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投稿者 gataro 日時 2007 年 10 月 20 日 10:06:12: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

http://www.afpbb.com/article/economy/2299706/2254508 から転載。

2007年10月19日 01:30 発信地:パリ/フランス

2007年10月17日、パリ(Paris)のサン・ラザール(Saint-lazare)駅で、ストライキによる運行中止予定を伝える掲示板の前に立つ男性。(c)AFP/BERTRAND GUAY

【10月18日 AFP】仏交通・エネルギー関連の公共企業の職員らは17日夜、ニコラ・サルコジ(Nicolas Sarkozy)仏大統領の特別年金制度改革に反対して24時間の大規模ストライキに突入した。サルコジ政権発足後初の大規模ストで、大統領にとって最初の試練となる。




 労組側は、サルコジ大統領が提唱する特別年金の納入期間延長に反対している。仏鉄道・エネルギー関連公共企業の特別年金制度ではこれまで納入期間が37年6か月とされ、50歳で満額を受け取って退職することも可能だった。サルコジ大統領は、「社会的公正の観点から」納入期間を他の公共企業や一般企業と同じ40年に延長する方針だ。(c)AFP/Hugh Schofield



France braces for more transport disruption this weekend(AFP)
22 hours ago

PARIS (AFP) — French travellers braced for more disruption this weekend after some unions said they would extend two days of major transport strikes over plans to cut pension privileges.

France's state SNCF rail system predicted more disruption of train services in eight of 20 regions on Saturday and Sunday, but said the high-speed TGV trains would be operating nearly normally.

Action against government plans to cut pension privileges for hundreds of thousands of rail and energy workers began on Thursday and drew nearly 75 percent of the nation's railway staff -- the biggest number to join a strike in many years.

Problems extended into Friday and were expected to persist this weekend with metros and suburban trains in the Paris region affected, the metro operator RATP said.

But with tens of thousands of South African and English rugby fans expected in the capital for Saturday's World Cup final, Eurostar connections with London were operating without problem, SNCF said.

The operator also guaranteed that suburban trains to the Stade de France stadium where the match is taking place will run normally on Saturday evening.

Unions hailed Thursday's 24-hour stoppage as a major success and threatened more action unless President Nicolas Sarkozy's government makes concessions on the pension changes.

"In its current format the reform will not pass. The ball is in the government's court," said Bernard Thibault of the General Labour Confederation (CGT).

Union leaders are to meet Monday to discuss the next action.

But they are divided over what to do next, with some calling for tougher social action and others backing swift negotiations with the government.

The government has said it will not be budged from plans to overhaul the country's so-called "special" pension systems, which are enjoyed by 1.6 million rail, energy and other workers.

Sarkozy has begun moves to lengthen contribution periods for these workers from 37.5 years to 40, closer in line with other public and private sector employees. Currently some railway staff can retire on a full pension at the age of 50.

Speaking from Lisbon, where he attended an EU summit, Sarkozy said that government strategy was to be "firm on the objective of reforming the special systems, but with a hand held out for negotiation".

"I am committed to this reform. It will happen. But no-one must be humiliated," he said.

An opinion poll in the right-wing newspaper Le Figaro found that a large majority of the public supported the government.

Sixty-seven percent said Sarkozy should not "yield to the union's demands." Some 40 percent said they thought the strikes would last several more days and 32 percent said it would go on even longer.

The 16 category-based "special" systems were set up before the post-war introduction of a general pensions scheme for all workers.

They are enjoyed by workers at SNCF, metro operator RATP, energy suppliers EDF and GDF as well as fishermen, miners and parliamentarians.

Some 500,000 workers pay into the systems but there are 1.1 million drawing pensions, and this has led to an annual shortfall of five billion euros (seven billion dollars) borne by taxpayers.


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