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中露間のパイプライン建設計画は延期?-4/14 ブルームバーグ- 中国の脅威に怯えるロシア
投稿者 愛国心を主張する者ほど売国奴 日時 2006 年 4 月 17 日 19:42:58: tTp1/cyvuKUmU




ブルームバーグ 2006年4月14日付記事より試訳

 ロシアの国民は中国からの輸入品が地域の工業を脅かしていることを懸念しており、ロシアのウラジミール=プーチン大統領は自国への中国の影響力を増大させていると見なされることを望まないであろうと、香港のBei Fuなどのスタンダードプアーズ社のアナリストが4月12日に報告書で述べた。

ロシア/中国:非対等的関係と格闘する「仲間」 より抜粋・試訳(全文は末尾の英文参照)
自由欧州ラジオ 2006年3月22日



サーチナ  2006年4月11日16時21分

 同紙は、2006年7月にロシアで開催される主要国首脳会議(サンクトペテルブルク・サミット) に小泉純一郎首相が出席し、日露首脳会談が行われるよう調整が進められていると紹介。 しかし、「プーチン大統領からパイプライン接続の言質を取ることは非常に難しい」 「任期を終えようとしている小泉首相と大きなプロジェクトで合意に至るわけがない」とする専門家 の見方を伝えている。また06年3月のプーチン大統領の訪中に合わせて、東シベリア石油パイプラインを中国側に 接続するための投資に関して研究を始めることを盛り込んだ文書を中露間で交換したことから、 日本はプレッシャーを感じていると説明。さらに北方領土が日本領だとする文部科学省の教科書検定に対して、ロシア外務省が異議を 唱えていることを引き合いに出し、「日露の外交関係は良好な雰囲気ではない」と強調した上で、 東シベリア石油パイプラインの接続問題では日本は不利だとの見解を示した。

Russia may delay gas and crude oil deal with China

BLOOMBERG Friday, Apr 14, 2006,Page 11

Russia's government may delay an agreement to supply crude oil and gas to China through pipelines because of domestic opposition, a Standard & Poor's report said.

Russian people are concerned that Chinese imports are threatening local industries and Russian President Vladimir Putin may not want to be seen to be increasing China's influence over his country, S&P's analysts, including Bei Fu in Hong Kong, wrote in a report on Wednesday.

China needs to secure oil and natural gas supplies to meet energy demand in an economy that grew 9.9 percent last year. Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) wants an US$11.5 billion oil pipeline from eastern Siberia to the Pacific port of Nakhodka to include a spur to China, the world's second-biggest oil consumer.

The report said that, "Finding diverse and stable energy supplies such as from Russia, is critical for China over the long term."

Russia agreed in March to build two pipelines from the country's Pacific coast to China.

"Russia's new energy agreements with China are vague," the S&P report said. "No route or cost estimates have been given for the gas pipelines and only a sketchy timetable has been provided."

OAO Gazprom, Russia's largest gas producer, may export as much as 80 billion cubic meters a year of natural gas to China through the two new pipelines, Gazprom chief executive officer Alexei Miller said on March 21.

China National Petroleum Corp (中國石油天然氣), the nation's biggest oil company, will finance a feasibility study of an oil pipeline linking Russia and China, Russian Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko said on March 21.

Under the agreement, the first pipeline will run 3,000km from western Siberia to China's western region, and the second from eastern Siberia to northeastern China, the S&P report said.

China in December raised factory prices for natural gas and changed its pricing mechanism of the fuel to move in line with demand in the local market.

By increasing prices, Beijing hoped to encourage companies to invest in gas plants, ensuring steady supply.

Prices for natural gas used by industries and city-gas distributors increased by between 50 yuan (US$6.19) and 150 yuan per thousand cubic meters, according to the Beijing-based National Development and Reform Commission, China's top economic planner, on Dec. 26.


Russia/China: 'Partners' Struggle With An Unequal Relationship

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China on March 21-22 to launch "The Year Of Russia In China" and take part in the signing of about 30 mainly economic agreements, accompanied by an entourage of about 800 people. Although two of the agreements deal with energy issues of top importance to China, the two countries may not have enough complimentary interests to make their much-touted "strategic partnership" of primary importance to either.

