot wounds to their heads. Torture is a trademark of the Shi‘i sectarian militias and the US-backed puppet security and military services of the puppet regime.

US admits military commander wounded in Resistance attack near wall around al-A‘zamiyah district in Baghdad.

In a dispatch posted at 11:13pm Baghdad time Saturday night, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the US military had admitted that a high ranking American commander had been wounded by small arms fire during an inspection mission at the wall that the Americans have built cutting off the people of Baghdad’s Sunni al-A‘zamiyah district from the rest of the city.

The AMSI reported that an American spokesman refused to disclose further details regarding the identity of the US officer wounded in the Resistance attack, which had been witnessed by a cameraman for the US Associated Press (AP) news agency.

Resistance fighters disable US Humvee with rocket-propelled grenade in Saturday attack.

In a dispatch posted at 11:13pm Baghdad time Saturday night, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with rocket-propelled grenades attacked a US patrol in the Jamilah neighborhood of eastern Baghdad after noon on Saturday.

The AMSI reported a source in the puppet police as saying that the attack disabled one US Humvee.

Resistance barrage kills puppet policeman midday Saturday.

In a dispatch posted at 2:41pm Baghdad time Saturday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb went off by a puppet police station in western Baghdad at about 12:30pm local time midday Saturday.

The AMSI reported a puppet police source as saying that a car bomb exploded in the al-Yarmuk area puppet police station in al-Karakh, killing one puppet policeman and wounding five more of them. The station itself was damaged as were a number of neighboring buildings.

Shi‘i sectarian troops shut down Sunni mosques, kidnap guards.

In a dispatch posted at 10:11am Baghdad time Saturday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that puppet army troops surrounded the ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab Mosque in the al-I ‘lam neighborhood of Baghdad and prevented Sunnis from gathering there to offer their Friday congregational prayers.

The AMSI reported that the puppet regime forces surrounded the mosque and shut it down, preventing Sunnis from going in to pray.

Witnesses said that the puppet regime move came one day after the puppet armed forces had arrested three of the mosque guards at the institution.

Witnesses noted that the puppet regime’s troops, a large percentage of whom are drawn from the ranks of Shi‘i sectarian militias, arrested 15 Sunni worshippers at the as-Siddiq Mosque in the district of al-A‘zamiyah. Another 15 Sunnis were abducted and murdered in the ad-Dubbat area near the al-‘Amil neighborhood of Baghdad.

Abu Ayyub al-Misri, leader of al-Qa‘idah in Iraq, issues recorded statement denying claims of infighting among Resistance groups, days after puppet regime in Baghdad also asserted it had killed al-Misri.

In a dispatch posted at 1:044pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the leader of al-Qa‘idah in Iraq - Abu Ayyub al-Misri, also known as Abu Hamzah al-Muhajir - issued a recorded statement in which he denied reports of any split among Iraqi Resistance fighters. The declaration came just days after the puppet Iraqi regime claimed to have killed the al-Qa‘idah commander.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the leader of al-Qa‘idah in Iraq said in the recorded statement that “the reports you have been hearing on satellite news stations about fighting between us and jihadi groups and our blessed tribes is nothing but pure fabrication and lies.” Abu Ayyub al-Misri went on to say, in the message that was broadcast on Internet websites, that internecine clashes among Resistance fighters were impermissible according to Islamic law (“haram”).

In his statement, which carried today’s (Saturday’s) date, Abu Ayyub said that the reports were “a desperate final attempt to split the jihadi ranks.” He singled out for mention the Resistance organizations that sprang from the Muslim Brotherhood organization and the Salafi jihadi currents in the Resistance.

Abu Ayyub al-Misri, who took over as commander of al-Qa‘idah in Iraq following the death of his predecessor, the Jordanian Abu Mus‘ab az-Zarqawi in June 2006, made no mention of the puppet Iraqi regime’s claims to have killed him a few days ago.

A spokesman for the US military later issued a statement, on Thursday, denying the claims by the American-installed puppet regime to have killed al-Misri, saying that in reality the US forces had no knowledge of his whereabouts, adding that the Americans did not have his body and knew no one else who did either.

