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( Woman and Child Killed by IOF Bombardment in Beit Hanoun )
また、31日(日)にはマガジ難民キャンプへの攻撃で重体となっていた青年も助からずに死亡した。( Yousuf was no longer there ──家族が泣きくれる様子を描いた悲嘆に溢れるレポート)
Mother and Two Children Killed in Israeli Attack on Gaza ……ガザのジャバリアで、「安全」とされていた地帯の民家を砲弾が直撃し、一家のうち、母親と子ども2人を殺した。その26日の様子を追った記事。
「Samir Okal, 35, a father of seven, did not expect that the Israeli tanks will hit his house as he lives in the "serene" neighbourhood of Abd Rabbu. Even his relatives wanted to leave their homes and stay at his house because it enjoys a reputation for "safety."
Okal could not stop crying while telling how he lost his wife and two of his little daughters. "We had our lunch together, then we realised that Israeli tanks shell our neighbourhood. I closed the window and took my family to the garden in the front of the house."」
Bay Area Queers: World Pride Should be Cancelled ……サンフランシスコを拠点としたクィアたちが、エルサレムでの「ワールド・プライド」は中止すべきだと訴えている。25を超える団体と個人が「ワールド・プライド」への旅行をボイコットすると発表しているという。
"One year ago, World Pride was cancelled because a small group of Israeli settlers were being peacefully removed from Gaza," observed Deeg Gold, also of QUIT!. "This year, when more than 700,000 Lebanese people have been made homeless by relentless bombing, the organizers choose to go ahead. This does not stand up for the principle that as queer rights are human rights, human rights are queer rights."
レバノンの被害マップ ……どこが何回爆撃を受けているかがわかるようになっている。関連記事は 「レバノンを「見える化」するいくつかの情報源。」 (tnfuk[todays news from uk])