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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2006/03/06
▽アメリカ軍が‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah地区に大部隊を集結 アメリカ軍の狙撃兵が地元住民5名を射殺
▽レジスタンスの狙撃手がMubdar Hatim少将を射殺 バグダッドの治安を担当する傀儡軍司令官
▽レジスタンスが国際ハイウェイを保護する バグダッド西方での強盗が減少する
▽サマワの赤新月社が報告 サマワで親アメリカ派の民兵によってスンニ派の
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 6 March 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
Monday, 6 March 2006.
・ US deploys forces in unprecedented numbers in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah. American sniper kills five local civilians; Resistance fighters rocket US installations as tension mounts Monday.
・ Resistance bomb in southern ar-Ramadi reportedly kills two US troops.
・ Resistance organization announces killing of two US troops in morning bomb attack in Abu Ghurayb.
・ Resistance destroys telephone exchange occupied by puppet “Shock Troops” who were monitoring phone conversations of local residents in Abu Ghurayb.
・ Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter kills Major General Mubdar Hatim, commander of puppet army forces charged with “protecting” Baghdad.
・ Resistance mortar barrage targets puppet regime “courtroom” where American “trial” of Iraqi President is staged.
・ Iraqi Resistance takes International Highway under its protection, reducing instances of highway robbery west of Baghdad.
・ Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier in Baghdad Sunday night.
・ Resistance bomb in al-Latifiyah reportedly kills US soldier.
・ Resistance bombards Polish camp in al-Hillah Sunday afternoon.
・ Two US troops reported killed in Sunday night Resistance bombing in Mosul.
・ Red Crescent official in as-Samawah: 96 Sunni families forcibly expelled from their homes as pro-American militias carry out sectarian cleansing campaign.
Al-Anbar Province.
US deploys forces in unprecedented numbers in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah. American sniper kills five local civilians; Resistance fighters rocket US installations as tension mounts Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 9pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US forces were deploying in unprecedented force in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, southwestern suburb of al-Fallujah, some 60km west of Baghdad. The Americans closed of parts of the area and launched intermittent raids and arrests.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that late on Sunday night US troops raided a residential building in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, throwing percussion grenades into it.
Then on Monday morning, an American sniper atop the roof of a house in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah shot and wounded five local residents. The victims were all taken to the hospital in the residential complex area, but all died of their wounds before reaching the facility.
On Monday afternoon, Iraqi Resistance forces fired Katyusha rockets at houses being used by US and Iraqi puppet troops as headquarters in the ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah area. The rockets scored direct hits on the houses, but no details on the nature or extent of US casualties were available.
Resistance bomb in southern ar-Ramadi reportedly kills two US troops.
In a dispatch posted at 12:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military patrol on the main road in the at-Ta’mim neighborhood of southern ar-Ramadi, some 110km west of Baghdad.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the main road in at-Ta’mim blew up as a patrol of several American Humvees was driving past. The explosion completely destroyed one of the Humvees ミ which was still on fire at the time the correspondent filed his report ミ and killed two US troops. Two other American soldiers were wounded in the attack, one of them severely.
Abu Ghurayb.
Resistance organization announces killing of two US troops in morning bomb attack in Abu Ghurayb.
In a dispatch posted at 8:05pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance roadside bomb blasted a passing US column in Abu Ghurayb, some 30km west of Baghdad, on Monday morning.
The local correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the blast damaged one US Humvee, killing two American troops and wounding two more of them.
The Iraqi Resistance organization known as the Brigades of the 1920 Revolution issued a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Mafkarat al-Islam, taking responsibility for the attack.
Resistance destroys telephone exchange occupied by puppet “Shock Troops” who were monitoring phone conversations of local residents in Abu Ghurayb.
In a dispatch posted at 1:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces attacked a telephone exchange under the control of puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the middle of Abu Ghurayb.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Abu Ghurayb as saying that the Resistance fighters attacked the telephone exchanged, used by the puppet “Shock Troops” to spy on telephone conversations of local residents. The Resistance fighters destroyed the telephone facility, killing or wounding eight puppet “Shock troops” who were inside.
Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter kills Major General Mubdar Hatim, commander of puppet army forces charged with “protecting” Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 7:15pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier, Iraqi Resistance forces had assassinated the commander of the puppet 6th Division of the Iraqi puppet army, Major General Mubdar Hatim al-Haddiyah.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Captain Muhammad Isma‘il al-Ka‘bi of the Iraqi puppet army as saying that an Iraqi Resistance marksman had shot and killed General Mubdar al-Hatim, the commander of the 6th Division, which is responsible for “defending” Baghdad. The attack took place following the General’s inspection of the al-Ghazaliyah area in the west of the occupied Iraqi capital.
Captain al-Ka‘bi told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance sharpshooter’s bullet struck the general in the neck causing him to fall to the ground dead among his troops who were gathered for the inspection visit.
The correspondent managed to get to the area where the attack took place, and found that it was in a state of alarm, completely cordoned off as puppet forces searched for the Resistance sharpshooter.
Mafkarat al-Islam noted that several Iraqi Resistance organizations ミ including the Islamic Army Group, the Army of the Mujahideen, and the Ansar as-Sunnah ミ had threatened to kill Major General Mubdar Hatim following the operations carried out by his troops against the population of Baghdad in which dozens of local people were arrested and murdered.
Resistance mortar barrage targets puppet regime “courtroom” where American “trial” of Iraqi President is staged.
In a dispatch posted at 7pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short time earlier, Iraqi Resistance forces had fired mortars into the area around the Republican Palace in Baghdad ミ the high-security area dubbed the “Green Zone” by the Americans where the occupation has established its headquarters.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that four explosions shook the “Green Zone” following the mortar assault. A source who works as a guard in the area of the “Green Zone” told Mafkarat al-Islam that the mortar shells were concentrated on the building that served as the headquarters of Iraq’s military industry prior to the American occupation. That building is within the “Green Zone” and it is there that the sessions of the “trial” being staged by the Americans of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and other leading prisoners of war are held, the source said.
Iraqi Resistance takes International Highway under its protection reducing instances of highway robbery west of Baghdad.
Following several incidents of highway robbery on the International Highway that runs from Baghdad to the west, Iraqi Resistance organizations have taken on the task of providing security for travelers between Baghdad and the Iraqi border to the west, executing highway robbers and bringing down the number of attacks.
Quds Press reported that numerous cases of armed robbery of travelers on the International Highway were reported following the lifting of a curfew imposed in Baghdad several days ago.
In a report on Monday, Quds Press quoted a leaflet distributed by Resistance forces in Baghdad that declared: “The Patriotic Islamic Resistance and the Army of the Mujahideen pledge to protect the International Highway from thieves and highway robbers.” The Resistance groups threatened “to kill immediately those who continue such practices.”
Quds Press reported numerous travelers as saying that since the Resistance announcement, the number of robberies on the highway has greatly diminished.
Eyewitnesses told Quds Press that an Iraqi Resistance organization had carried out an execution on two Iraqis after finding them guilty of threatening and robbing travelers on the International Highway in western Iraq.
A source in the ar-Rutbah puppet police station, located near the Jordanian frontier told Quds Press that “six armed men shot two gang members on Saturday morning in front of a number of travelers who had been robbed by them. The gang had attacked the women and stolen their jewelry.” The puppet police official said that the bodies of the two criminals were then hung from the steel bridge that passes over the International Highway on its way to Jordan and Syria.
An officer in the puppet police who asked not to be identified said that the summary execution took place in front of one of the roadside restaurants in the area near ar-Rutbah. The source said that travelers identified the robbers’ car when they stopped at one of the restaurants located along the Highway, congregating there in fear of further attacks.
Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troop” patrol in al-Mustansiriyah Square.