Resistance fighter wearing explosive belt blows up amidst recruits joining puppet police in western Baghdad. Nine collaborators reported killed; 13 more wounded.

In a dispatch posted at 6:50pm Makkah time Saturday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance fighter wearing an explosive belt blew himself up near a group of recruits signing up to serve the US occupation by joining the puppet police. The attack took place at a recruiting station in western Baghdad.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet army source as saying that the attacker blew himself up amidst volunteers joining the puppet police at a puppet Iraqi army base in the ar-Risalah neighborhood of western Baghdad - not far from the al-Karakh cemetery.

The source said that the attack killed nine recruits and injured 13 more people. All the casualties were volunteers seeking to serve the US occupation by joining the puppet police. He said that security measures have been taken to protect volunteers from the frequent Resistance attacks at recruiting sites, but that essentially those precautions were intended to prevent large groups of the volunteers from gathering in one place inside the camps.

But the result of those efforts, the source explained, was that it takes longer for the volunteers to get into the camp, and as a result a large crowd of volunteers forms outside the gates of the base - making an easy target for the Iraqi Resistance intent on wiping out the collaborators. The source said that the Resistance fighter took advantage of the crowd that gathered outside the base on Saturday, blowing himself up in their midst as they waited to get inside.

Rivalry between Shi‘i sectarian militias escalates into armed clashes in Baghdad, an-Najaf on Friday.

In a dispatch posted at 9:54am Makkah time Saturday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia and its rival the Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades militia battled with each other in the streets of Baghdad on Friday afternoon as differences between the rival sectarian groups intensify.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen, loyal to Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr attacked the main Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade headquarters in the al-Habibiyah area, trying to storm inside. But the guards at the Badr Brigade sectarian headquarters defended the building shooting back at the sectarian attackers with medium and heavy machine guns.

Witnesses said that the Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen also attacked the so-called “Islamic Propaganda Organization,” an arm of the Shi‘i sectarian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), whose armed wing are the Badr Brigades. The witnesses said that when the Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen attacked the Shi‘i sectarian propaganda organization, the guards at the building fled, enabling the Jaysh al-Mahdi forces to blow up one story of the building and burn it down.

Residents in the Madinat ath-Thawrah district of Baghdad (a part of the Iraqi capital that was nicknamed “Madinat as-Sadr” after the American invasion in 2003) reported that US and puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” intervened to breakup the fighting between the two Shi‘i sectarian groups - both of them aligned with the US against the Iraqi Resistance.

American and Iraqi puppet regime “Shock Troops” closed off all the roads leading to the Madinat ath-Thawrah area and then intervened to stop the infighting of the two rival Shi‘i sectarian militias. Witnesses said that they saw US aircraft including F-16 fighters, flying very low and very fast over the area during the fighting, breaking the sound barrier and scaring many local residents.

In recent weeks US efforts to reduce Iranian influence within the occupation regime in Iraq has put pressure on the puppet regime of Nuri al-Maliki to, in turn, exert pressure on Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr to conform with the requirements of US occupation discipline. The sectarian cleric responded by pulling his politicians out of the puppet “Government” of Nuri al-Maliki, whose Shi‘i sectarian Da‘wah Party is closely aligned with the SCIRI.

The fighting on Friday marked an escalation in the infighting between the two rival wings of the pro-occupation Shi‘i sectarian movement that relies on the US and Iran to advance their own narrow clerical interests at the expense of the majority of Iraqis.

Fighting between the Jaysh al-Mahdi and puppet police in an-Najaf paralleled the fighting in Baghdad.

Salah ad-Din Province.

Resistance fighters assassinate puppet police colonel in Yathrib Saturday.

In a dispatch posted at 11:58pm Baghdad time Saturday night, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters shot and killed a colonel in the puppet police in the town of Yathrib, 70km north of Baghdad. US forces accompanied by their puppet Iraqi army allies arrested 10 local people in the city.

The AMSI reported a puppet police source as saying that Resistance fighters shot and killed Colonel Jabbar at-Tamimi, a local puppet police officer as he was visiting the water purification facility in the al-Bu Jili area of Yathrib. The Resistance men left the scene after spraying Colonel at-Tamimi with bullets.

