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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2006/03/20
Iraqi Resistance Report 464
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 20 March 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Monday, 20 March 2006.
Puppet police in al-Fallujah call strike following attacks by puppet National Guards on mosques and schools in the city.
Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in central ar-Ramadi.
Thirteen more bodies of Sunnis tortured to death by pro-American security agencies found in Baghdad.
Iraqis send text messages marking the end of a third year of Crusader occupation.
Resistance strikes back at attacking Americans in Samarra area, as Americans take women prisoner, rocket local houses from the air without regard for who is inside as they continue their offensive.
Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq denounces US Operation Swarmers, saying it is aimed at clearing out the male population of the Samarra area.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near Balad.
Six US troops reported killed in fierce Resistance attack on road to al-Yusufiyah Sunday night.
Al-Anbar Province.
Three US troops wounded in Resistance bombing nearing Hit.
In a dispatch posted at 6:50pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the strategic road west of the city of Hit, some 140km west of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Hit as saying that the bomb exploded as a column of US armored vehicles and Humvees was driving past. The explosion disabled one Humvee, wounding three American troops who were aboard it.
Resistance bomb blasts puppet Iraqi National Guards near al-Qaim.
In a dispatch posted at 3:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of Iraqi puppet National Guards on the main road in the al-Karabilah area east of al-Qaim, a city near the Iraq-Syria border.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses who live in al-Karabilah as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road to al-Qaim blew up as a puppet National Guard patrol was driving past. The explosion destroyed one Iraqi puppet troop transport vehicle, killing three puppet Guards and wounding four more of them.
Puppet police in al-Fallujah call strike following attacks by puppet National Guards on mosques and schools in the city.
In a dispatch posted at 1:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet police in the city of al-Fallujah, some 60km west of Baghdad declared that they were on strike on Monday, to protest the savage behavior of the puppet Iraqi National Guards in the city. Many of the puppet police in al-Fallujah were recruited locally, while the puppet National Guards are drawn largely from the south of Iraq and many are members of the pro-American Shii sectarian Badr Brigade militias.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-Fallujah assaying that the puppet National Guards in recent days have been acting savagely, storming and desecrating local mosques and attacking worshippers.
Witnesses said that the puppet guards also stormed into a school in the middle of the city and attacked the male and female teachers and students. When the puppet police intervened, the puppet National Guardsmen contacted their American masters who came to protect them.
The puppet police in al-Fallujah have therefore called a strike, demanding that responsibility for security in the city be transferred tot hem and that the puppet National Guards be expelled from al-Fallujah.
Puppet National Guards burst into home in Amiriyat al-Fallujah Sunday night, attack couple, killing the man, severely wounding his wife.
In a dispatch posted at 2:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that puppet Iraqi National Guards killed a local youth and severely wounded his wife in Amiriyat al-Fallujah, a suburb southwest of al-Fallujah, on Sunday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported neighbors of the young man as saying that puppet National Guards: stormed into their apartment in the al-Ikha housing complex during the nighttime hours of curfew. The young couple, who were Sunni, had only recently taken up residence there, after having been driven out of their house in Baghdads predominantly Shii ash-Shulah district by pro-American Shii sectarian Badr Brigade gunmen.
The puppet National Guards broke down the door and stormed into the couples apartment. They shot the young man as he and his wife were in bed, killing the man and severely wounding his wife.
At the time of reporting, US troops were encircling the al-Ikha housing complex not allowing anyone to approach other than US soldiers and their allies the puppet National Guards.
Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in central ar-Ramadi.
In a dispatch posted at 11:50am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance marksman shot and killed a US soldier near the Immigration building in the center of ar-Ramadi, a facility that American forces have occupied and turned into one of their headquarters.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in ar-Ramadi as saying that the US soldier, who was on observation duty near the Immigration building, took a direct hit from an Iraqi Resistance sharpshooters bullet, killing him instantly.
Resistance bomb blasts US supply convoy in western Iraq Sunday evening.
In a dispatch posted at 12:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military convoy on the main road near the al-Jazirah area west of Rawah, some 210km northwest of Baghdad on Sunday evening
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the al-Jazirah area as saying that the bomb went off by a passing column of US Humvees and trucks hauling provisions. The blast destroyed one truck, seriously wounding its driver.