In a dispatch posted at 3:30pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a patrol of puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the northeastern part of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police as saying that an explosives-packed car that had been parked in al-Mustansiriyah Square blew up as a puppet “Shock Troop” patrol was driving past. The explosion disabled one puppet patrol vehicle, seriously wounding three puppet “Shock Troops” and also injuring four civilians who were nearby, the puppet police spokesman said.
Deadly Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police in al-‘Arasat area of southern Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 3:15pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol in the al-‘Arasat area of southern Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-‘Arasat as saying that an explosives-laden car that had been parked by the side of Suddat an-Nazimiyah Street in the area blew up by the passing patrol. The explosion destroyed one patrol vehicle, killing two puppet policemen and wounding another three.
Government of India extends ban on travel by Indian citizens to occupied Iraq because of security concerns.
In a dispatch posted at 3:48pm Kuwait time Monday afternoon, the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) reported that the Indian Embassy in Kuwait had confirmed that the government in New Delhi had extended the ban on travel by Indian citizens to Iraq from or through Kuwait that was originally imposed in August 2004.
The Indian Embassy declared that the reason for banning travel by Indians to Iraq was the security situation in the country and the desire of the Indian government to protect the safety and security of their citizens.
The Embassy declaration said: “The Government of India would like to inform all Indian citizens to refrain from traveling to Iraq for their own interest until the travel ban ruling has been lifted.”
The Indian Embassy in Kuwait added, “Companies operating in Kuwait that employ Indian citizens must cooperate in implementing the ban and refrain from sending Indian citizens to Iraq from or through Kuwaiti territory.”
The statement said that the ban would remain in force until the Indian Government undertakes to review the matter.
Two Resistance car bombs apparently miss targets Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 1:25pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that two Iraqi Resistance car bombs went off in the Baghdad area on Monday morning missing their apparent targets.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an explosives-laden car parked by the side of an-Nidal Street in the eastern part of the al-Karradah district of Baghdad blew up by a patrol of puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir).” The blast wounded four civilians, one of them severely. The bomb was targeted on the puppet “Shock Troops” but exploded after their patrol passed by, witnesses said, producing the civilian casualties.
In the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah, an Iraqi Resistance fida’i fighter driving an explosives-packed car blew up nea the ar-Rafidayn bank in the Athuriyin Market. The car bomber was aiming for US occupation troops, but collided and exploded by a bank truck used for making currency deliveries. Four persons were wounded in the blast, two of them bank employees and two puppet regime “Order Protection” guards who were posted at the bank.
Resistance car bomb blasts puppet police in al-A‘zamiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:30pm Mecca time midday Monday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb blew up by a puppet police patrol in northern Baghdad’s al-A‘zamiyah district
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-A‘zamiyah who witnessed the attack as saying that an explosives-laden car that had been parked by the side of al-Maghrib Street blew up as a puppet police patrol drove by. The explosion disabled one patrol vehicle, wounding three puppet policemen, two of them severely. Four civilians who happened to be near by were also injured.
Resistance bomb blasts US column in northwest Baghdad Monday morning.
An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road in the area of northwest Baghdad near a branch of the Tigris River at about 9am local time Monday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the Dhira‘ ad-Dijlah area as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the main road to the suburb of at-Taji, some 20km to the north, blew up as a US column was driving past. The explosion destroyed an American Humvee, killing or wounding the four US troops who were aboard it.
Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier in Baghdad Sunday night.
In a dispatch posted at 10:30am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance marksman shot and killed a US soldier in the area of al-‘Amiriyah in western Baghdad on Sunday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-‘Amiriyah as saying that the soldier was taking part in a US patrol on one of the main streets in the area when he took a direct hit in the head from a Resistance sharpshooter’s bullet, killing him instantly.
Babil Province.
Resistance bomb in al-Latifiyah reportedly kills US soldier.
In a dispatch posted at 5pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the main road south of al-Latifiyah, which is south of Baghdad.
