Below is an example picture of an actual Controlled Demolition and the "Squibs" can be clearly seen!
Learn what REALLY happened on 9/11 HERE!
Well my friends, as we all SHOULD know by now, the "Twin Towers" of the World Trade Center Complex were SUPPOSEDLY brought down to a "Powdered Rubble" due to Fire and the PLANES FUEL and IMPACT?
Well, as MOST do NOT know is that a THIRD building collapsed as well that day! The Soloman Bros. Bldg. or otherwise know as WTC building 7 (WTC 7) fell STRAIGHT DOWN at nearly FREEFALL SPEED just as BOTH the WTC towers did, and it WAS NOT even hit by a PLANE!!!
NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY has a steel framed building EVER collapsed due to fire, but on 9/11 3 buildings indeed DID!!!, DEFYING the laws of psychics, gravity and flat out common sense!!!
none the less, WTC 7 had a fire FAR smaller then WTC building 5 (WTC 5) and yet WTC 5 NEVER collapsed!!!
here is VIDEO of the raging fires of WTC 5 and below are the WTC North and South Towers very small fires and EXPLOSIVE collapse, and WTC 7 fires and SUSPICIOUS COLLAPSE as well!
now YOU try and make sense of all this, and tell me that you still DO NOT have QUESTIONS and CONCERNS and are NOT concerned about what REALLY might have happened on 9-11-o1 and WHY???
9/11 was NOT just an attack by cave dwelling, box cutter using Terrorist!!! it was a very well planned and executed attack by those elected to PROTECT US and possibly their Zionist Friends!
there is so much YOU do NOT know! its time to RESEARCH 9/11 by going to GOOGLE and learn more about the 9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT.
now here is the WTC 5 RAGING FIRE
here is WTC building 7 (SEVEN) which did collapse but was NEVER hit by a PLANE!!! notice the fact that it appears as it is falling EXACTLY like a planned CONTROLLED DEMOLITION!!! just as the TOWERS!!!
now have a look at the Trade Center Towers COLLAPSE!!! notice anything SIMILAR??? and WHERE is the RAGING FIRE???
and WTC 7 again,
Dont allow the REAL TERRORIST to get away with this horrible act of TREASON! Thousands of Innocent U.S. Citizens, Firefighters, and Police were MURDERED with help by people within our very own Government that day, and we have QUESTIONS that must be answered and we seek JUSTICE that MUST BE SERVED!!!! SPREAD THE TRUTH to all who will listen! they WILL NOT continue to feed us the BULLSHIT and LIES any longer! an IMPLOSION is NOT a COLLAPSE!!!
INVESTIGATE 9/11 and learn the TRUTH about what really KILLED over 3 Thousand AMERICANS that day!!!