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イラク、イラン、シリアへの攻撃は1980年代初期にイスラエルで青写真が作られていた(Counter Punchより)
4月25日付のCounter Punch誌は、‘Is the US Waging Israel's Wars?’「米国はイスラエルの戦争を遂行しているのか?」と題されるLinda S. Heard著の記事で、1982年に、メナヘム・ベギン政権のイスラエルで、外務省と関係の深いジャーナリストOded Yinonが著し世界シオニスト機構の機関紙Kivunimに掲載された論文‘The Zionist Plan for the Middle East’「シオニストの中東計画」によって『予言』された筋道に祖って、それ以降の中東情勢が動いていることが指摘されています。(これはThe Truth Seeker誌にも転載されています。)
記事の著者Linda S. Heardは英国の中東専門のアナリスト、作家で、カイロ在住です。
このOded Yinon著‘The Zionist Plan for the Middle East’は次のサイトで読むことが出来ます。
The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Translated and edited by Israel Shahak
他でもいくつかこの論文の英訳を見ることができますので、この題名と「Oded Yinon」を使って検索してみてください。
Oded Yinonは、非常に大雑把に言えば、イスラエルはヨルダン川西岸を領有しパレスチナ人は全員ヨルダンに移住させなければならないこと、イスラエル周辺のアラブ諸国を分裂させ弱体化させてイスラエルへの脅威を取り除かなければならないことを主張しているわけですが、Linda S. Heardは、この80年代初期のシオニストの計画は決して当初の思惑通りには運ばなかったものの、次第に米国の「国益」をイスラエル防衛にすり替え、米軍を使ってその計画を実行させることに成功していった過程について述べています。
もちろんこのOded Yinonはベギンのリクードを代表しているわけですが、彼らシオニスト(ユダヤ・ファシスト)の元祖はかのウラジミール・“ゼエヴ”・ジャボチンスキーであり、この男は「ヨルダン川の両岸にまたがるイスラエル」を主張しています。「両岸に」とだけ言って、その「果て」は語っていないのですが、これはシオニストの開祖であるヘルツルが描いた『ナイル川からユーフラテス川まで』であることは明らかでしょう。
以下に、Linda S. Heardの論文‘Is the US Waging Israel's Wars?’の最初の部分を貼り付けておきますので、後は下のUrlへお進みください。(長いこともありますが、文字が大きいのでこの方が読みやすいでしょう。)
Is the US Waging Israel's Wars?
By Linda S. Heard – Counterpunch April 25, 2006
Many throughout the Muslim world and beyond are asking this question: What are the real reasons behind the US invasion of Iraq and its wish to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran?
For all their grandiose posturing, in truth, Iraq, Syria and Iran have never posed a direct threat to the US mainland. Put simply, they're too far away from the neighbourhood. So why would the US be willing to expend so many human lives and so much treasury on changing the regimes of countries it doesn't like?
Theories abound. At the top of the list is America's quest for oil, a shrinking, non-renewable resource. But, in reality, the US gets very little of its oil from the Middle East and the Gulf. Most comes from South America and Africa.
Another theory revolves around the petrodollar monopoly, which both Iraq and Iran have sought to disband by trading their oil in Euros. There may be something in this one but it doesn't explain why Syria is in the firing line.
The US says it wishes to export 'democracy' to the region but its reaction towards the Shiite government in Iraq, led by the Dawa Pasrty that has close ties with Iran, and the way that the democratically-elected new Hamas-led Palestinian government has been isolated, hardly lends credence to this. Democracy will not bring US-friendly governments, which is what the Bush administration really seeks.
A premise, which many in the Arab world believe, should also be dissected. Is the US manipulating and remoulding the area so that Israel can remain the only regional superpower in perpetuity?
This is not as fanciful as one might imagine on first glance. Read the following strangely prophetic segment from an article published in 1982 by the World Zionist Organisation's publication Kivunim and penned by Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist with links to the Israeli Foreign Ministry.
Yinon's strategy was based on this premise. In order to survive Israel must become an imperial regional power and must also ensure the break-up of all Arab countries so that the region may be carved up into small ineffectual states unequipped to stand up to Israeli military might. Here's what he had to say on Iraq:
"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon is Israel's primary target on the Eastern frontIraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run, it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel.
"An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and Lebanon.
"In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul and Shiite areas in the South will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north."