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もちろんキチガイ扱いですが、逆に言えばもはや無視できなくなった、ということかな? それともこれをきっかけに9・11疑惑を大手メディアが取り上げることになる「呼び水」なのかな?
このコメント記事の著者Marina Hydeとかいうオバチャンに、物理法則なんて言っても、理解の範囲外だろうな。こんな人の脳ミソにはフィクションだけが詰まっているから。
* 後は申し訳ありませんが下に貼り付けてある英文記事をお読みください。
Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian
He's a right Charlie
Mr Sheen is the latest celebrity to confuse fact and fiction
Marina Hyde
Saturday March 25, 2006
The Guardian
Pay attention, civilians. Actor Charlie Sheen has been focusing his mind on the official explanation for 9/11. And you know what? He's not buying it. "It just didn't look like any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life," the Hotshots Part Deux star told a US radio station this week, "and then when the buildings came down later on that day, I said to my brother 'call me insane', but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition?"
You're insane. Next.
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a conspiracy theory."
But it is George Bush's assertion that he saw the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Centre before any footage of it had been released that tells Charlie he's on to something. "I guess one of the perks of being president is that you get access to TV channels that don't exist in the known universe," he continued in a manner which in no way suggests he once had a monstrous coke problem. "It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of rehearsal as it were, I don't know."
Mmm. For many celebrities, conspiracy theories are the VIP rooms of history. Sure, you'll have your Earl Warrens and your senate investigations patrolling the velvet rope, but if you know the right people, and have access to enormous quantities of self-regard, you can get through to the inner sanctum where they tell you It's All A Big Lie.
Frankly, with dentistry as expensive as yours, you simply can't afford to let The Man stamp his jackboot down on your face, and so it is that when faced with the inquiry "did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone?", you find yourself thinking: "God, I mean ... do any of us? Like, he had to have people, you know? At least an agent and a publicist."
Anyway, back to Charlie. "It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles," he blathers on, "it seems like the worm is turning."
It's hard to be sure who's in his circles, but you'd have to think there'd be a seat in the Sheen kitchen cabinet for Spike Lee, who last year told CNN he suspected the Bush administration had blown up the levees in New Orleans.
"Remember the film Chinatown?" he began promisingly, "where they flooded the LA basin ... I believe that it's not too far-fetched to think that, look, we got a bunch of poor black people here. We got to save these other neighbourhoods. What we got to do, dump this in this ward, boom. I believe it. I don't put anything past the US government."
Also taking a position round the table comes this column's beloved Tom Cruise, who famously dismisses psychiatry as a big conspiracy. Which is a little like a dehydrated man claiming water is a conspiracy. And completing the quartet is Michael Jackson, who not only claims all his recent legal bother was a vast plot against him, but was taped espousing the oldest conspiracy of all: it's the Jews! And they're targeting people in the, um, entertainment industry. "They [the Jews] suck them like leeches," he whined in a telephone call played to a courtroom last year. "I'm so tired of it. They start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything and end up penniless. It's a conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose."
Michael? You're wanted back on Planet Earth. Well, in a way.
So lonely? He must be
Ever since he cemented his eco-warrior credentials by advertising a huge gas-guzzling Jaguar, the world has wondered: what's the next inspired idea Sting's going to have? The wait is over. He's opening a lapdancing club.
God knows there are times we've all thought, "Sod the rainforest: let's go to Spearmint Rhino," but few of us have been committed enough to raise the money to stick in the bank's knickers and open one up.
Happily, Sting is all set to do just that by bringing a branch of the Forty Deuce chain of strip clubs to Manhattan, where the local press reports he is famous for insisting lapdancers keep their clothes on while performing for him. Which is not at all the sort of preposterous affectation you'd expect from the old boy.
Of course, it wasn't long ago that Sting was publicly berating Middle East leaders for failing to heed the message in his song Desert Rose, so it'll be nice to have a ready-made entertainment emporium to whisk delegations off to after any summits he's planning.
I dare you to print this email in it's entirety ...
The mere fact that you did a cut and paste job of the slanderous and idiotic Marine Hyde London Journal piece, speaks volumes about your credibility as a major media entity.
Like so many other mainstream outlets, domestically and abroad, no attention whatsoever is given to the questions I raise or the evidence that stimulated those very questions.
Instead, low-brow idiotic hit pieces are spewed forth in an effort to sway the readers' opinion of the messenger while blatantly disregarding any of the potentially valuable content of the story. It's transparent sandbox propaganda as dated and cheap as the paper it's printed on.
Do a little research on Building Seven. Building Seven lives at the epicenter of my entire debate. Prove yourself worthy of genuine investigative journalism. Look at the video evidence.
Observe the same data I have. Submit a formal request to the Pentagon or the DOD to release video PROOF that flight 77 did exactly as they claim. You will be stonewalled. You will be dismissed unconditionally. If there is nothing to hide - why are they hiding it?
To avoid any confusion - I reiterate:
Building Seven - Pentagon video documentation.
If any portion, or portions of this text is any way deleted or manipulated, you will only confirm what myself and countless others have suspected all along: Media complicity with no interest in the truth.
A CNN poll at the time of this writing currently sits at 84 percent IN SUPPORT of my views.
Say what you must about me - it means nothing.
Yet, if you continue to overlook the hard questions and physical evidence regarding 9/11 - you only confirm what so many of us "Conspiracy Idiots" have suspected all along - The Official Report is, at best, an insulting work of FICTION.
Charlie Sheen
Alex Jones Comment on Sheen Statement and Challenge: Hundreds of positive and negative pieces have been written about actor Charlie Sheen's courageous stand for 9/11 truth.
The pro-Sheen pieces are well written and are brimming with facts, studies and in-depth investigations by concerned, caring people who know that the official fable of September 11 is a patent fraud.
Conversely, the sniveling hit-pieces are written at a snot-nosed 7th Grade level by jabbering establishment sycophants. These individuals refuse to challenge any of the facts that Charlie Sheen and others have raised concerning the 9/11 massacres.
There's a reason for that: they can't. If they look into that painful place where 3,000 Americans died, the place where the death of our Republic began, the tomb where the specter of totalitarianism rose, they will be looking into the eyes of their masters -- those who carried out the attacks and those who seek in vain to hide the truth from the people that they would have as slaves.
Most people on the planet today know in their gut the truth about 9/11. Once you look at the facts, there is no denying the cold, hard data.
So, try as you may, establishment, the truth about 9/11 is coming out. The majority of you out there who are fighting to suppress the truth about 9/11 may not have taken part in it, but by defending those who did you all become accomplices. So before you dismiss us, you had better investigate.
There are hundreds of prominent people in the US who have already gone public and there will be hundreds more. Charlie Sheen, no matter what mud you sling at him, is a hero for what he has done. He's the archetypal example of what a leader is.
The founding fathers were wealthy, successful men at the highest level of the British colonial government. They put it all on the line so their descendants could live in liberty. They knew what tyranny was when they saw it.
Do you?