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Ex-Security Chief Brzezinski's Interview makes clear:
The Muslim Terrorist Apparatus was Created by US Intelligence as a Geopolitical Weapon
Le Nouvel Observateur's Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser
Published 15-21 January 1998
Translated by Jean Martineau
I. Comment: The US & European States are still using Brzezinski's Muslim terrorist strategy!
by Jared Israel
II. Interview with Brzezinski
[Posted 6 September 2004]
- Comments -
Below is our translation of an interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is important for three reasons.
First, it flatly contradicts the official US justification for giving billions of dollars to the mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 1980s, namely that the US and Saudi Arabia were defending so-called freedom fighters against Soviet aggression.
Not so, says Brzezinski. He confirms what opponents have charged: that the US began covert sponsorship of Muslim extremists five months *before* the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. He says that after President Carter authorized the covert action:
"I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets."
Second, the interview is instructive concerning so-called "conspiracy theory." To be sure, there are plenty of nutty theories out there. And of course, there are plenty of just plain wrong theories. But as Brzezinski demonstrates, the US foreign policy establishment did, for want of a better word, conspire. Even as they claimed to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly fomented it *as a weapon of policy.* And they lied about what they were doing, pretending they were helping freedom fighters resist an invasion. In other words, deceit on two levels.
One must ask oneself: if the US foreign policy Establishment used Muslim extremism as a weapon once, how can one argueハ *in principle* that they would not use it again?
We say they *have* used it again; that they have used it continuously; and that we are seeing the fruits of this policy. Most recently we have seen the real essence of the Brzezinski doctrine in the horrendous events this past week in Russia (culminating in the school attack) and Israel (the double bus bombing).
Lying with dollars
Brzezinski and his prottege' Zalmay Khalilzad, set up a corporation in 1985, funded by the US congress, to train the mujahideen to sell reporters the lie that the mujahideen were freedom fighters and victims of aggression:
[Excerpt from Associated Press dispatch starts here] My emphasis
Headline: U.S. Provides $500,000 So Afghan Rebels Can Tell Their Story
AP, September 16, 1985, Monday, PM cycle SECTION: Washington Dateline
Guerrillas in Afghanistan are about to get money from the United States government for a public relations campaign intended to bring their struggle against Soviet troops to the world's attention.
The money will train Afghan rebel journalists to use television, radio and newspapers to advance their cause. Reporters will be given mini-cameras to photograph the war inside Afghanistan.
"It is the goal of this project to facilitate the collection, development and distribution of credible, objective and timely professional-quality news stories, photographs and television images about developments in Afghanistan," said a notice in the Federal Register. The program will be overseen by Uncle Sam's own propaganda arm, the U.S. Information Agency. Congress appropriated $500,000 to hire experts and may provide more later.
In making the money available, Congress all but instructed USIA to consider an organization like Friends of Afghanistan, a new group whose board includes former Carter administration national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, known for hard-line anti-Soviet views.
USIA has solicited proposals, due Sept. 25.
Friends of Afghanistan includes other American foreign policy luminaries such as Lawrence Eagleburger, a former undersecretary of state, and Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, a Columbia University political science professor and some-time paid adviser to the State Department on Afghanistan.
[Note from Jared Israel - Eagleburger played a prominent role in first Bush administration in demonizing the Bosnian Serbs.]
Afghan rebels, called the Mujahadeen, have been battling 100,000 Soviet troops who have occupied the rugged, mountainous country since December 1979.
[Excerpt from Associated Press dispatch ends here]
The Associated Press referred to Khalilzad as a "some-time paid adviser to the State Department on Afghanistan." This was in the late summer of 1985. Less than three years later Tass, the Soviet news agency, reported that Khalilzad was delivering the mujahideen an important message from the State Department.ハ Khalilzad told them that the State Department would continue to support them a) only if they could consolidate control of Afghanistan and b) only if they maintained an attitude of implacable hostility to the government in Kabul. In other words the US ordered the mujahideen *not* to make peace:
"'The United States has told the Afghan guerrillas that it would support them in an effort to form a provisional government if they consolidate their control of most of the country and meet other criteria,' the newspaper New York Times today quoted State Department officials as saying. A top State Department official made it clear that the government must oppose 'the soviet-backed regime in Kabul' and said that the USA did not 'accept the legitimacy' of the authorities in Afghanistan. The relevant message was delivered to the rebels in the Pakistani city of Peshawar last week by Zalmay Khalilzad, a special adviser on Afghanistan to under secretary of state Michael H. Armacost..."
