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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2006/02/13
▽サダム・フセイン大統領がアメリカによる茶番劇である裁判に出廷 ブッシュを裏切り者と糾弾し,
▽バグダッド北部でレジスタンスが燃料輸送部隊を待ち伏せ攻撃 アメリカ兵2名が戦死
▽タリミア周辺でレジスタンスが待ち伏せ攻撃 アメリカ軍の元で働く傭兵3名が殺害される
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 13 February 2006
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 13.02.2006 [21:49 ] (525 reads)
・ Resistance ambush leaves a reported four US soldiers dead in northern al-Fallujah Sunday night.
・ Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, forced to attend US staged “court proceedings,” denounces traitors and Bush, condemns “trial” as a game.
・ Two US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush of fuel convoy north of Baghdad.
・ Resistance ambush outside at-Tarimiyah kills three mercenaries working for US troops.
・ US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in Mosul Sunday night.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Monday, 13 February 2006.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance bombards US-occupied as-Saqr airbase in al-Habbaniyah at dawn Monday.
In a dispatch posted at 12:45pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters mounted a rocket attack on the US-occupied as-Saqr airbase in the city of al-Habbaniyah, 69km west of Baghdad at dawn on Monday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in al-Habbaniyah as saying hat three medium-range Grad rockets blasted into the US base, setting off explosions and sending plumes of smoke rising into the sky over the American-occupied facility. American military helicopters and warplanes were seen flying in over the base at low altitudes.
Resistance mounts repeated deadly attacks on puppet “Iraqi National Guards” in zone from which villagers were expelled.
In a dispatch posted at 10:40am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces mounted three separate attacks on puppet “Iraqi National Guard” forces during the previous 24 hours in the agricultural area of Jazirat al-Khalidiyah that the US forces had bulldozed and from which local residents have been driven out by the Americans. Since the local residents were thrown out of their villages by the Americans, puppet “National Guards” have been housed in their former dwellings, closed off in military camps.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of Jazirat al-Khalidiyah as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and rockets attacked one of the stolen houses that was being used by puppet troops. The Resistance fighters destroyed large parts of the building, killing six puppet “Guards” and wounding eight more of them.
An Iraqi Resistance marksman shot and killed an Iraqi puppet “National Guard” in one of the military camps in that area.
And in the third attack, Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and RPG7 rocket-propelled grenade launchers attacked a puppet “National Guard” foot patrol in the area, killing 13 of the puppet “Guards” and wounding six more of them. The Resistance fighters then withdrew from the area having suffered no losses, according to eyewitnesses.
Resistance bomb wounds US troops near as-Saqlawiyah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:01pm Mecca time midday Monday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US military column on the road between al-Fallujah and as-Saqlawiyah northwest of the city.
The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of as-Saqlawiyah as saying that a bomb that had been planted by the side of the old road to al-Fallujah blew up by a passing American column. The blast disabled one Humvee, wounding four American troops who were aboard it, one of them severely.
Resistance ambush leaves a reported four US soldiers dead in northern al-Fallujah Sunday night.
In a dispatch posted at 10:40am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters ambushed a US patrol on the road that goes around the north of al-Fallujah, some 60km west of Baghdad, late on Sunday night.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of the city as saying that Resistnce fighters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets set fire to one US Humvee and heavily damaged a second. Four US troops were killed and four more wounded in the attack.
After the ambush, US troops opened fire indiscriminately at houses nearby, as US helicopters and artillery rocketed and bombarded 10 houses northeast of the city, partially destroying them.
Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, forced to attend US staged “court proceedings” denounces traitors and Bush, condemns “trial” as a game.
“Down with traitors! Down with Traitors! Down with Bush!” shouted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as he entered the courtroom in Baghdad where a theatrical show “trial”sponsored by the United States is being held ostensibly to “try” him for various “crimes” supposedly committed in the course of governing Iraq before the country was illegally invaded and occupied by the United States in the spring of 2003.
Having stormed out of the “court” several sessions ago after the US-installed “judge” failed to listen to his cancer-stricken half-brother’s request for medical care, on Monday the Iraqi President was forced to attend the session of the proceedings.
Clutching a copy of the Islamic holy book, the Qur’an in one hand, an angry Saddam Hussein entered the hall denouncing traitors and US President Bush and proclaiming repeatedly “Long live the nation (Ummah)! Long live the nation!”
The Iraqi President cursed the US-installed “judge” Ra’uf Rashid ‘Abd ar-Rahman, proclaiming, “This is how the stooges work! God is greatest! May the despicable be despised!
When the “judge” mentioned the name of pro-American Kurdish separatist Jalal at-Talibani, who has been proclaimed “President of Iraq” by the US occupation regime, Saddam Hussein shouted, “Don’t call him ‘president.’ He’s a traitor! I protest the treatment of the guards! I accuse them of beating my half-brother Barzan and our attorneys!”
