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(回答先: チャーリーシーン・アレックスジョーンズは、シオニストの回し者? 投稿者 ブッシュ親子の自作自演テロの11 日時 2006 年 3 月 29 日 08:36:57)
私も紹介した、Mike Ruppert やWorld Socialist Web Site にたいしても疑問をもてと指摘されていること、についてやや無批判的であったことを自覚しました。
Dr. Lorraine Day abandons Jeff Rense
日本で論争となっている、例の『ボーイングを捜せ』の作成者、Dave von Kleist
Rense がUFOを扱うことの意味については、かねがね私も疑問に思っていたことでもあり、一つの説明だと思いました。
この Daryl Bradford Smith ,The French Connection とはどのような団体でしょうか?
<「反プロパガンダ」というプロパガンダ>も視野に入れながら、再び木村さんのお言葉を借りれば、「偽の友」、Daryl Bradford Smith の言葉では、<strawman><Crypto Zionists>を識別しながら、しかし同時にそこからもれてくる貴重情報もあるわけで、<事実の収集><洗い出しと選別><再構成>、<背後の戦略の探求>、そのうえで、その<検証>という、もっとも基本的な手続きを地道に積み重ねるということであるかと思います。とりあえず、考えたことです。
Is the truth movement infiltrated?
A large number of the "truth seekers" in regards to 9/11, UFOs, and the Holocaust are openly Jewish. Some of the truth seekers avoid telling us their religion, or they claim to be Christian or atheists, but they often show a support of Israel. Why are so many of the truth seekers showing a Zionist bias?
In previous articles we criticized some of the 9/11 truth seekers. So in this article we will mention some new names.
• Alex Jones
Jones is an example of a person who calls himself a Christian but his treatment of Israel and Zionism is what we would expect from a Crypto Jew, or from somebody who works with Crypto Jews.
Jones has a radio show on the Genesis Communications Network. If you have access to their archives, listen to the 2nd and 3rd hours of the Friday, February 9, 2006 show during which he interviews Robert Gaylon Ross. There are several times during that show where he seems to be doing "damage control"; ie, he deflects criticism away from Zionism and Israel.
For example, in this excerpt Jones tells us that the "Luciferian Controllers" are responsible for the world's problems:
Click for MP3 excerpt of Jones, only 170 kb
Jones brings up the X-raying of 110,000 Sephardic Jewish children, but he tells us that the US Government paid for the operation. This implies that the Americans were somehow involved. However, Jones fails to tell us who in the American government helped to fund it, and why they helped.
Most likely the funding was coming from Zionists, Crypto Jews, Crypto Zionists, and/or their puppets within our government. However, by saying the US Government funded it, Jones deflects blame away from Zionists and onto the American government
He also asks, "Why, why are they always trying to kill Jews?"
This brings pity to the innocent Jews who are perpetual victims of the mysterious "they".
Jones says that "they" are always trying to kill Jews, but he fails to mention that the "they" are the Ashkenazi Jews; specifically, the Zionists.
During that interview, Robert Gaylon Ross mentions that there is evidence that Hitler was an illegitimate child of one of the Rothschilds. This is very significant because if the Zionists played a large role in helping Hitler and the Nazi party, as well as the Communist Party, World War I, World War II, and virtually every other war and disaster of the 20th century, the Zionists are not the innocent victims they pretend to be.
However, Jones does damage control by changing the issue to the X-raying of Sephardic children in Israel, and making it appear as if the mysterious "they" are responsible for the X-raying. He fumbles for words as he tries to bring pity to Israel:
"Well, I mean, this group openly went and killed a hundred plus thousand.. and.. or radiated, these... these... these... Sephardi. They... every time we look they're killing Jews. And then I don't understand how we're... how we could be bad... I mean Barry Chamish is Jewish. He's saying exactly what... exactly what you're saying..."
MP3 Excerpt #2, only 170 kb
Jones said "every time we look they're killing Jews". Once again Jones refuses to mention that the "they" are the Zionists.
