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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2006/03/09
Iraqi Resistance Report 453
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 9 March 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Thursday, 9 March 2006.
US offers $50,000 reward for help in capturing Resistance commander in al-Qaim.
US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in southwest Baghdads ar-Ridwaniyah district.
Resistance bomb blasts joint patrol Wednesday evening, killing US soldier in al-Maalif area of south Baghdad.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in as-Sadah, near Baqubah Wednesday night.
Pro-American racist Kurdish newspaper reprints Danish anti-Islamic cartoons to foster American drive to partition Iraq.
Al-Anbar Province.
US offers $50,000 reward for help in capturing Resistance commander in al-Qaim.
In a dispatch posted at 4:30pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces in the city of al-Qaim near the border with Syria have been dropping leaflets from helicopters crisscrossing the skies over the area in which they announce that they are offering a US$50,000 reward for any help that leads to the capture of Shaykh Abu Ikrimah.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the leaflets have been dropped over all the neighborhoods of the city.
Shaykh Abu Ikrimah is one of the leaders of the Iraqi Resistance. The US occupation forces accuse him of killing more than 15 American Marines when the Resistance, allegedly under his command, blew up a booby-trapped house with the Marines inside in al-Qaim at the end of September 2005.
US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in southwest Baghdads ar-Ridwaniyah district.
In a dispatch posted at 2:50pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on a farm road north of ar-Ridwaniyah in southwestern Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of ar-Ridwaniyah who witnessed the attack as saying that the blast destroyed a US armored vehicle, killing one American soldier and wounding three more of them.
Resistance fighters kill two Iraqi collaborators working in Green Zone.
In a dispatch posted at 12:10pm Mecca time midday Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked two Iraqis who worked for the US occupation regime inside the area around the Republican Palace in downtown Baghdad the high security district that the Americans have created and named the Green Zone.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that Resistance fighters ambushed two Iraqis who work for the US occupation one male, one female killing both of them.
Resistance bomb blasts puppet police in al-Amiriyah.
In a dispatch posted at 11:40am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a patrol of Iraqi puppet police in western Baghdads al-Amiriyah district.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Amiriyah who witnessed the attack as saying that the bomb killed three puppet policemen and wounded three more of them. One civilian who happened to be in the area was also killed and three more civilians wounded in the blast.
Resistance bomb blasts US Humvee in ar-Ridwaniyah south of Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 10:50am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the highway to the south of the ar-Ridwaniyah area in southwestern Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police who asked not to be identified as saying that a Resistance bomb that exploded by the side of the highway blew up as a US column was driving past, disabling one Humvee. The source said that the four American troops aboard the Humvee were all either killed or wounded.
Resistance bomb blasts joint patrol Wednesday evening, killing US soldier in al-Maalif area of south Baghdad.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a joint US-Iraqi puppet army patrol near the southern Baghdad district of al-Maalif on Wednesday evening.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Maalif who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that had been planted next to the main road blew up as the patrol drove past, killing one American soldier and two Iraqi puppet troops and wounding one other American and one other Iraqi puppet soldier.
Resistance fighters attack house of puppet Interior Ministry official Wednesday night.
In a dispatch posted at 10:30am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked the house of a counselor to the notorious puppet Iraqi Minister of the Interior in western Baghdads al-Ghazaliyah district on Wednesday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-Ghazaliyah as saying that Resistance fighters attacked the home of Major General Hikmat Musa, killing two of his guards and wounding three more of them. The Resistance attackers then withdrew from the area without having sustained any casualties.
Puppet Shock Troops arrest Sunni religious scholar in at-Taji Wednesday night.
Pro-American Shii sectarian Badr Brigade militia functioning as puppet Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) arrested Sunni Shaykh Sajid Abd al-Qadir, a member of the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq, the supreme Sunni Muslim religious authority in the American-occupied country. The action took place in the ash-Shati area of the Baghdad suburb of at-Taji, some 20km north of the occupied Iraqi capital on Wednesday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of at-Taji who witnessed the abduction as saying that the pro-American Interior Ministry gunmen stormed into the home of Shaykh Sajid, arrested him, and took him away to an unknown destination.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb kills puppet policeman who tried to disarm it.