Thirteen more bodies of Sunnis tortured to death by pro-American security agencies found in Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 8:40pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet police had discovered the bodies of 13 Iraqi Sunnis killed by pro-American Shii sectarian militias.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police who asked not to be identified as saying that 13 bodies were found accidentally on the road to the leather tannery in the predominantly Shii ash-Shulah district of western Baghdad. The source added that the bodies showed signs of torture.
The source said that the bodies belonged to Iraqi Sunni youths. Four of them were brothers as was revealed from official identity papers found on the bodies. He said that the bodies were handed over to the Forensic Medicine Hospital on Monday afternoon so that they could be returned to their families.
Resistance bomb rips through puppet Shock Troop patrol in Baghdads al-Jadiriyah area.
In a dispatch posted at 2:30pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of puppet Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) near the Australian embassy on the main road in the al-Jadiriyah area of Baghdad.
A press release carried on the website of the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq quoted a puppet security source as saying that the bomb exploded at 11:45am local time Monday morning.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a puppet policeman who was near the scene of the bombing as saying that the explosive device had been planted by the side of the main road to Baghdad University in al-Jadiriyah near the Australian embassy. It blew up by a passing puppet Shock Troop patrol, destroying one of their patrol vehicles and killing two of the puppet Shock Troops and seriously wounding three more of them.
The bulletin posted on the website of the Association of Muslim Scholars said that the blast had destroyed tow puppet police motorcycles, killing four puppet policemen and wounding three more of them.
Resistance bombards puppet Shock Troop camp in southeastern Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces five mortar rounds into the headquarters of the puppet Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) in southeast Baghdads az-Zafaraniyah area.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in az-Zafaraniyah as saying that the barrage sent plumes of smoke rising into the sky from inside the camp.
Iraqis send text messages to mark the end of a third year of Crusader occupation.
Amidst the general repression that pervades Iraq as it enters its fourth year of occupation, Iraqis have resorted to sending text messages on their cell phones as one way of expressing their feelings, since newspapers and bookstores have been shut down and internet cafes are raided.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in Baghdad quoted one such message sent out on the third anniversary of the American occupation:
Lost is a homeland green in color that was called the Valley of the Two Rivers,
Its capital Baghdad, the City of Peace, the Home of Harun ar-Rashid and al-Mansur,
Decorated with a million date palms and lakes the number now of its afflictions,
A land with ten thousand years of history, its lanes now stalked by death and fear and horror.
Once a beacon of light and knowledge, it has turned into a feeding ground for dark oppression, a haven for the harsh.
The musky smell of martyrs wafts through its streets, those who are found are delivered up to the Mosque of Gods Prophet Muhammad for funeral prayers.
The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent reported that the messages are all different, some personal some open letters like the one above.
One personal message was that written by a man for his martyred brother: To my brother Layth, the martyr. I congratulate you on two years since your martyrdom in al-Azamiyah [in Baghdad], and I send my condolences on the passage of a third year of occupation by Crusaders and traitors.
Another wrote: I have a complaint for my brother the martyr: how could he died while there are still despicable Crusaders in our Iraq?
As Iraq enters its fourth year under western occupation, and the daily suffering of Iraqis, the torture, imprisonment, marginalization, murder, and rape increase, as the world continues to remain silent in the face of such events and as the local media are controlled by a puppet regime that portrays invaders as liberators, traitors as heroes, and patriots as terrorists, Iraqis resorted to text messages as one way to express their anger and rage. The other method, armed Resistance, has also continued apace.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance strikes back at attacking Americans in Samarra area.
Iraqi Resistance forces have struck back at attacking American troops in the area around Samarra. Communications with the area have been systematically shut down by US occupation forces, who have not only sealed off the area geographically from the outside world, but have also shut down all telephone and cellular phone communications with the region.
A Quds Press correspondent has reported however that on Sunday morning 19 March, Iraqi Resistance bombs exploded by a US column that was driving along the main road between Samarra and ad-Dawr, near the ruins of the ruins of the Wall of Shannas. The explosion totally destroyed one American Humvee, which was observed on fire. The extent of casualties, however, was not known owing to the fact that US troops surrounded the area and opened fire indiscriminately on anyone in the area.