It doesn't matter which of his radio shows you listen to; you will find the same pattern over and over. Specifically, he blames the world's problems on a mysterious group that he refers to as the "New World Order", a "Germanic death cult", the "Luciferian Controllers", the "Western Intelligence Agencies", or the "Elite".
Why does Jones use "Germanic death cult" as one of his expressions? Why not Jewish death cult? Why not Zionist death cult? How about "Israeli death cult"? Why do so many of these truth seekers try to create the image that Germans are evil when all the evidence suggests that Zionists are the problem?
By never mentioning the names of Zionists (such as Sam Newhouse, Joe Lieberman, Sumner Redstone, Edgar Bronfman), Jones keeps his listeners in a state of confusion and fear. How can we defend ourselves from a "Germanic Death Cult"? How is it possible for the police to arrest the "Luciferian Controllers"?
Alex Jones works closely Paul Joseph Watson and his brother Steve Watson, both of whom are Jews who live in England. Their support of Israel should be considered a sign that the Watsons are Crypto Zionists.
Alex Jones is married to a woman named Violet, who is Jewish. Being Jewish is not bad, but if she may be a Crypto Zionist, she is a deceiver; a criminal; a con artist.
Considering that Alex Jones works and lives with suspicious people, is it any wonder that he deflects criticism of Zionism to the "New World Order"? Perhaps he is also a Crypto Jew. Don't let the name "Jones" fool you; the man credited with founding the B'nai B'rith was Henry Jones:
wikipedia entry for B'nai B'rith
• Dave von Kleist and Joyce Riley
This married couple are also radio hosts on the Genesis network. As with Jones, they also avoid discussing the role that Zionists play in the world's problems.
A man named Peter Kawaja started the American Gulf War veterans Association in 1995:
Joyce Riley later created a group with the exact same name:
What is going on? Some people accuse Joyce Riley of trying to deflect attention away from Peter Kawaja, who is honest. For example:
Is Riley a Crypto Jew? Or a Christian Zionist?
Dave von Kleist and William Lewis produced the video "In Plane Site", but for what purpose? To expose 9-11?
The first version of his video explained that there was a pod under the airplane that hit the South Tower. Sure, the airplane may have had a pod under it, but so far there is no serious evidence to support such a theory. Therefore, as with the Loose Change video, the In Plane Site video may be nothing more than an attempt to push aside Hufschmid's video, Painful Deceptions.
Furthermore, by including the pod theory, people could -- and did -- attack In Plane Site as stupid and sloppy, thereby giving 9-11 investigators a bad image. For example, here is one attack:
Incidentally, oilempire.us is run by Mark Rabinowitz, who has a Zionist view of the world. Is it a coincidence that Dave von Kleist, who supports the Zionist view of the world, produces a crummy video, and then another Zionist criticizes the video as stupid?
One technique to discredit 9-11 research is for the Zionists to produce crummy 9-11 articles and videos. Other people -- including Zionists -- will then criticize their sloppy work, thereby creating the impression that the 9-11 researchers are idiots. Is Dave von Kleist a Crypto Jew? A Christian Zionist? How about William Lewis?
• Jeff Rense
Rense is another host on Genesis. Rense will condemn Zionism, and even complain that the Holocaust is a hoax, but most of what he has on his web site and on his radio show is nonsense about UFOs.
Some people will try to pick through his articles in the hope of finding something intelligent, but I suspect that most intelligent people will think to themselves,
"Holy Mother of Bush. Since his articles about UFOs don't have any supporting evidence, how can I trust his articles about Zionism or the Holocaust?"
Furthermore, when somebody criticizes Zionism or the Holocaust, the Zionists can counter their arguments with remarks such as,
"Oh, you don't believe the official story of the Holocaust? You should go to Rense.com where all the UFO believers, remote viewers, time travelers, and Holocaust deniers gather to discuss their hallucinations, you dumb ass."
• Greg Szymanski
This is another radio host on Genesis. He also has a show on RBN, and he appears regularly on the Jeff Rense radio show.
