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□イラク・レジスタンス・レポート 2006/02/02
▽アメリカ軍がバグダッドのサドルシティに侵攻 女性が殺害され,住民2名が負傷する
▽バグダッドで7名のスンニ派住民の死体が発見される この1ヶ月だけで85体のスンニ派住民の死体が発見される
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Thursday, 2 February 2006
By: Muhammad Abu Nasr on: 02.02.2006 [22:10 ] (407 reads)
・ Resistance reports nine US troops killed in fierce fighting in ar-Ramadi; in local radio broadcast, US admits seven of its men dead.
・ Dispelling rumors of capture, Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier on patrol in central al-Fallujah Thursday afternoon.
・ Palestinians resident in Iraq issue international appeal to humanitarian organizations to stop the genocidal attacks on their community in Baghdad and throughout Iraq.
・ American troops storm district in “Madinat as-Sadr” section of Baghdad, killing woman, wounding two other civilians, arresting five supporters of Muqtada as-Sadr.
・ Seven more bodies of murdered Sunnis found in Baghdad, bringing total number of Sunnis arrested and murdered in the city in one month to 85.
・ One US soldier said killed as high-explosive bomb blasts US troops in ad-Durah.
Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice. http://www.freearabvoice.org
Thursday, 2 February 2006.
Al-Anbar Province.
Resistance reports nine US troops killed in fierce fighting in ar-Ramadi; US admits seven of its men dead in local radio broadcast.
In a bulletin posted at 11:30am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that at the time of reporting fierce fighting was underway between Resistance forces an US and Iraqi puppet troops in ar-Ramadi, some 110km west of Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported witnesses at the eastern entrance to the city as saying that violent battles with medium and light weapons were under way, with more than 40 Resistance fighters armed with anti-tank rocket launchers and medium machine guns were engaging US troops.
The correspondent reported that US helicopters had flown in and were prowling the skies overhead. They have been unable to attack the Resistance fighters, however, because the Resistance, US troops, and the puppet forces were all too close to one another. The area is almost totally empty of all people other than the Resistance fighters and US occupation troops and the Iraqi puppet soldiers.
In a dispatch posted at 4pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the propaganda radio “al-Hurriyah,” which is operated by the US occupation troops and beamed at the local population, declared that the battles that raged earlier in the day had left five Resistance fighters dead and others injured; and seven troops killed with two vehicles damaged.
The ar-Ramadi correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported sources in the Resistance as saying that the fighting left two US vehicles destroyed and a third disabled and at least nine American soldiers dead in addition to wounded. The Resistance source denied that there had been any Resistance fighters martyred in the fighting.
The Resistance source told Mafkarat al-Islam: “the outer enclosure around the Agricultural College in eastern ar-Ramadi which the US forces have taken over as a base becme a trench for them after the Resistance completely surrounded them. The Resistance fighters withdrew, the source said, after they had attained the objective of their attack, which was simply to kill a number of occupation troops.”
Dr. Sami ‘Abd al-Hamid an-Nasiri of ar-Ramadi Hospital told the Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent and a number of other journalists that his facility had admitted four wounded civilians, one of them a child, when a tank shell fired by US forces in the course of the battle blasted into a residential area for faculty and staff of the Agricultural College, located about 500 meters from where the fighting was going on.
US forces make arrests in al-Fallujah trying to end sharpshooter attacks.
In a dispatch posted at 11:15am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces arrested four residents of al-Fallujah, some 60km west of Baghdad in a wave of raids in various neighborhoods of the city on Thursday morning.
The al-Fallujah correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the Iraqi puppet army as saying that the four who were arrested were accused by the Americans of being snipers who shot at US troops in the city. The source, a member of the Iraqi puppet forces said that there was a large possibility that one of the men arrested was the “al-Fallujah Sniper.”