The American-installed “judge” had earlier dismissed the defense team working for Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and had tried to impose court-appointed attorneys instead. The Iraqi President objected, saying that he thanked those attorneys who had been appointed by the court to defend him but he rejected them, although he respected all Iraqis. The Iraqi President challenged the legality of forcing the “accused” into court without their own legal defense team. “This is not a court; this is a game!” Saddam Hussein proclaimed.
Also involved in an argument with the American installed “Judge” was the Iraqi President’s half-brother Barzan at-Tikriti who also complained of having been forced into the courtroom against his will. As a sign of disdain for the illegal proceedings sat down on the floor with his back to the “Judge” and removed his shoes.
Two US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush of fuel convoy north of Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 8:45pm Mecca time Monday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters in the northern Baghdad suburb of at-Taji attacked a fuel convoy supplying US bases on the main road running north from Baghdad.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in at-Taji, about 20km north of Baghdad, as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons and pipe rockets attacked the convoy, setting three loaded tank trucks ablaze and disabling one Humvee. Two US soldiers were killed and four more of them wounded in the attack. Three of those wounded were driving trucks.
Resistance ambushes puppet “Shock Troops” in western Baghdad’s al-Khadra’ district.
In a dispatch posted at 6:10pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked a foot patrol of puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir) in the al-Khadra’ neighborhood of western Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Khadra’ who witnessed the attack as saying that the Resistance fighters assaulted the patrol as it was going down one of the side streets in the neighborhood. Two of the puppet “Shock Troops” were killed and four more of them were wounded.
Resistance bomb targets “Islamic Party” deputy chief Monday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 10:15am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by the motorcade carrying the Deputy General Secretary of the so-called Islamic Party of Iraq, Iyyad as-Samarra’i, in Baghdad’s al-Mansur district Monday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police who asked not to be identified as saying that the bomb went off by as-Samarra’i’s motorcade in al-Mansur at about 9am local time Monday morning. Eyewitnesses said that the blast disabled one vehicle in the motorcade and wounded two of as-Samarra’i’s guards.
The so-called Iraqi Islamic Party was formed after the US invasion of Iraq on the basis of members of the Muslim Brotherhood. It cooperated with US occupation authorities and its leader obtained a seat on US Proconsul L. Paul Bremer’s puppet “Iraqi Governing Council.” It has repeatedly tried to drum up support for American initiatives within the Sunni community in the country and has therefore been labeled a “traitor” organization by Resistance organizations.
Salah ad-Din Province.
Resistance ambush outside at-Tarimiyah kills three mercenaries working for US troops.
In a dispatch posted at 12:20pm Mecca time midday Monday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked a column of four-wheel drive vehicles of the sort used by mercenaries working of the US military in the city of at-Tarimiyah, some 30km north of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of at-Tarimiyah who witnessed the attack as saying that Resistance fighters armed with light and medium weapons attacked the mercenaries on the road that runs from at-Tarimiyah to al-Mushahadah. Two of the vehicles in the column were destroyed and three mercenaries were killed. Another four mercenaries were wounded in the attack.
Diyala Province.
Resistance fighters kill four Badr Brigade sectarian gunmen in Ba‘qubah.
In a dispatch posted at 2:10pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters attacked a car carrying four members of the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades, the military wing of the so-called Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), in the city of Ba‘qubah, 65km northeast of Baghdad.
The Ba‘qubah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the city as saying that Resistance fighters equipped with light arms attacked a sedan in which four Badr Brigade gunmen were riding, one of them a commander in the Ba‘qubah branch of the SCIRI. All four were killed in the attack, after which the Resistance fighters withdrew from the scene.
Babil Province.
In a dispatch posted at 2pm Mecca time Monday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that An Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a puppet police patrol on the main road in the al-Iskandariyah area south of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the city as saying that the bomb exploded by a patrol on the road leading to the puppet police station in al-Iskandariyah. The blast disabled two patrol vehicles, killing two puppet policemen and wounding two more of them.
Ninwa Province.
Resistance Katyusha rockets blast into US base in Mosul.
In a dispatch posted at 7:20pm Mecca time Monday evening, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance forces fired four medium-range Katyusha rockets into the US al-Ghazlani base set up in the middle of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.
The Mosul correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet police who asked not to be identified as saying that the base came under attack but had no information as to the specific nature or extent of casualties or damage.
US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in Mosul Sunday night.
In a dispatch posted at 11am Mecca time Monday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol on the main road in the Saddam neighborhood of central Mosul in northern Iraq late on Sunday night.
The Mosul correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police as saying that the bomb disabled a Humvee, killing one US soldier and wounding two more of them.