★阿修羅♪ > 政治・選挙・NHK40 > 412.html
投稿者 MAGIC 日時 2007 年 8 月 11 日 13:25:18: YUDpPsb5pHfUU

(回答先: Re: まるで、青ざめた疫病神に取り憑き“ケッケッケーッと叫ぶ魔女の不気味な高笑い”です 投稿者 鷹眼乃見物 日時 2007 年 8 月 11 日 10:45:29)

サバトについて調べたら、 新紀元社の・『魔法事典』(山北篤)に次のようにあった。サバト(Sabbat)



 天使悪魔(Angels&Devil-Deamon )


そいえばアメリカに移住した藤原さんが書いた、ベストセラーになった『小泉純一郎と日本の病理』の英語の題名は、「Koizumi’s Zombie Politics」だった。








Zombies and Walpurgis Night
Today Japan is a country controlled by zombies. In the transition from decay to death, normal people cannot really live and only zombies flourish. In such conditions as Japan now faces, citizens, unaware that they are being controlled by zombies, carry on with a restless, alienated feeling. Because this situation is a tragedy, we must know precisely what zombies are. What exactly is a "zombie"?
When I initially tried to define "zombie," I opted for mathematical terminology, placing "understanding" on the highest dimension while putting zombie on the lowest. But this abstract scheme gave no precise meaning, so I decided to look the word up in a few dictionaries. At first, "zombie" wasn't in any of the regular dictionaries I checked. Upon careful thought about where I might find it, I searched the Spiritualism Research Dictionary, where I found the following definition:
Zombie: Of Haitian origin. Magic or black magic that has the power to revive dead people or make them sleepwalk.
Reading this made me think, "Now I'm convinced." With this explanation, the revival of the lame duck LDP with the birth of the Koizumi administration in 2001 was clearly an example of black magic. To make this "zombie" metaphor more sociologically sound, I also checked "zombie" in my Japanese-American Colloquialisms Dictionary, and received "living dead" for a definition. There was also this information:
The original English meaning comes from a voodoo ritual curse and describes a dead person who has been brought into un-life. The word later became slang and came to signify any person who is mentally similar to a dead person. "Zombie" can also be used to mean "lazy."
In any case, Japan's political climate has recently been filled with a strange air. Have zombies invaded Japan? Social order has been totally lost, and everyone is writhing, screaming, and roaming about!
In addition to zombies, Walpurgis Night also comes to mind when I think about recent Japanese politics. Walpurgis Night is a legendary festival that takes place yearly on the eve of the first of May on Mt. Broken, a lofty peak in the Hartz mountain range in north central Germany. It is said that on Walpurgis Night, witches riding bull mountain goats, broomsticks, and pokers gather on Mt, Broken to feast with the devil. Goethe (1749-1832) magnificently depicts this scene in his tragic poem Faust:
The wind is hushed, the stars die,
The melancholy moon hides in the sky,
While crowds of wizards whizzing by
Make sparks of sputtering fire fly.
The shrieks of crazed witches echo through the mountains and valleys below, while the frenzy gives way to an orgy.
Walpurgis Night is a dead-on metaphor for the Koizumi boom. First there is the bizarre death of Obuchi Keizo. Then a backroom deal produces the Mori cabinet. Next the Mori cabinet falls after historically low approval ratings. Suddenly the LDP rises from the dead and appears as a stray crow. Finally this stray crow -the Koizumi administration - destroys its own nest. If this string of events doesn't appropriately portray the chaos on Walpurgis Night, what does?

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