[-- To Support Afghan Counter Revolutionaries
New York; The Russian Information Agency ITAR-TASS, May 6, 1988, Friday]
Applying the techniques developed in Afghanistan to Bosnia
Brzezinski's interview has tremendous importance today. According to a Dutch intelligence report on Bosnia, in the early 1990s Pentagon intelligence worked with the Saudis and Iranians to bring weapons and mujahideen terrorists - the 'Afghan Arabs' - into Bosnia to indoctrinate and lead Alija Izetbegovic's Muslim extremists in fighting the Bosnian Serbs. [1]
The same terrorists had been used against the pro-Soviet side in Afghanistan. Once again the media lied, claiming the Bosnian Serbs were fighting to destroy the Bosnian Muslims (i.e., genocide) when they were in fact defending their communities from the mujahideen, and were allied with a large group of moderate Muslims. [2]
This picture appeared in the London Times on December 11, 1995. The caption reads: "One of the Bosnian Army's Muslim brigades marches through Zenica in a demonstration of strength by 10,000 soldiers." Note that according to the Times these 10,000 troops constituted only *one* of "the Bosnian Army's Muslim brigades..."
During the 1990s, pictures like this were as rare as hen's teeth in the Western media.ハ Why? Because they graphically demonstrated that the media was lying when it claimed that the "Bosnian Government" was moderate and multiculturalist and so on.
The white costumes these troops are wearing are the uniforms of Middle Eastern mujahideen, not Yugoslav Muslims. The Bosnian Muslim troops wore them because they had been indoctrinated by Muslim extremists, including mujahideen imported by Iran, Saudi Arabia and other extremist states, with the participation of Pentagon intelligence. In the early part of the Bosnian conflict (up until January 1993) Zalmay Khalilzad, the prottege' of Zginew Brzezinski, was in charge of strategic planning at the Pentagon. [3]
In Afghanistan (as Brzezinski proudly states) and then in Bosnia, the US sponsored Muslim terror even as the State Department was officially condemning it. Because ordinary people would never support such a policy, it was sold to the public as support for freedom fighters (Afghanistan) or as defense of abused Muslims (Bosnia.)
By the late 1980s Brzezinski's prottege' Prof. Zalmay Khalilzad, was theハ top strategist of the Afghan war.
Under the administration of Bush, Sr., Khalilzad was in charge of strategy at the Pentagon.ハ We have substantial evidence that it was under Bush, Sr., not Clinton, that the US began assisting the mujahideen in Bosnia.
So, in both cases, we have Brzezinski's prottege' directing the use of Muslim extremism as a weapon against a secular state, with the media misrepresenting the nature of the fight.ハ The Brzezinski Doctrine in action.
2001: Brzezinski's protege' Zalmay Khalilzad was appointed Senior National Security Director for Southwest Asia, the heartland of Muslim extremist terror...
Want some food for thought? From May 23, 2001 until November 27, 2003, Prof. Khalilzad was "Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Gulf, Southwest Asia and Other Regional Issues, National Security Council." Southwest Asia covers the area from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia, including Iraq and Iran; it includes most of the Middle East and extends to Georgia. See White House map at
* Khalilzad was in charge of US policy on the ground in Afghanistan before and during the 2001 war. He then personally chose the Afghan government. It was under his watch that the US and Iran cooperated in convening a top level conference to give Afghanistan a government based on Muslim religious law. Now he's Ambassador and Special Envoy to Afghanistan. [4]
* Even while Khalilzad was in charge of Afghanistan he was also the key man on the ground before, during and after the invasion of Iraq. He was in charge of political relations with Iraqi exile politicians and the Iranian and Saudi governments up until the fall 2003. A crucial period.
* His area of official responsibility included Georgia during the period when the US was intensifying the financing and training of the Georgian military.ハ Russia accuses Georgia of aiding the Chechen terrorists.
So Brzezinski has been the key hands-on strategist, the leader on the ground, in a vast area plagued with Muslim extremist terror during most of the so-called war on terror. Oops - did I say Brzezinski? Sorry; I meant Zalmay Khalilzad...
Regarding US-Iranian cooperation to use Muslim extremist terror in Bosnia, see "How the U.S. & Iran have Cooperated to Sponsor Muslim Terror," at
Also see 'Articles Documenting U.S. Creation of Taliban and bin Laden's Terrorist Network' at
Regarding Brzezinski's prottege' Zalmay Khalilzad, see
For more on the calculated creation of a Muslim extremist apparatus in Afghanistan in the 1980s by the US and Saudi Arabia, see the Washington Post's analysis at
The Brzezinski interview follows.
-- Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes
Brzezinski's Interview with Le Nouvel Observateur
Le Nouvel Observateur: Former CIA director Robert Gates states in his memoirs: The American secret services began six months before the Soviet intervention to support the Mujahideen [in Afghanistan]. At that time you were president Carters security advisor; thus you played a key role in this affair. Do you confirm this statement?
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version, the CIA's support for the Mujahideen began in 1980, i.e. after the Soviet army's invasion of Afghanistan on 24 December 1979. But the reality, which was kept secret until today, is completely different: Actually it was on 3 July 1979 that president Carter signed the first directive for the secret support of the opposition against the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And on the same day I wrote a note, in which I explained to the president that this support would in my opinion lead to a military intervention by the Soviets.
Le Nouvel Observateur: Despite this risk you were a supporter of this covert action? But perhaps you expected the Soviets to enter this war and tried to provoke it?
Zbigniew Brzezinski: It's not exactly like that. We didn't push the Russians to intervene but we knowingly increased the probability that they would do it.