The al-Latifiyah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that a bomb planted near the Muwaylihah area in the city blew up, disabling an American Humvee and killing one US soldier and wounding two more of them.
Resistance bomb blasts puppet police patrol in al-Mahmudiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 3pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance car bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol near the al-Mahmudiyah General Hospital.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-Mahmudiyah as saying that the car bomb went off by the puppet police patrol as it drove past. The explosion destroyed one patrol vehicle, wounding four puppet policemen, one of them severely.
Resistance bombards Polish camp in al-Hillah Sunday afternoon.
Iraqi Resistance forces fired seven Katyusha rockets into the base used by Polish occupation forces in the city of al-Hillah, south of Baghdad at 3pm local time Sunday afternoon.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the barrage sent five plumes of black smoke rising from the Polish camp. The bombardment was followed by the sound of a powerful explosion inside the base, the reason for which was unclear.
Residents of the area said that from the vantage point of their rooftops, they could see fires raging inside the Polish camp.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance fires rockets into joint US-Iraqi puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in Samarra’.
In a dispatch posted at 5:20pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired medium range rockets into the headquarters jointly operated by US and puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the middle of Samarra’, some 120km north of Baghdad.
The Samarra’ correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that the joint headquarters took direct hits by medium-range rockets, setting off explosions that sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Resistance mounts rocket attack on US base east of ad-Dujayl.
In a dispatch posted at 11:30am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired medium-range rockets into the US military base located to the east of ad-Dujayl, some 55km north of Baghdad
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in ad-Dujayl as saying that the rocket attack sent plumes of smokr rising into the sky over the American-occupied facility.
Diyala Province.
Resistance bomb blasts puppet police patrol in Ba‘qubah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:40pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol on the mian road in Ba‘qubah, some 65km northeast of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in Ba‘qubah as saying that the bomb, which went off near a prefabricated building area, disabled one patrol vehicle, severely wounding two puppet policemen.
Resistance mortars blast puppet “National Guard” headquarters in al-Mada’in.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired four mortar rounds into two headquarters of Iraqi puppet army troops in the city of al-Mada’in, just southeast of Baghdad.
The al-Mada’in correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that the headquarters of the puppet “National Guard” was struck by four mortar shells, sending pillars of smoke billowing into the sky.
Resistance bombards puppet army headquarters near Iranian border.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired six mortar shells into the headquarters of Iraqi puppet army forces in al-Mundhiriyah on the border with Iran
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that smoke billowed up from the facility after the Resistance attack.
Ninwa Province.
Two US troops reported killed in Sunday night Resistance bombing in Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 4:50pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in eastern Mosul on Sunday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the al-Intisar neighborhood of eastern Mosul as saying that a Resistance bomb went off by a column of several American Humvees and armored vehicles. The blast destroyed one of the armored vehicles, killing two US soldiers and wounding three more of them.
US troops wounded in bombing in southern Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 11:50am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column in the al-Wahdah neighborhood in southern Mosul, a city located in northern Iraq.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Wahdah as saying that the bomb, which had been planted by a major road, blew up as a US column drove past. The explosion disabled one Humvee, wounding three American troops who were aboard it.
Muthanna Province.
Red Crescent official in as-Samawah: 96 Sunni families forcibly driven out as pro-American militias carry out sectarian cleansing campaign.
In a dispatch posted at 8:20pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Muhammad ‘Abd al-Halim ad-Darraji, an official with the Iraqi Red Crescent branch in the southern city of as-Samawah announced that so far 96 Sunni families had been forcibly driven out of the city under threat of torture by pro-American Shi‘i sectarian militias.
Ad-Darraji told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam in as-Samawah that the Sunni families were currently living in schools and vacant buildings outside the city as the pro-American militias pursue sectarian cleansing, driving Sunnis out of their homes and then seizing the houses and the former residents’ belongings.
The Red Crescent official’s report follows official denials by the American-installed Iraqi puppet regime and its militias of any such campaign of sectarian cleansing in the south of the country.