In a dispatch posted at 2:20pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a detachment of Iraqi puppet police who were trying to defuse the device in the city of al-Miqdadiyah, some 85km northeast of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the as-Salam neighborhood of al-Miqdadiyah as saying that the bomb went off as three puppet policemen were trying to disarm it. One of the puppet policemen was killed and the other two were severely wounded in the blast.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in as-Sadah, near Baqubah Wednesday night.
In a dispatch posted at 12:20pm Mecca time midday Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road near the as-Sadah area, just east of Baqubah, some 65km northeast of Baghdad, on Wednesday night.
The Baqubah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of as-Sadah who witnessed the attack as saying that the bomb destroyed one American Humvee, killint two US troops and seriously wounding two more of them.
Resistance ambush leaves eight puppet National Guards dead Wednesday night.
In a dispatch posted at 10:40am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a column of Iraqi puppet National Guard troops in the city of al-Madain just southeast of Baghdad at 8pm local time Wednesday night.
The al-Madain correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked the column, disabling one puppet National Guard vehicle and killing eight National Guard troops and wounding two more of them. The witnesses said that one of the eight killed was a captain.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance bomb kills four Iraqi puppet army troops in at-Tarimiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:10pm Mecca time midday Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a column of Iraqi puppet troops on the main road in the town of at-Tarimiyah, some 30km north of Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in at-Tarimiyah as saying hat a bomb that had been planted by the side of the main road that runs south to Baghdad blew up as a puppet column was passing by. The blast destroyed one troop transport vehicle, killing four Iraqi puppet troops and wounding two more of them.
At-Tamim Province.
In a dispatch posted at 3:10pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in al-Hawijah, southwest of Kirkuk in northern Iraq on Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the blast disabled one American Humvee, wounding two US troops. An Iraqi civilian who was in the area was also severely wounded.
Resistance bombs target puppet police in Kirkuk Thursday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 3:10pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that two Iraqi Resistance bombs had exploded by Iraqi puppet police patrols in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk on Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Kirkuk residents who witnessed the first attack as saying that a Resistance bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol in the Industrial Zone of the city, wounding three of the puppet policemen.
A second Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by another puppet police patrol, disabling one patrol vehicle and wounding four puppet policemen, one of them severely. Two civilians who happened to be in the area were killed in the blast.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance bomb destroys US armored vehicle in eastern Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 2:10pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road, known as Baghdad Road, in eastern Mosul.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of Mosul who witnessed the attack as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the road blew up and destroyed one American armored vehicle, killing or wounding all the five US troops who were aboard it.
Irbil Province.
Pro-American racist Kurdish newspaper reprints anti-Islamic Danish cartoons to foster American drive to partition Iraq.
In an effort to assist what is widely regarded as the Anglo-American effort to provoke an ethnic and sectarian civil war in Iraq, with the aim of partitioning the country, the Kurdish racist newspaper Kurdtimes has reprinted cartoons originally published in the Danish press. The cartoons, which insult and mock the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, constitute an attack on the worlds Muslims and have provoked outrage across the Islamic world.
The Kurdish newspaper, whose overall content is overtly racist anti-Arab and anti-Muslim and supportive of western aggression against Arab and Islamic peoples, accompanied the cartoons with lengthy commentary in Arabic explicitly endorsing the anti-Islamic message they convey, asserting that it is accurate and appropriate.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the racist newspaper is backed by the two American-backed Kurdish separatist leaders Jalal at-Talibani (head of the so-called Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and American-installed puppet President of Iraq) and Masud Barzani (head of the so-called Kurdistan Democratic Party and American-installed President of the puppet Kurdistan region). The newspaper, which blatantly asserts the priority and superiority of Kurds over Arabs, Turks, and Persians, is distributed in Irbil, Dahuk, and as-Sulaymaniyah in northern Iraq in limited editions on a daily basis, the correspondent reported.
The editor of the racist Kurdtimes newspaper is Salah Shawan, a man who was sentenced to be hanged by the Iraqi authorities under President Saddam Hussein, but who fled the country. Sawan has since returned under the protection of American arms to take up the task of fomenting hatred of the Arabs and Islam on Iraqi soil.
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