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「作戦としての市民虐殺」を隠蔽する情報操作:Global Research(チョスドフスキー)
投稿者 バルセロナより愛を込めて 日時 2006 年 6 月 01 日 21:33:36: SO0fHq1bYvRzo

「作戦としての市民虐殺」を隠蔽する情報操作:Global Research(チョスドフスキー)

5月30日付のGlobal Researchは、イラクですでに「常識」と化しておりペンタゴンの高いレベルから作戦として命令が下されている「米軍による市民虐殺」を、いくつかの「例外的な事件」を強調することによって隠蔽する、シオニスト・マスメディアによる薄汚い戦術を告発しています。

(日本でも早速、メディアと『脳細胞を破壊された田吾作痴識人』が「米軍兵士によるハディタでの市民虐殺」に大喜びで飛びついているのじゃないのかな? 薄ら間抜けの「シオニスト・ブッシュの使い走り」どもめが!)

これは「占領イラクからの通信」uruknet.info(http://uruknet.info/)の記事を元にしたものですが、Global Researchはまず主筆のミシェル・チョスドウスキーによるコメント、次にBBCの報道、そしてuruknetの記事を続けて引用・掲載しています。


また5月30日付のTruthoutに載ったDahr Jamailの論文が非常に参考になるものと思います。
Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq By Dahr Jamail

なお、スペイン語新聞IBL Newsによりますと、ブッシュはハディタで24名を殺害した兵士を犯罪人として裁くそうです。【イヨー!正義の味方!ブッシュ大明神!】
Bush asegura que castigará a los 'marines' si se demuestra que mataron a 24 civiles en Haditha
ブッシュはハディタで24名の市民を殺したことが明らかになればその「海兵隊員たち」を罪に問うと断言 【見出しのみ】



Pattern of Behavior of Occupation Forces: US Killing of Civilians "Fact of Life" in Iraq

May 30, 2006  uruknet.net
2006年5月30日 uruknet.net

Global Research Editor's Note
Global Research編集者の注釈

To camouflage extensive war crimes committed by occupation forces and US sponsored paramilitaries, Washington is conducting an investigation into "allegations that US marines carried out a massacre of civilians" in Haditha last November. By focusing on a single event, the media reports give the impression that the massacre is an exception rather than a pattern which responds to command decisions established at the highest levels of the US military.

Information was apparently "leaked", as if the US media did not know that the US had been committing atrocities against civilians. This is not a case of coverup of a single incident but of official and media coverup of tens of thousands of civilians killed by occupation forces as documented by the Lancet study, John Hopkins School of Public Health.
情報は「リークされた」かのように見せられた。あたかも米国メディアが米軍の市民に対する残虐行為を今まで知らなかったかのように、である。これはたった一つの事件に対する隠蔽ではなく、John Hopkins School of Public Healthの the Lancet studyによる報道にあるように、占領軍による何万人もの市民に対する殺害への当局とメディアによる隠蔽なのだ。

Everybody in Iraq knows that these crimes are being committed on a daily basis, but the US media is mum on the subject.

Below a BBC report (May 30) illustrates the media bias in the coverage of US war crimes, presenting the incident as "a mistake" "worse" than Abu Ghraib and putting the blame on individual US servicemen.

The urknet report paints a somewhat different perspective. It essentially states that "the killing of two dozen Iraqi civilians in cold-blood by US occupation forces near the western Iraqi city of Haditha last November is part of a pattern of US behavior in the country".

Michel Chossudovsky, 30 May 2006

BBC Report 【省略】

Uruknet Report

BAGHDAD – The killing of two dozen Iraqi civilians in cold-blood by US occupation forces near the western Iraqi city of Haditha last November is part of pattern of US behavior in the country, Iraqis have commented on what would be the worst case of abuse by American soldiers in Iraq since the 2003 invasion.

"The American soldier has become an expert in killing," Abdel Salam Al- Qubaisy, spokesman for the Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS), told Reuters Sunday, May 28.

He said the Haditha incident was only part of a pattern of US behavior in Iraq.

"This must be considered a war crime and the commanders tried," he added.

At a barber shop nearby, Ahmed Abdel Rahman could not recall a single one of his talkative customers mentioning Haditha.

One of them, Salah Mohammed, said such violence was common.

"This sort of thing isn't unusual," he said, blaming the prevailing insecurity on the US occupation.

Haditha residents have described how two families, including young children and women, were shot dead in their homes after a Marine was killed by a roadside bomb on November 19.

The military initially said the bomb also killed the civilians. Only the emergence of a film of the bodies led to an inquiry by Time magazine that in turn prompted a US probe into the incident.


Iraqi media and politicians have paid scant attention to details leaking out in Washington as they have got accustomed to such incidents day in and day out.

"The US forces have committed more crimes against the Iraqi people than appears in the media," lawyer Abd Mohammed Falah told Reuters.

Mohammed Jawdaat, 47, like many Iraqis, can recount an incident in which he says he saw US forces open fire on civilians.

"Six months ago a car pulled out of a street towards an American convoy and a soldier just opened fire," Jawdaat said.

"The driver was shot in the head and the person behind was killed too. They were innocents. There were no warning shots and the Americans didn't even stop. The police took the wounded."

Imad Mohammed, a teenager selling newspapers at a Baghdad intersection, said he had not seen Haditha on any front page.

"The Americans see a Muslim go into a mosque and just assume he is a terrorist.

"They either arrest him or blow it up."


Congressman John Murtha accused Sunday the US military of trying to "cover up" the civilian killings in Iraq at the hands of US forces.

Asked if he believed there had been a cover-up, Murtha, a prominent critic of the US administration over the Iraq war, told ABC: "No question about it."

"We don't know how far it goes. I mean, it goes right up the chain of command, right up to General Pace. When did he know about it?" Murtha questioned, referring to the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine General Peter Pace.

Pace is the US' top military officer and a senior advisor to Rumsfeld.

"Who ordered the cover-up? I'm sure he (Pace) didn't, but what ... who said, we're not going to publicize this thing?" Murtha said.

Murtha said the civilian killings have done more damage to America's aims in Iraq than the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.

"We're set back every time something like this happens," he said. "This is worse than Abu Ghraib."


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