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(回答先: シーア派廟爆破事件の背景にあるもの〜誰が内戦を望んでいるか?【JANJAN 成澤宗男の世界を読む】 投稿者 どさんこ 日時 2006 年 2 月 28 日 16:50:04)
昨年6月に行われた米国議会の「ダウニング・ストリート・メモ」に関する公聴会で《米国はイラク戦争をイスラエルにせきたてられた》と証言した、元CIA情報調査官レイ・マクガヴァンが、イラクのシーア派聖地「黄金のモスク」爆破事件が、西側支配階層の秘密要員によるfalse flag operations「偽の旗作戦」の一つである可能性を示唆しました。
これは2月26日付のThe Prison Planet誌の記事のよるものです。(この記事は下に貼り付けておきます。)マクガヴァンは現代史の上で米国政府が作り上げた「偽の旗」を指摘しながら次のように言います。
《中心的な問題はQui Bono?誰がこれによって得をするのか、ということだ。あなた方は別に陰謀論的になる必要も無いし、スンニ派だけではなくあらゆる種類の似たような疑いがあると偏執狂的に指摘する必要も無い。知っての通り、アラブ風の衣装を着て車を乗り回していた英国の要員が逮捕された。で、こんなのが続いているんだよ。》
Former CIA Analyst: Western Intelligence May Be Behind Mosque Bombing
Ray Mcgovern says US in most danger ever, from its own government
Prison Planet | February 26 2006
Former CIA analyst a and presidential advisor Ray McGovern does not rule out Western involvement in this week's Askariya mosque bombing in light of previous false flag operations that have advanced hidden agendas of the ruling elite.
During the mid-eighties, McGovern was one of the senior analysts conducting early morning briefings of the PDB one-on-one with the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
He joined Alex Jones to discuss many topics from martial law to government false flag terrorism and provocation tactics.
McGovern firstly suggested that Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military to take on a policing role within the US, is being systematically overthrown.
"Not only have the top ranks of the intelligence community been politicized and corrupted, so has the army. The military establishment is goose stepping around, saluting the President and saying whatever the President wants them to."
A former officer himself, McGovern declared that the unprecedented movement towards a martial law mentality within government and military is a deeply unsettling one and that the US is hurtling toward a dictatorship.
"As I look at the top Pentagon brass, I have to conclude that unlike my days as a US army officer, those folks have been so politicized that if the US President told them to go ahead and exercise police functions in this country they would go ahead and salute and they would do it, and that's really scary."
Moving on to the "war on terror", 27 year veteran McGovern concurred that staged terror has long been used by our governments in order to forward their own agendas at home and elsewhere:
"There's lots of evidence that the government in the past has used these things for its own purposes, for overthrowing governments, as it did in Iran in 1953, and in Guatemala in 1954, the Gulf of Tonkin was a little different...LBJ did deceive Congress and the war went on for seven years."
Concerning 9/11 McGovern declared that although he is still in two minds, he is deeply suspicious of the official version of events and "there is certainly a cover up." The amount of unanswered questions and blatant lies told by Cheney and the NeoCons makes it very easy for him to believe the government was involved.
Moving on to the recent Askariya mosque bombing in Samarra, Iraq McGovern commented;
"The main question is Qui Bono? Who benefits from this kind of thing? You don't have to be very conspiratorial or even paranoid to suggest that there are a whole bunch of likely suspects out there and not only the Sunnis. You know, the British officers were arrested, dressed up in Arab garb, riding around in a car, so this stuff goes on."
Ray McGovern is part of a collective of former Intelligence officers who call themselves Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). Their writing can be found on www.truthout.com