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Here's the average IQ by state according to the Ravens APM:
AVG IQ AVG Income '00 Electoral
(1) Connecticut..................113 $26,979 Gore
(2) Massachusetts................111 $24,059 Gore
(3) New Jersey...................111 $26,457 Gore
(4) New York.....................109 $23,534 Gore
(5) Rhode Island.................107 $20,299 Gore
(6) Hawaii.......................106 $21,218 Gore
(7) Maryland.....................105 $22,974 Gore
(8) New Hampshire................105 $22,934 Bush
(9) Illinois.....................104 $21,608 Gore
(10) Delaware....................103 $21,451 Gore
(11) Minnesota...................102 $20,049 Gore
(12) Vermont.....................102 $18,834 Gore
(13) Washington..................102 $20,398 Gore
(14) California..................101 $21,278 Gore
(15) Pennsylvania................101 $20,253 Gore
(16) Maine.......................100 $18,226 Gore
(17) Virginia....................100 $20,629 Bush
(18) Wisconsin...................100 $18,727 Gore
(19) Colorado.....................99 $20,124 Bush
(20) Iowa.........................99 $18,287 Gore
(21) Michigan.....................99 $19,508 Gore
(22) Nevada.......................99 $20,266 Bush
(23) Ohio.........................99 $18,624 Bush
(24) Oregon.......................99 $18,202 Gore
(25) Alaska.......................98 $21,603 Bush
(26) Florida......................98 $19,397 Bush
(27) Missouri.....................98 $18,835 Bush
(28) Kansas.......................96 $19,376 Bush
(29) Nebraska.....................95 $19,084 Bush
(30) Arizona......................94 $17,119 Bush
(31) Indiana......................94 $18,043 Bush
(32) Tennessee....................94 $17,341 Bush
(33) North Carolina...............93 $17,667 Bush
(34) West Virginia................93 $15,065 Bush
(35) Arkansas.....................92 $15,439 Bush
(36) Georgia......................92 $18,130 Bush
(37) Kentucky.....................92 $16,534 Bush
(38) New Mexico...................92 $15,353 Gore
(39) North Dakota.................92 $16,854 Bush
(40) Texas........................92 $17,892 Bush
(41) Alabama......................90 $16,220 Bush
(42) Louisiana....................90 $15,712 Bush
(43) Montana......................90 $16,062 Bush
(44) Oklahoma.....................90 $16,198 Bush
(45) South Dakota.................90 $16,558 Bush
(46) South Carolina...............89 $15,989 Bush
(47) Wyoming......................89 $17,423 Bush
(48) Idaho........................87 $16,067 Bush
(49) Utah.........................87 $15,325 Bush
(50) Mississippi..................85 $14,088 Bush
[Host: The income-IQ correlation was inspired by the book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations," by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen. The income statistics are now perhaps a decade old, but were apparently the only numbers available to the original compiler when the results of the '00 election became available (and this chart was made).
Commentary is welcome, send to gcharter@student.umass.edu]
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