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A Provocative Look at Soldiers' Lives in Iraq
The War Tapes
'The War Tapes': War Film by Warriors
"The War Tapes" documents the soldier's life,
completely filmed by soldiers.
Three National Guardsmen Document Their Experiences
June 23, 2006 The idea is simple and enormously powerful.
Three National Guard soldiers from New Hampshire were given their own
cameras and asked to record a year Iraq.
The more than 800 hours of video they recorded resulted in a film,
"The War Tapes," which took the documentary feature award at the recent
New York Tribeca Film Festival.
彼らが記録した800時間以上のビデオは映画「The War Tapes」となり、
最近ニューヨーク Tribeca 映画祭においてドキュメンタリー賞をとりました。
Specialist Mike Moriarty was one of the three soldiers
- he signed up after 9/11.
"That was like somebody hitting my house," Moriarty said to the camera.
"I had to do something about it."
マイク Moriarty 特殊技官は、9.11 事件の後に入隊しました。
But Sgt. Zack Bazzi - born in Lebanon,
fluent in Arabic - is dubious about America's intentions in Iraq.
ザック Bazzi 軍曹は、レバノンで生まれて、アラブ語が流暢です。
"[Expletive] the oil man, [expletive] it," he said.
"It's not worth it. I'll even drive a Honda Insight."
「[ Expletive ]石油関係業者、[ののしり言葉]それ」と彼が言いました。
And Sgt. Steve Pink was a dedicated keeper of eloquently wrenching
スティーブ Pink 軍曹は、雄弁で、悲痛な日記をつけ続けました。
"I looked down at his hand dangling from the exposed bone that used to
be his elbow," he said,
"like a safety-clipped mitten dangling from his winter coat."
Provocative Images:挑発的なイメージ
The movie captures the horror and terror of combat,
documenting when people are injured.
But it also includes telling scenes from daily life,
as well as the hometown, hard-edged New England humor of the three
"Look at the size of the kid selling it,"
Bazzi says after meeting a young boy selling huge knives.
"Go tell your uncle, stop selling IEDs (explosive devices).
[Expletive,] sell knives instead of IEDs."
Bazzi が巨大なナイフを売っている少年に会った後で言います。
IEDs の代わりにナイフを売ってよ」
On display in the film is the growing resentment and cultural
misunderstandings the U.S. troops experience with the locals.
"Stop! You just kind of put your hand up and say,'Stop,'"
Bazzi explained while greeting an Iraqi boy and
showing different hand gestures.
"In Iraq, that means hello. This means stop.
So the guy sees a soldier saying,
'Hello, hello,' then he says hello in a different way."
Also evident is the soldiers' frustration with Halliburton subsidiary
KBR, whose supply trucks the men protect on the road.
道路で補給トラックを守るハリバートン所属の KBR の兵士達の
"Everybody there stands to make money the longer we're there,"
Moriarty said.
金をもうける立場にあります」と Moriarty が言いました。
In one scene, the soldiers' Humvee accidentally hits and kills a young
Iraqi girl.
"We heard the crash of her body hitting the Humvee -
the worst thing in my life that I saw," Moriarty said.
と Moriarty が言いました。
With no journalist or narrator acting as intermediary between audience
and subjects, "The War Tapes" provides rare insight and immediacy.
It takes no sides, just paints a raw portrait - one that
its soldier/filmmakers hope will be a "service to the American people."