Although Szymanski wrote about aliens only once, he wrote lots of other deceptive articles, such as his series about the Vatican being behind the world's problems. For example:
Incidentally, if the Catholic Church is involved in wars and corruption, it may be coming from the Crypto Jews within the organization, not the true Catholics. Greg Szymanski may also be a Crypto Jew.
• Mike Rivero
He runs the web site whatreallyhappened.com. Numerous times he helped promote our radio interviews and articles, but lately has been refusing to take my phone calls or promote our radio show. However, he will appear regularly on the Alex Jones radio show.
Carol Brouillet, who has been printing the Deception Dollar, has lots of web sites listed on the dollar. One of them is Michael Rivero's. Why is his site included with all of those other deceptive web sites?
Have you seen our analysis of this dollar?
Furthermore, Rivero's support of the official theory of Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon is so stupid that many people accuse him of being an agent, or an idiot. Or is Rivero afraid to be honest? Or is he another Crypto Jew?
• Greg Zeigler
Most people don't know of Zeigler because he remains behind the scenes. However, he is in contact with some of the people in the "truth movement", such as Kee Dewdney, Leland Lehrman, Phil Jayhan, and Morgan Reynolds. Furthermore, he defends some of the suspicious people, such as Judy Andreas, Scott Ritter, and Wayne Madsen.
His behavior suggests that he is a crypto Zionist in a management position. His job may be to supervise a group of Crypto Jews and Crypto Zionists. He may be helping them to infiltrate the truth movement, produce propaganda, deceive the honest people, and collect blackmail material.
We should be cautions of all of Zeigler's associates because they may be part of the Zionist Mafia. Key Dewdney, for example, admits to being partly Jewish, but denies being a Zionist. Dewdney created the web site physics911.net. Is Ziegler in contact with Dewdney to help him expose 9-11? Or is Zeigler trying to manipulate, blackmail, or bribe Dewdney? Or is Dewdney a Crypto Zionist who works with Zeigler?
• Barry Zwicker
A journalist in Canada, he touches on only a few issues about 9-11. However, Carol Brouillet and many other people consider him to be such a valuable investigator that they invited him to speak at some of their 9-11 meetings. Is Zwicker another Crypto Jew?
• Jim Hoffman
He created 911research.wtc7.net. As we pointed out in our analysis of the Deception Dollar, he comes up with idiotic theories. Another Crypto Jew?
Investigate every Truth Seeker
During the past century the Crypto Jews and Crypto Zionists have been infiltrating goyim organizations and societies for the purpose of starting wars, chaos, massacres, and corruption beyond anything the world has ever seen.
We would be fools to assume that the Crypto Jews have stopped infiltrating goyim organizations. Everybody in the "truth movement" should be investigated as a possible Crypto Jew.
Many of the "Truth Seekers", such as Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, Wayne Madsen, Dave von Kleist, and Webster Tarpley, have been exposing corruption for many years. They should know more about corruption than those of us who only recently got involved.
However, these experienced experts seem to know less about Zionism and 9/11 than you and I. This is evidence that these experts are lying, and that their purpose is to monitor, manipulate, distract, and confuse.
Can the Genesis Communications Network be trusted?
Most of the radio hosts at the Genesis Communications Network (GCN) are liars, Crypto Jews, or con artists. GCN is a nest of disinformation specialities and Crypto Zionists.
What if one of the purposes of GCN is to acquire a list of people who subscribe to and call into the radio shows? , and then keep that handy for when they need to get rid of their enemies? We suggest everybody avoid purchasing anything from Genesis, 9/11 truth.org, or any of these other suspicious organizations. They may want your name, address, credit card information.
This list would be very valuable to the Zionist Mafia because it would be a list of their potential enemies.
Please do not get any support to any of the Zionist networks, such as GCN, the pornography sites, 911truth.org, or any of the other suspicious truth seekers. They may be collecting names, addresses, and credit card information. Try to learn from the mistakes of previous goyim, rather than become another victim of the Crypto Jews.