Le Nouvel Observateur: When the Soviets justified their intervention with the statement that they were fighting against a secret US interference in Afghanistan, nobody believed them. Nevertheless there was a core of truth to this...Do you regret nothing today?
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Regret what? This secret operation was an excellent idea. It lured the Russians into the Afghan trap, and you would like me to regret that? On the day when the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote president Carter, in essence: "We now have the opportunity to provide the USSR with their Viet Nam war." Indeed for ten years Moscow had to conduct a war that was intolerable for the regime, a conflict which involved the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet Empire.
Le Nouvel Observateur: And also, don't you regret having helped future terrorists, having given them weapons and advice?
Zbigniew Brzezinski: What is most important for world history? The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet Empire? Some Islamic hotheads or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?
Le Nouvel Observateur: "Some hotheads?" But it has been said time and time again: today Islamic fundamentalism represents a world-wide threat...
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Rubbish! It's said that the West has a global policy regarding Islam. That's hogwash: there is no global Islam. Let's look at Islam in a rational and not a demagogic or emotional way. It is the first world religion with 1.5 billion adherents. But what is there in common between fundamentalist Saudi Arabia, moderate Morocco, militaristic Pakistan, pro-Western Egypt and secularized Central Asia? Nothing more than that which connects the Christian countries...
終章 神と悪魔(ファシスト、コミュニスト、テロリスト)の最終戦争の展望
Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen
質問 CIAの元長官、ロバート・ゲイツは、彼の回顧録『物陰から』の中で、「アメリカの情報機関はソビエトの干渉の6か月前にアフガニスタンでムジャヒディンを援助し始めた」と述べた。この期間に、貴方はカーター大統領の国家安全保障補佐官であった。したがって貴方は、この工作で何らかの役割を果たしたと思われるが、その通りか?
ブレジンスキー はい、その通り。政府の公式発表に基づく歴史によれば、ムジャヒディンに対するCIAの援助は1980年、すなわち、1979年12月24日にソビエト軍がアフガニスタンに侵攻した後に開始されたことになっている。しかし、現在まで極秘にされてきた事実に基づくと、この記述は完全に間違っている。実際には、カーター大統領がカブールのソ連寄り政権の敵手に対する秘密の援助のための最初の指令に署名したのは、1979年7月3日であった。まさしくその日、私は大統領に向けて、この援助がソビエト軍の干渉を誘発するであろうという私の意見を彼に説明するための書面をしたためた。
質問 この危険を承知の上で、貴方は、この隠密作戦の唱導者の一人となった。ところで多分、貴方自身、この時にソビエトの参戦を望み、この作戦を、それへの挑発と見なしていたのではないか。
ブレジンスキー まったくその通りとは言えない。我々はロシアが介入するように背中を押したわけではないが、故意に彼らがそうする可能性を増やしたのである。
質問 ソビエトが彼らの干渉を正当化して、彼らの意図が、アフガニスタンへのアメリカ合衆国の隠密の関与に反対して戦うことにあったと主張したとき、人々はそれを信じなかった。しかし、真実の基礎があった。貴方は現在、何ら後悔しないか。
ブレジンスキー 何を後悔せよと言うのか。あの隠密作戦は卓見であった。あれは、ロシアをアフガニスタンの罠に嵌める効果を挙げたのであって、それを貴誌は、私に後悔せよと言うのか。ソビエトが公然と国境を越えた日、私はカーター大統領宛てに書いた。我々は今、ソ連にベトナム戦争を与える機会を得た、と。その通りに事態は進み、ほぼ10年の間、モスクワは、政府が耐えられない戦争を続けねばならなくなり、その紛争が軍の士気崩壊とついにはソビエト帝国の解体をもたらしたのである。
質問 貴方は、イスラム[原理主義]を援助し、将来のテロリストに武器と助言を与えたことについても、まったく後悔しないのか。
ブレジンスキー 何が世界の歴史の上で最も重要なのか。タリバンか、または、ソビエト帝国の崩壊なのか、わずかばかりの扇動されたイスラム教徒なのか。あるいは中央ヨーロッパの解放と冷戦の終結なのか。
質問 あれを、わずかばかりの扇動されたイスラム教徒と言うのか。現在、イスラム原理主義は世界の脅威を代表すると、何度も繰り返し語られているが。
ブレジンスキー ナンセンス! 西側にはイスラム教に対しての世界的な方針があったとも語られているが、愚かなことである。世界的なイスラム教などはない。イスラム教を、民衆扇動の目的や感情を抜きにして、合理的な方法で見るべきである。あれは15億人の信者を擁する世界の主要な宗教である。しかし、原理主義のサウジアラビアと、穏健なモロッコと、戦闘的なパキスタンと、西欧びいきのエジプトと、あるいは、中心アジアの世俗主義と、それらの中のどこに共通したものがあるか。キリスト教国の団結と似たり寄ったりである。
質問 ソビエトが彼らの干渉を正当化して、彼らの意図が、アフガニスタンへのアメリカ合衆国の隠密の関与に反対して戦うことにあったと主張したとき、人々はそれを信じなかった。しかし、真実の基礎があった。[後略]