The source said that US forces accompanied by their puppet Iraqi allies conducted extensive searches of Yathrib on Saturday afternoon, arresting 10 local residents and hauling them away to one of the local US bases.


Four US troops reported killed in Resistance car bomb attack in Samarra’.

In a dispatch posted at 5:15pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a US patrol in the city of Samarra’, 120km north of Baghdad,

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that a white explosives-laden car that had been parked by the side of the road in the al-Bu Baz area junction in Samarra’ blew up by a passing American patrol, destroying an armored Humvee and killing the four US troops aboard. One Iraqi civilian was also moderately wounded in the blast.


Saturday morning Resistance bomb kills four puppet Iraqi army troops.

In a dispatch posted at 5pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb went off by a joint patrol of US occupation troops and their puppet Iraqi army allies in the al-Bu Juwayr area of at-Tarimiyah, 30km north of Baghdad, at 9am Saturday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Major Wahhab Isma‘il of the at-Tarimiyah puppet police as saying that the bomb destroyed a Jeep belonging to the puppet forces, killing three puppet Iraqi troops and one officer who were aboard the vehicle.

Isma‘il reported that the column was forced to come to a halt for half an hour after the attack, whereupon ambulances showed up on the scene to transport the bodies of the dead and also two wounded Iraqi puppet troops to hospital.

Babil Province.

US admits American soldier killed in al-Musayyib area Thursday.

In a dispatch posted at 12:21am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the US had admitted that one American soldier had been killed in the al-Musayyib area, 70km south of Baghdad, on Thursday.


Resistance bomb wounds puppet troops late Friday night.

In a dispatch posted at 9:47am Baghdad time Saturday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb that had been planted by the side of the highway that runs south from Baghdad to al-Hillah blew up by a passing puppet army unit late on Friday night.

The AMSI reported that the bomb, which had been planted between bridges 19 and 20 on the highway wounded two puppet troops who were taken to hospital for treatment.

Ninwa Province.

Resistance fires five mortar shells into puppet police academy area in al-Mawsil.

In a dispatch posted at 2:14pm Baghdad time Saturday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the Iraqi Resistance blasted the area of the puppet police academy in the al-Qahirah neighborhood of northeastern al-Mawsil on Saturday with five mortar shells.

The AMSI reported that the barrage wounded a guard at the front gate who was taken to hospital for treatment.

Al-Qadisiyah Province.

Resistance forces continue attacks on US forces in ad-Diwaniyah Saturday.

In a dispatch posted at 1:06pm Baghdad time Saturday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb went off by a US patrol in ad-Diwaniyah, 120km south of Baghdad, at 8am local time Saturday morning.

The AMSI reported that the explosion occurred on the road between the areas of Iskan and ‘Afak and that it disabled a US patrol vehicle. Witnesses said that the Americans raked the area with intense gunfire in response to the attack after which US helicopters flew in to evacuate the casualties to US-occupied “Camp Echo” in the city.

Meanwhile the Iraqi Resistance renewed its assault on “Camp Echo” with a barrage of six Katyusha rockets at the US-occupied facility at 6am local time Saturday morning. The attack set a fire blazing inside the camp, after which US helicopters flew in to hunt for the attackers in the vicinity.

In a dispatch posted at 12:21am Baghdad time Sunday morning, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the Iraqi Resistance had fired three mortar rounds into the US-occupied “Camp Echo” at 7:30pm local time Saturday afternoon, inflicting material damage on the base. US helicopters prowled the skies over the city at low altitude, searching for the attackers.

The AMSI reported

An-Najaf Province.

Sunni truck driver abducted, tortured, murdered by Shi‘i sectarians in an-Najaf.

In a dispatch posted at 5:30pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the body of a Sunni Iraqi was found dumped in an empty square in the Shi‘i holy city of an-Najaf on Saturday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet police source in the city as saying that a the victim was a Sunni truck driver who was hauling aluminum doors into the city where they were to be delivered to a building under construction. Shi‘i sectarians kidnapped the driver and stole his cargo.

Later the puppet police in Baghdad contacted the an-Najaf puppet police to inform them that ‘Abdallah Naji ad-Darraji had disappeared on a trip to the southern city and that relatives of the missing man were concerned.