Iraqi Resistance bombs destroyed four US military vehicles in the al-Jallam area, where American and Iraqi puppet troops came pouring into the region at the start of their offensive several days ago. Quds Press reported, that due to the tight American control of the area, where villagers are under curfew and not allowed to walk around their village or its environs, no information on the nature or extent of American casualties as a result of those bomb attacks was available.
Meanwhile the Resistance organization the Jaysh al-Mujahideen in a video tape announced its responsibility for the killing of two US troops who were felled by Iraqi sharpshooter bullets in Samarra. Quds Press, which reported on the contents of the video tape, said that there was no way to verify their contents since the US had the area under tight control and maintained its usual total blackout on all information regarding American casualties.
US troops capture women, rocket local houses from the air without regard for who is inside as they continue their offensive around Samarra.
Residents of the area around Samarra have accused US troops of confiscating the small arms of local tribes used for self defense and of capturing women and children and blowing up local peoples houses as the invaders continue their offensive against the population of the area north of Baghdad.
Quds Press reported Siraj al-Abbasi of the large Abu al-Abbas tribe that lives in the vicinity of Samarra as saying that US forces confiscated their weapons, which are only light arms and machine guns and are used for self defense against bandits and other such threats.
Al-Abbasi told Quds Press that the US troops have also been taking women prisoner. Those troops have also taken prisoner a number of Iraqi women who live in the areas covered by military operations. They have demanded that their male relatives turn themselves in if they want to free their women. The women, he said, are imprisoned in another location under the control of the Americans or Iraqi puppet forces.
He said that many families had tried to get out of the area, fearing just such American raids and arrests. He said that about 40 families had fled to the areas of al-Fallujah and as-Saqlawiyah.
Al-Abbas accused the Americans of destroying any house that they suspect of having arms in it. The Americans use a special searching mechanism aboard aircraft, he said that allows them to search for weapons. As soon as it detects some indication of weapons in a particular location, they just fire a rocket from the air into the house without finding out whether a family is inside or what.
Local residents and the tribes fear that once their weapons have been seized they will be easy prey for the pro-American Shii sectarian forces that serve the American-installed regime and are well known for abducting, torturing, and killing Sunnis throughout Iraq. Many residents of the area who spoke to Quds Press expressed the fear that this was the intention behind the American offensive: to set the pro-American Shii sectarian groups loose to attack and wipe them out.
Such an aim is consistent with US and British efforts to rescue their failing fortunes in Iraq by sparking a sectarian civil war in the country, enabling them to fulfill their plans of partitioning Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.
Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq denounces US Operation Swarmers, saying it is aimed at clearing out the male population of the Samarra area.
The Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq issued a statement on Monday denouncing the American offensive against the people of Samarra the so-called American Swarmers operation, which has been going on there for several days.
The Association, the highest Sunni religious authority in occupied Iraq, stated:
In a foolish action that betrays the desperation that the US invader forces have come to, in which they have not been able to harvest any fruits of their invasion other than failure and historic shame, those forces once again, in what they call Operation Swarmers, are attacking Samarra, a land of history, of caliphs, and of resistance. Associated with the Americans in the operation are [puppet] government forces who decided that it is fine for them to line up shoulder to shoulder with foreign enemies of our religion, our homeland, of Arabism, humanity, and morals and to attack the countryside, destroying houses and mosques and arresting men at work cultivating their farm crops.
The Association condemns and denounces this terrorist operation, affirming once again that US occupation forces are involved up to their heads in an operation designed to wipe out the Sunnis as a first step to achieving their aims. What they are doing on the territory of Samarra today is nothing but wiping out the men of the area for no crime other than that they are capable of bearing arms and that they refuse to accept the hated presence of the occupier.
The Association calls on all news media do their duty in exposing the savagery, the widespread savagery that is being carried out in that area.
Resistance bombards joint US-Iraqi puppet army camp near ad-Dawr.
