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2月23日付け、「Iran Mania」がAFPのレポートとして伝えたところによると、元ドイツ外相、Joschka Fischer氏と、元アメリカの国家安全保障アドバイザー(US national security advisor )のZbigniew Brzezinski 氏は、CSIS(Center for Strategic and International Studies )の会議で、イランの核開発問題をめぐり、「アメリカがもっと積極的に役割を果たすようワシントンに要請した」と語ったとのこと。
"US needs to be more involved in Iran talks"
Thursday, February 23, 2006 - ©2005 IranMania.com
LONDON, February 23 (IranMania) - Former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer and former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski called on Washington to take a more active role in trying to resolve the crisis over Iran's nuclear program, AFP reported.
The two men said that rather than letting the European Union try to negotiate with the Islamic republic over its controversial nuclear ambitions, the United States would do well to become more directly engaged in the talks.
"I think it would be very helpful if the United States would really join," said Fischer, speaking at a conference on transatlantic relations at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).
"We would have an opportunity, if we act together, to solve the problem diplomatically, but this means serious action on the one hand to isolate them, on the other to make a grand offer," he said.
"Europe is not strong enough to do that so we therefore need the United States."
Fischer, who was Germany's foreign minister from October 1998 to last November, said one way to encourage Iran to negotiate was to offer the country the prospect of full normalization of relations and to refrain from calling for a regime change in the Islamic nation, AFP noted.
Brzezinski, who was president Jimmy Carter's national security adviser from 1977 to 1981, said it was unlikely that the standoff with Iran would be resolved unless a different approach was adopted.
"In Iran, we are engaged in a process in which our European friends are negotiating with the Iranians but we're not," Brzezinski said. "We are not doing with the Iranians what we are doing with the North Koreans.
"With the North Koreans, we are participating in a multilateral framework," he added, referring to six-party talks between the United States, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Russia over Pyongyang's nuclear program.
He said that while bilateral talks had even taken place with North Korea, that was not the case with Iran for fear that any such action would legitimize the regime in Tehran, AFP stated.
"A policy of simultaneously getting our allies to negotiate with the Iranians for major Iranian concessions while we at the same time condemn them internationally and allocate funds to destabilize them politically is not a policy that will be successful," Brzezinski said.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board is due to meet on March 6 in Vienna to decide whether to ask the UN Security Council to take action against the Islamic republic.
Tehran says it wants nuclear technology simply for civilian purposes, to meet its energy needs.