The correspondent, however, based on exclusive sources, reported that the four men arrested are former soldiers who were members of special Iraqi reconnaissance units and it was this military record that aroused the Americans’ suspicion. The correspondent quoted the sources as saying that the US forces believe that there is one “al-Fallujah Sniper” operating in the city shooting at them from time to time. But in fact there is a whole detachment of sharpshooters, not only one individual, that formed up one month after the end of the major battles in the city.
Dispelling rumors of capture, Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter kills US soldier on patrol in central al-Fallujah Thrusday afternoon.
In a dispatch posted at 6:10pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a short while earlier an Iraqi Resistance marksman had shot and killed a US soldier near the butchers market in the middle of al-Fallujah.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the local puppet police in the an-Nazizah area as saying that a sharpshooter’s bullet struck a US soldier in the neck while he was on a foot patrol distributing chlorine pills for drinking water in the area following the break down of the main water pumping station, forcing most people to consume untreated Euphrates river water.
The source said that the US troops surrounded the area and called in reinforcements. They then arrested more than eight local shopkeepers and guards of high-rise residential buildings on suspicion that they knew who had fired the shot.
At the time of reporting the American troops were still surrounding the entire area, even though the US forces had already evacuated the body of the dead soldier from the scene in a Humvee.
US forces continue to enforce curfew in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
In a dispatch posted at 10:40am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US troops continued to enforce a curfew on the housing complex in the ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah area, south of the city of al-Fallujah.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses in the city as saying aht no one is being allowed to leave his house so no one can find out what is happening outside. From time to time residents can hear the sound of armored vehicles and aircraft.
The correspondent noted that there are sick persons in critical condition in the hospital who need to be transferred to places that can provide more specialized care. Ambulance services have contacted the US troops in the area with a view to evacuating the patients to Baghdad, but without success. One soldier said that they would send an aircraft to take them to Baghdad.
On Wednesday, Iraqi Resistance forces mounted an assault on the US headquarters in the housing complex in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah. It appears that the attack inflicted serious casualties or killed important military staff members thereby sparking the tense and vehement US response.
Later, in a dispatch posted at 8:40pm Mecca time Thursday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the curfew was still in force at that hour in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah, having begun on Wednesday evening. For some 24 hours no one has been allowed out of his house.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported an informed source as saying that a sharpshooter in al-Fallujah on Wednesday afternoon had shot and killed two US troops atop a building being used by the US troops as a local headquarters. American soldiers opened fire indiscriminately after the attack, wounding two passersby. One of the two wounded persons is in critical condition in the hospital in the housing complex but no one has been allowed to evacuate him to Baghdad and no ambulances have been allowed in.
Palestinians resident in Iraq issue international appeal to humanitarian organizations to stop the genocidal attacks on their community in Baghdad and throughout Iraq.
In a dispatch posted at 1:50pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Palestinian community in Iraq has appealed to Arab and international bodies to intervene to stop the genocidal campaign to which they are being subjected in Iraqi by the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades and the puppet regime’s security forces as well as by US occupation troops.
The Baghdad correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that a declaration issued by the Palestinian community, a copy of which he obtained, said that during the last two years and then since the American occupation of Iraq members of the Iranian Badr Brigades with the backing of US forces have subjected Palestinians in the areas of Baghdad and other provinces to mass raids and arrests, as well as killings abductions, and forced evictions from their homes for no reason. They are then replaced in those buildings by leaders of the Badr Brigades and other stooges of the occupation, such as translators, collaborators, and spies.
In the declaration the Palestinian community said it “appeals to Arab, Islamic, and international bodies and organizations to intervene to stop the blood bath and the slow silent death to which the Palestinians in Iraq are being subjected at the hands of the puppet Iraqi government and its Iranian agents in the Badr Brigadse with the help of the occupation.”
The declaration said that “just in the last few days, dozens of Palestinian youths, children, and elderly persons have been kidnapped and arrested. We have been force to leave our own homes in which we have resided for more than 20 years under threat of death. Today Badr Brigade members and followers are living in them, they and other agents and stooges of the occupation. We have appealed to government circles but in vain. And therefore we issue this declaration in the hopes that some party will use its voice to intervene to halt the campaign of genocide to which we are being subjected.”