After conducting a search, the an-Najaf puppet police found the body of the victim dumped in an empty square in southern an-Najaf. The Shi‘i sectarian kidnappers had tortured ad-Darraji prior to killing him - cutting off his extremities and stabbing him several times in the abdomen and head.

Torture is a trade mark of the Shi‘i sectarian militias and the American-run puppet security forces whose members area largely drawn from those same sectarian militias. After an initial decline, the number of bodies of Sunnis found tortured and murdered has been on the rise since the American forces began implementing their “New Security Plan” over two months ago.

Puppet police impose curfew on an-Najaf following clashes with rival Jaysh al-Mahdi Shi‘i sectarian gunmen.

In a dispatch posted at 8:59am Makkah time Saturday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the puppet police imposed a curfew in the city of an-Najaf on Friday following clashes between the Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia and the puppet regime’s security forces, dominated by members of the rival Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade militia.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Ahmad Du‘aybil, the puppet Information Director of the province as saying that two puppet policemen were wounded in armed clashes with the rival Shi‘i sectarian gunmen. Du‘aybil explained that the fighting broke out when Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen who were members of the body guards of Salah al-‘Ubaydi, a leader in the Muqtada as-Sadr movement, attacked a patrol of puppet police when he failed to obey an order by the puppet police not to enter the Old City without prior permission.

A source within the Sadr Movement claimed for his part that the puppet police attacked al-‘Ubaydi, beating and cursing him and shooting at his car when he tried to enter the Old City.

In response to the clashes, the puppet police imposed a curfew that went into effect at 6pm local time Friday and was to stay in effect until further notice.

The fighting coincided with battles between Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr’s Jaysh al-Mahdi militia and the Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigade militia in Baghdad. The Badr Brigade is the armed wing of the so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).

In recent weeks US efforts to reduce Iranian influence within the occupation regime in Iraq has put pressure on the puppet regime of Nuri al-Maliki to, in turn, exert pressure on Shi‘i sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr to conform with the requirements of US occupation discipline. The sectarian cleric responded by pulling his politicians out of the puppet “Government” of Nuri al-Maliki, whose Shi‘i sectarian Da‘wah Party is closely aligned with the SCIRI.

The fighting on Friday marked an escalation in the infighting between the two rival wings of the pro-occupation Shi‘i sectarian movement that relies on the US and Iran to advance their own narrow clerical interests at the expense of the majority of Iraqis.

Al-Basrah Province.

Resistance Katyusha rockets blast area near US, British consulates Saturday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 2:41pm Baghdad time Saturday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that Iraqi Resistance forces blasted the British bases set up in the former Presidential palaces of southern al-Basrah on Saturday morning with Katyusha rockets.

The AMSI reported a puppet police source as saying that more than 10 Katyusha rockets blasted into the base near the US and British consulates in the area. As of the time of reporting the puppet police still had no information on the nature or extent of damage or casualties in the area, from which the occupation forces kept local puppet police out.

British patrol comes under attack in al-Basrah.

In a dispatch posted at 2:14pm Baghdad time Saturday afternoon, the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq (AMSI) reported that the Iraqi Resistance attacked a British patrol came in the southern city of al-Basrah on Saturday morning.

The AMSI reported the British as admitting that armed men fired rocket-propelled grenades and light arms at the British soldiers, in addition to detonating a bomb that had been planted by the side of a road in the city. The British troops responded by opening fire in the direction of the incoming fire.

Resistance rocket barrages shut down al-Basrah airport Saturday morning.

In a dispatch posted at 1:41pm Makkah time Saturday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that operations at al-Basrah airport were stopped after the Iraqi Resistance rocket barrages on the facility early Saturday morning.

The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported the British information center in al-Basrah as saying that following the attack all movement of aircraft was halted at the airport. The British statement failed to provide any indication of the nature or extent of damage.

Iraqi puppet police sources reported that the British occupation forces had arrested more than 10 individuals in various parts of al-Basrah on Friday-Saturday night. The British confirmed that report, saying that British forces came under attack during the arrests. As in their announcement regarding the Resistance attack on al-Basrah airport, the British command failed to provide any further details on the nature or extent of losses sustained in their nighttime operations.



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