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7月07日:ファースト・コンタクト公式着陸[土曜日午前10時] *大規模着陸は2008年1月を予定
Brief Interrim Update, Wanta Gate
May 30, 2007, 11:58
BRIEF INTERIM UPDATE: 30 MAY 2007: See addendum below.
The situation is now MUCH WORSE even than was the case two weeks ago. HM The Queen's gold, which (we are advised) is located in New York, has NOT been restored to Her Majesty, ostensibly because it is under contract. Meanwhile Blair, who visited Cheney in the Green Zone about ten days ago, is wafting around the world 'saying goodbye' when everyone who knows what a scoundrel this crook is, wants to see the back of him: a performance which lends a new meaning to the word 'arrogance'. It is understood that an official statement by Special Counsel Fitzgerald concerning the incessant illegal financial activities of Vice President Richard Cheney was posted yesterday but was removed shortly afterwards. The Editor has proclaimed before the whole world in the report below WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO BRING THIS MATTER TO THE OPEN CRISIS LEVEL THAT IS EVIDENTLY NECESSARY IN ORDER FOR THESE CRIMINALS TO BE DECAPITATED ONCE AND FOR ALL. While Blair remains (unconstitutionally) in office but no longer in power, it is evident that the feckless British Government lacks the guts to confront these sons of Belial, head-on.
2 週前より現在の状況はもっと悪くなっています。表面上それは契約が成立した形をとっているので、女王陛下の金塊は彼女に返却されませんでした(それはニューヨークにあります(と我々は忠告されました))。一方、このペテン師がなんたる悪党であるかをわかっている誰もが彼を追い払いたいと望んでいるとき、ブレアは『さよならを言っている』世界のまわりで漂っています(彼はおよそ10日前グリーンゾーンでチェイニーを訪ねました):これは『傲慢』という言葉に新しい意味を上塗りする行為です。リチャード・チェイニー副大統領の絶え間ない違法な財政活動に関する特別顧問フィッツジェラルドによる公式記載が昨日送られてきましたが、その後まもなく削除されたと思われます。編集者[クリストファー・ストーリー]は、下記のレポートで、全世界に向かって、この問題を公然たる危機レベルにもちこむためになされなければならないことは、犯人たちをいったん首にして二度とその地位につけないことが明らかに必要であると宣言しました。ブレアが(憲法に反して)オフィスに残ってもはや何の権限ももたない間、役に立たない英国政府が正面から悪魔のこれらの息子たちに立ち向かうための内臓が不足していることは明白です。
So this task is left up to us, and it had better be understood loud and clear that we are not about to relinquish our responsibilities in this crisis. The Ambassaor is the greatest and most remarkable man of integrity, faith and endurance that the Editor has ever been privileged to meet and serve, and we will continue this fight for the salvation of our two countries until such time as the criminals are wiped from the screen and sanity is once again restored to our two once great nations. Amen.
それで、この仕事は我々に任せられています。そして、我々がこの危機で我々の責任を放棄するつもりは毛頭ないことははっきりとよく理解されていた方がよいです。 大使[レオ・ワンタ]は編集者がこれまでに出会って協力した人たちの中で最も偉大で、信頼性と持久力をもった最も注目に値する人物です。そして、犯人がスクリーンから拭き取られるまで、我々は我々の2カ国を救済するためこの闘争を続けます。そして、分別は我々のかつての2つの大国にもう一度戻されます。アーメン。
ひとつの見通し by PICO
7月07日:ファースト・コンタクト公式着陸[土曜日午前10時] *大規模着陸は2008年1月を予定
Selamat Jarin! We return after a short hiatus to discuss some truly interesting developments with you. As you may already suspect, many secret agreements have come into effect while we were on our break. Our Earth allies have been able to get a range of necessary conditions drawn up against the last dark cabal. These rules make it even more certain that the collapse of this cabal and its illegal US regime is quite imminent. Many banks around your globe are being forced to adopt new ways even before this cabal becomes history. This is shifting the protracted financial global chess game to the advantage of our Earth allies. We are overseeing this closely and, concurrently, making plans to ensure that our own various projects also come swiftly to fruition. We are close to putting into office a series of new regimes whose purpose is to bring peace to a troubled world and allow a great prosperity to come into the lives of Mother Earth's citizens. These changes also set the stage for the formal announcements that lead us to mass first contact with your world.