US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near al-Qahirah Canal in eastern Baghdad.
In a dispatch posted at 5:55pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb exploded by a US patrol at a crossroads on the al-Qahirah canal in eastern Baghdad. The blast destroyed one US vehicle killing or wounding the men inside.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported an informed source in the puppet security services as saying that the street where the explosion took place had been completely closed. He said that one American soldier had been seen moving inside the burning vehicle, but the other soldiers were not moving.
After the attack, US troops fired into the air to break up crowds of adults and children who emerged from the houses overlooking the street to see the burning vehicle and the dead US troops.
One US soldier said killed as high-explosive bomb blasts US troops in ad-Durah.
In a dispatch posted at 12:40pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that an Iraqi Resistance bomb had exploded by a column of four US Humvees with a civilian GMC vehicle in their midst in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. The GMC was carrying an Iraqi puppet official when the Resistance bomb exploded at about 10am local time Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported Captain Muhammad Jawad al-‘Ali, the rescue forces commander in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah as saying that the blast was caused by a high-explosive device that was targeted on the civilian GMC vehicle.
The explosion reportedly killed one US solder and seriously wounded two more. Captain al-‘Ali said that the explosion occurred within seconds of the drive past by the civilian car. The blast inflicted minor damage on the car, breaking the window class and puncturing its tires. The vehicle behind the GMC, however was damaged severely.
The correspondent reported that the occupation closed off the ad-Durah highway and called in two helicopters. The US forces also summoned a number of vehicles and surrounded the area where attack took place and then evacuated the dead and wounded to the area around the Republican palace in Baghdad, a high-security area known to the Americans as the “Green Zone.”
Woman director of puppet “Industry Ministry” department abducted by Iraqi Resistance after she failed to heed Resistance demands to stop serving the US forces.
In a dispatch posted at 12 noon Mecca time Thursday, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi Resistance fighters had abducted a general director in the puppet “Iraqi Ministry of Industry” in the al-Yarmuk section of centeral Baghdad.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of al-Yarmuk who witnessed the abduction as saying that Resistance fighters driving three civilian cars abducted Mary Hamzah ar-Rabi‘i, a general director in the “Industrial Ministry” as she left her house in the ad-Dakhiliyah neighborhood of al-Yarmuk on her way to work on Thursday morning.
Neighbors of of the woman told Mafkarat al-Islam that the Resistance fighters took her to their cars, blindfolded her and then drove her off to an unknown destination.
The correspondent reported that the Resistance had threatened ar-Rabi‘i several days earlier about the fate in store for her if she continued to provide assistance to the occupation forces, which she did through her role as supervisor of the construction materials branch of the “Ministry of Industry.” Her department made the concrete barricades and barriers behind which the Americans hide themselves in their bases and checkpoints.
American troops storm district in “Madinat as-Sadr” section of Baghdad, killing woman, wounding two other civilians, arresting five supporters of Muqtada as-Sadr.
In a dispatch posted at 11:30am Mecca time Thursday morning, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation troops surrounded Area 47 in the region of eastern Baghdad that has been dubbed “Madinat as-Sadr” in the pre-dawn hours of Thursday morning. The US troops then began airborne landings into the area. The US also bombarded three of the taller buildings in the area.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported residents of “Madinat as-Sadr” who witnessed the events as saying that the American attack lasted until 6am local time, and left one woman dead and two other civilians wounded.
The witnesses said that the reason for the American assault was unknown to them and the US troops gave them no explanation for the blockade and assault that aroused the outrage of the local residents.
The correspondent reported a source in the puppet police as saying that in the course of their assault, the Americans arrested five local members of the movement led by Shi‘i religious leader Muqtada as-Sadr.