In a dispatch posted at 7pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired four 82mm mortar rounds into the camp jointly occupied by US and Iraqi puppet army forces on the main road in the ad-Dawr area, about 150km north of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in ad-Dawr as saying that the barrage sent plumes of smoke rising from the camp.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near Balad.
In a dispatch posted at 11:10am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road to the US al-Bakr airbase near Yathrib, some 100km north of Baghdad, in the vicinity of the city of Balad.
The Yathrib correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that the bomb went off as a column of US Humvees and Bradley amored vehicles was driving past. The explosion completely destroyed one Humvee, killing two US troops and seriously wounding two more of them.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb blasts US column north of Baqubah.
In a dispatch posted at 7:50pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the main road from Baqubah to al-Khalis, northeast of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of Baqubah, about 65km northeast of Baghdad, as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road north to al-Khalis blew up by a patrol of several US Humvees. The explosion disabled one of the vehicles, killing or wounding the four soldiers who were aboard it.
Babil Province.
Jurf as-Sakhr.
Resistance bomb wounds four puppet policemen near Jurf as-Sakhr.
In a dispatch posted at 6:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of Iraqi puppet police in the Jurf as-Sakhr area some 65km southwest of Baghdad
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Jurf as-Sakhr as saying that the bomb destroyed on patrol vehicle, wounding four puppet policemen, two of them seriously.
Resistance sharpshooter kills two Iraqi puppet Shock Troops south of al-Latifiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 2:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance marksman had shot and killed two puppet Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) south of al-Latifiyah, about 30km south of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-Latifiyah as saying that a puppet Shock Troop patrol was driving along the main road to al-Mahmudiyah, south of al-Latifiyah, when a Resistance sharpshooter opened fire on the patrol, killing two of the puppet Shock Troops instantly with direct hits.
Six US troops reported killed in fierce Resistance attack on road to al-Yusufiyah Sunday night.
In a dispatch posted at 1:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces mounted a fierce attack on a US military column on the highway to al-Yusufiyah, 25km south of Baghdad, Sunday evening.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets attacked the US column, completely destroying one Humvee, disabling two more Humvees, completely burning up four tank trucks loaded with fuel and disabling two more of them. Six US troops were killed in the ambush and eight more of them wounded, many of them seriously.
The correspondent reported that US forces were still encircling the area where the ambush took place, preventing anyone from approaching.
At-Tamim Province.
Resistance bomb near ar-Riyad wounds four US troops.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column near ar-Riyad about 25km southwest of Kirkuk on the main road leading to the city of Bayji.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in ar-Riyad as saying that a bomb on the road to Bayji blew up by a passing US column, disabling a US armored vehicle and wounding four US troops, one of them severely.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance mounts three attacks on puppet police in Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 1:10pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters carried out three attacks on Iraqi puppet policemen in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Mosul as saying that Resistance fighters attacked a puppet police patrol in the ar-Rifaq area in the west of the city, wounding two of the puppet policemen, one of them an officer.
In a second attack, Resistance fighters ambushed a patrol near the al-Karamah police station, killing one puppet policeman and wounding two more of them.
In the third attack, Iraqi Resistance forces fired a Katyusha rocket into the al-Qiyarah headquarters of the puppet police directorate.
Resistance bomb wounds four puppet policemen in western Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 12:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of Iraqi puppet police on the main road in the al-Intisar neighborhood of western Mosul in northern Iraq.
The Mosul correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the al-Intisar neighborhood as saying that a bomb went off as the puppet police patrol was driving through the neighborhood, disabling one patrol vehicle and wounding four puppet policemen, one of them a lieutenant.
An-Najaf Province.
Puppet security official kidnapped in an-Najaf.
A high-ranking officer in the puppet Criminal Intelligence Department in the southern Iraqi city of an-Najaf was abducted by armed men on Sunday, Quds Press reported.
A source in the Iraqi puppet security services told Quds Press Monday that the puppet Deputy Director of Intelligence in an-Najaf, Brigadier General Abu Rida an-Najafi, was abducted on Sunday as he returned from a trip abroad. A group of armed men wearing uniforms of the puppet Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) led him away to an unknown destination in an incident the details of which remain unclear.
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