China's main interest in Russia is as a supplier of arms and commodities, primarily oil and gas to fuel China's rapidly expanding economy. After meeting with his counterpart, Hu Jintao, Putin said a new gas pipeline system, called the Altai, could be built to deliver gas from western Siberia to China. Another system would deliver gas from eastern Siberia for a total of up to 80 billion cubic meters per year.

Most Issues Settled

An unnamed member of the Russian delegation told reporters the projected pipeline could cost $10 billion and go into service in 2011. He added that financing is unlikely to pose problems. He also noted that Gazprom and its Chinese counterparts have agreed on a price for deliveries but did not elaborate. Gazprom CEO Aleksei Miller told Interfax that deliveries could start in six years and that the prices were based on the going rates for "hydrocarbons in Asia."

Of at least equal importance to China is getting a firm commitment from the Russians about extending to its frontier a branch of the planned oil pipeline from eastern Siberia to the Pacific. Russian oil exports to China currently are limited by the capacities of the two countries' rail systems and stood at about 7.7 million tons in 2005. The Russian decision in 2004 to build an oil pipeline across Siberia to the Pacific was largely seen as a victory for Japanese interests over those of China. Beijing has since sought to persuade Moscow to build a "spur" line to bring oil to China.

Moscow Aims To Please

On March 22, Putin indicated that Moscow has tried to respond to Beijing's wishes. He announced that "The Russian Federation and China have taken the decision to construct an oil pipeline system from eastern Siberia to the Pacific coast," Putin said. "Transneft and the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation signed a protocol [on March 21] to research the issue and construct a branch of the pipeline to...China. I have no doubt that this project will take place, and it will allow us to increase significantly the supply of oil from Russia to China."

"The practical implementation of [the oil-pipeline] project will begin in the next few months," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added. "The Chinese side is aware of this. The related technical and economic feasibility study will be conducted jointly, as quickly as possible."

Rosneft head Sergei Bogdanchikov said he hopes the pipeline will be completed "at the end of 2008."

An Imbalanced Relationship

It is not clear whether the Russian pledges will be sufficient to satisfy their partners. Some Chinese trade officials have publicly complained in recent weeks that the Russians have given them mixed signals on the pipeline project and, perhaps more importantly, have shown little understanding of how the market works. Such an assessment seems all the more remarkable in that it comes from Chinese and not Western sources.

London's "Financial Times" wrote on March 22 about Putin's visit that "there is a temporary coincidence of material interests between Russia and China, but it is superficial, and the results have yet to yield lasting benefits for either country or the world at large." Moreover, China's economy is 2 1/2 the size of Russia's and growing at a much faster pace.

The volume of Sino-Russian trade is 2 percent of China's total foreign trade, or 1/10th the amount of China's trade with the United States, 1/9th of that with Japan, 1/8th of that with the European Union, and 1/6th of that with South Korea. Putin has sought to promote sales of Russian industrial goods, but China is not much interested in anything except commodities and arms. It does not take much looking in the Russian press, moreover, to find articles suggesting that imports of Chinese goods are threatening whole sectors of Russian industry, or that it is unwise to sell weapons to a large and dynamic country that poses a potential strategic and demographic threat to Siberia.

Is Moscow A Major Asian Player?

Prior to Putin's arrival in Beijing, the official media of both countries sought to paint the present and future of bilateral political, economic, and military relations in rosy terms. The countries share an interest in the "stability" of Central Asia and in promoting "multipolarity" in the Far East to offset U.S. dominance. Moscow is trying to raise its international profile by playing an active role in the Iranian nuclear issue, while China has taken on a similar role in respect to North Korea.

But Moscow wanted to use the public display of Putin's visit to reaffirm its role as a major player in a dynamic region of the world, a prospect that, however, seems wishful thinking. The fact that Russia accounts for only 2 percent of China's trade volume underscores the point, as does the fact that Putin's hosts seemed interested in little besides gas and oil. A glance through recent issues of the influential Hong Kong-based monthly "Far Eastern Economic Review," moreover, reveals mention of Russia's role there only in passing in articles dealing with larger issues. Articles on the regional impact of China, India, Japan, or the United States abound, but none on Russia.


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