Seven more bodies of murdered Sunnis found in Baghdad, bringing total number of Sunnis arrested and murdered in the city in one month to 85.
In a dispatch posted at 5pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet police had discovered seven bodies of Iraqi Sunnis in an area in eastern Baghdad Thursday afternoon, as the sectarian abduction and murder of Sunnis continues.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported eyewitnesses as saying that the seven men were all arrested by members of the pro-American Shi‘i sectarian Badr Brigades dressed in uniforms of the puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the center of Baghdad by two days earlier.
First Lieutenant Muhammad ‘Ali al-Ya‘qubi of the al-Habibiyah district puppet police in eastern Baghdad told the correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam that their forces had found the bodies at about 1:15 pm local time Thursday behind the dam near the so-called “Madinat as-Sadr” area. They were identified as Iraqi Sunnis from the identity papers that were still on them. Lieutenant al-Ya‘qubi said that they picked up the bodies to deliver them to their families.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported that with the discovery of these bodies, there have now been 85 Sunni Iraqis in just one month who have been arrested from their homes in Baghdad and then shot to death with their bodies tossed onto garbage dumps or by the heavy water treatment palnt or in public squares.
Two recently killed bodies found in western Baghdad’s al-‘Amiriyah district late Thursday morning.
In a dispatch posted at 4:30pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet army troops discovered the bodies of two recently killed individuals in the western Baghdad district of al-‘Amiriyah on Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a sergeant in the Iraqi puppet army who asked not to be identified as saying that the bodies were found on the al-‘Abbas Mosque Street at 11am local time Thursday morning. They had been shot in the area of the head apparently not long before their discovery. The bodies were taken to the Forensic Medicine Hospital for identification, the source said.
Al-Muthanna Province.
Resistance lobs two mortar rounds into Japanese-occupied base near as-Samawah.
In a dispatch posted at 4:20pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that the Iraqi Resistance fired two mortar rounds into the base of the Japanese occupation troops 4km northwest of the southern Iraqi city of as-Samawah, on Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police who asked to remain anonymous that the two mortar rounds, of 82mm caliber, blasted into the Japanese-occupied facility but cause no casualties among the occupation troops.
For their part eyewitnesses near the Japanese-occupied facility told Mafkarat al-Islam that the situation after the bombardment appeared normal other than that US Apache helicopters could be seen prowling the sky above the base.
Al-Qadisiyah Province.
Sectarian authorities in ad-Diwaniyah round up Sunnis on eve of Shi‘i holidays.
In a dispatch posted at 8:10pm Mecca time Thursday night, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that Iraqi puppet troops had arrested 31 Sunnis during a campaign of raids and searches in the southeastern Iraqi city of ad-Diwaniyah. The arrests came a few days before the country’s Shi‘ah observed the Shi‘i ‘Ashura’ holidays, during which time many make pilgrimages to an-Najaf and Karbala’. Puppet army troops of a unit known as as-Saqr (Falcon) Brigade carried out the sectarian arrests.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported a source in the puppet police as saying that the arrests followed claims by local Shi ‘ residents that Sunnis of Diwaniyah were planning attacks on the tombs of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib and al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali ミ historical companions of the Prophet Muhammad in the earliest days of Islam who are revered by Sunnis as well as Shi‘ah.
Al-Basrah Province.
Two puppet police intelligence officers gunned down in al-Basrah.
In a dispatch posted at 4:40pm Mecca time Thursday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that armed men in a car shot and killed two officers in the puppet police intelligence division in the al-Balad area of southwest al-Basrah Thursday morning.
The correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported journalistic sources as saying that the two officers were driving an official car when armed men in another vehicle opened fire on them, killing them instantly.
The correspondent noted that a number of other puppet police intelligence officers are still being held prisoner by the British occupation forces on charges of preparing and carrying out acts of terror on behalf of Iran. The district where the killing occurred has been the scene of numerous attacks on puppet officers and security men for which no Resistance organization ever claimed responsibility.