Selamat Jarin!我々は、いくらかの本当に面白い発展についてあなたと話し合うために、短い中断の後、戻りました。あなたがすでに思うかもしれなくて、我々が我々のブレークに関している間、多くの秘密の契約は有効になりました。我々の地球盟友は、必要条件の範囲を最後の暗い秘密グループに対して引き上げてもらうことができました。これらの規則は、それをこの秘密グループとその違法な米体制の崩壊が全く差し迫っていることをさらに一層確かにします。この秘密グループが過去のものになる前に、あなたの球体の多くの銀行は新しい方法を採用することを強制されています。これは、長引いた財政的な世界的なチェスゲームにおいて我々の地球同盟者に有利な局面を生み出しています。我々は密接にこれを監督していて、並行して、我々自身のいろいろなプロジェクトをもすみやかに実現することを確実にする計画を立てています。我々は大統領のオフィスにその目的が荒れた世界に平和をもたらし、母なる地球の市民生活に大きな繁栄をもたらすことになっている一連の新しい体制を注ぎ込む寸前です。これらの変化はまた、我々をあなたの世界との大規模な最初の接触に連れていく正式な発表のお膳立てをしました。
While we are excited by this progress, we hasten to add that we bring a sober realism to bear at all times on our assessment of what is currently playing out on your world. This dark cabal has proven itself very adept at reversing previous sticky situations that seemed to spell its doom. Our present efforts aim to temper these risks by bringing in new players who have the potential to thwart the cabal's counter-moves. It is, quite simply, time for the madness and chaos created by the dark to come to an end. Hence, we have rigged the game in favor of our Earth allies. As you know, doing this has not been easy; in fact, we had to call in a number of galactic chits to enable us to achieve the position we now enjoy. In the past, the special strength of the dark lay in its cunning: This trait was learned at the side of some of the most hard-core Ancharan empires of this galaxy. Using the advice of our new and changed (i.e. ex-Ancharan) allies gave us ways to remove any possible "slither-room" from the dark cabal's strategies. These actions are now paying off.
As we work the last cabal into a corner, those who control that organization are engaged in the usual immoral activities, which, in the past, allowed them to escape any tight spots. But now our new strategies are working as planned. Consequently, we are expecting very soon to see the completion of the deliveries and the exit of the present US regime. These events will open the way for many things that are to be announced publicly by the new transitional governments. Throughout this schedule, we intend to position various operatives whose purpose is to oversee the carrying out of the many provisions of the agreement of 1998 that will ensure first contact. These provisions promise your world that the great global prosperity can lead your societies toward a higher level of cooperation, which, in turn, is to establish world peace and bring an enhanced understanding of each other. In this environment, the deployment of long-suppressed technologies can permit you to clean up global pollution and put an end to world hunger.
Being this close to the time of your world's transition is most satisfying for us. Nevertheless, our work is just beginning. We need to make sure that the agreed-to stipulations are indeed carried out by our Earth allies. To this end, we have carefully worked out a number of ways for the divine decrees to come into being. Although our degree of intervention in your affairs grows by the day, it adheres strictly to the amounts that are acceptable to Heaven. Accordingly, we are ever mindful of the fine line between what we wish to do and what actually gets carried out. Our analysis of your world is constantly re-evaluated as we update out databanks with intelligence and directives from our many liaisons and their diplomatic counterparts. Further, our task is to do this within the scope considered legitimate by Heaven. Our Spiritual Hierarchy liaisons also relay to us their sacred decrees, and these documents serve as our policy parameters. The result is a scenario heading us toward first contact.
あなたの世界の移行の時が近づいていることに、我々は大いに満足しています。それでも、我々の業績は、ちょうど始まっています。我々は、 agreed-to条件が本当に我々の地球同盟者によって実行されることを確認する必要があります。このためには、我々は神の命令が生まれるいくつかの方法を慎重に考えました。あなたの問題への我々の干渉の程度は日ごとに増大していますが、それは厳しく、天に受け入れられる総体的な結果をもたらします。したがって、我々は我々がしたいことと実際に実行されたこととの間で細い線をこれまで心にとめて忘れません。我々が我々の多くの連携と彼らの外交の対応する人からの情報と指令でデータバンクを外へ更新して、あなたの世界に対する我々の分析は絶えず再評価されています。さらに、我々の仕事は、天によって合法的であると思われる範囲内でそうすることです。我々の霊的階層からの連絡係も我々に彼らの神聖な命令を中継します。そして、これらの文書は我々の方向を見定めるための指針として用いられています。その結果が、ファースト・コンタクトに向かって我々の先頭にたっている今のシナリオです。
Heaven is deeply committed to your return to full consciousness. Her purpose is to manifest the divine plan on planet Earth and throughout this solar system. It was Heaven's call for first contact, which brought us in great numbers to your shores nearly two decades ago. As we matured this operation, we discovered both your strengths and your weaknesses. We can tell you that for the most part you are a moral people driven to commit many immoral acts by a group of dark minions known by many names, both known and unknown. This is the time when these dark secret rulers give up this amoral governance of you and when an age of Light reclaims you. We restate this in order to remind you that the conditions presently surrounding you are divinely decreed to go away and that a worldwide action to this effect is well underway. We are a part of this, and our actions can and will bring you into a new age of Light!
The many fleets that daily watch over you are dedicated to a first contact that brings you to the very threshold of full consciousness and then with ease delivers you to your full consciousness destiny. Doing this has been quite an experience. We are now engaged in a series of activities that are to ensure the fall, at long last, of "the first domino." Thereafter, a veritable deluge of interesting events can ensue. Right now, the last actions in this operation are taking place. The legal transition of the present state of America to its former constitutional status, along with the global delivery of your prosperity funds, constitutes the first domino, and it has been one tough nut to crack! Nevertheless, our liaisons assure us that this domino cascade is ready to snake its way around the world.
Our first contact commanders are gleefully awaiting the final orders to carry out first contact. We sometimes feel as if we have been spending a lifetime preparing our fleets for this much-awaited moment! Everyone involved has practiced their role to the point where they can do it in their sleep. We laugh at ourselves as being the most over-trained first contact landing fleet in the entire Galactic Federation! So you can be very assured that we are more than capable of pulling off a first contact at a moment's notice. Every scout ship sent out on its daily rounds knows what to do if suddenly called upon. All potential contingencies are gone over in each crewmember's mind at least a million times, and all assigned motherships have the scout-ship release points memorized. We can safely state that we are indeed ready to launch a first-contact mass landing!
A first contact is something very special, and the landing truly deserves the vast amount of training we have put into it. Understandably, we dearly wish to bring this auspicious day forward. To this end, we recognize how vital is the present series of actions we are engaged upon both above and on your world. Our many liaisons, as well as those from our fleet who currently live among you, are busy bringing this date forward as swiftly as possible. We are indebted to those among our Earth allies who, from the start of our more direct involvement in these matters, encouraged us in this role. We are also most grateful to the many of you who in your dreams and meditative thoughts have given us ideas on how best to proceed. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!
最初の接触は非常に特別な何かです、そして、着陸は本当に、我々がそれに入れておくトレーニングの膨大な量に値します。無理もないことですが、我々は心から今日の幸先がよい日を出したいです。このためには、我々は核心が我々があなたの世界より上に、そして、上で約束がある行動の現在の連続である方法を認めます。我々の多くの連携(あなたの間で現在生きる我々の艦隊からのそれらと同様に)は、できるだけ速くこの日付を早めるのに忙しいです。我々は、これらの問題との我々のより直接的な関係の始まりから、この役割で我々を励ました我々の地球盟友の内の彼らに恩恵を受けています。我々はまた、皆さんの夢と熟慮が我々に最もうまく進行させる方法についての考えを与えてくれたことで、皆さんの多くに最大の感謝を申し上げます。思い出してください。Together、Weは本当に Victoriousです!
Today, we went over the latest developments preparing your globe for first contact. Our increased involvement can lead us all to success! The key elements are this fleet and, most importantly, you. Your continued courage and focus are critical. We sincerely thank you for all you have done and continue to do to make this mission's outcome a success. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)
今日、我々は最初の接触のためにあなたの球体を準備している最新の事情を調べました。我々のさらなる参加は、我々みんなを成功に連れていくことができます! 重要な要素はこの艦隊であり、そして最も重要なのがあなたです。あなたの継続する勇気と焦点は、重要です。我々は、心からあなたにあなたがしているこの任務の結果を成功させるためにし続けている全てに対して感謝します。天の永久のSupplyと無限のAbundanceが本当にそうであるHeartsのあなたの Heartにおいて、敬具ということを知っていてください!Selamat Majon!Selamat Kasitaram!(Sirian、喜んでください!そして、天国のような愛と喜びで幸せにしてください!)
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