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(回答先: アメリカの対テロ戦争-核兵器が使用される危険 by Michel Chossudovsky(抜粋全訳) 投稿者 こげぱん 日時 2006 年 2 月 03 日 01:40:07)
by Michel Chossudovsky
結局、アメリカの「テロとの戦い」の目的は、「軍事的手段」と致命的なマクロ経済改革の押し売りにより、主権国家を開いた領域(あるいは「自由貿易地域」)に変形することです。これにつづいて、IMF-世界銀行-WTO監督の下で実行される国家経済弱体化/破壊計画により、何百万もの人々が極貧層に陥ります。同様に、戦争の結果として、(侵略国の)戦争支援者や債権者によって課されるいわゆる 「改造プログラム」は、(目標国の)対外債務を激増させます。
国家安全文書の中に書かれていることですが、この戦争の主目的は中東石油資源と富の征服および没収です。事実、中東から中央アジア地域には、世界の石油およびガス資源の約70パーセント(米国 の30倍以上)が埋蔵されています。
イスラエルは、イランに対する軍事作戦を始める 際に重要な役割を果たすでしょう。
2005年の初めに、軍の展開や兵器体系のテストを含むいくつかの注目される軍事演習が東地中海で行なわれました。軍事計画の会合が、米国、イスラエルおよびトルコ間で開催されました。ワシントンとテルアビブおよび アンカラを股にかけた軍事・政府高官の往来がありました。
将来起こりうるイラン攻撃に備え、イスラエルは軍備を大規模に強化しました。イスラエルは、約500発のBLU 109「バンカーバスター」を含む約5,000発の「スマートウエポン」を米国から調達しました。
戦術核兵器(小型核兵器) を使用するイランに対する攻撃も考慮されています。広島型原爆の1/3から6倍までの威力を備えた戦術核兵器は、通常戦争でも使用する準備が整っています。
イランに対する空襲は、中東や中央アジアまで戦禍を広げるでしょう。イラン政府は、もし自国が攻撃されればイスラエルに対して弾道ミサイルで反撃すると言明しています(CNN、2005年2月8日)。イランの弾道ミサイルは、 ペルシャ湾の米国軍事施設をターゲットにすることもできます。それは即、軍事的報復や総力戦のシナリオへと直結するでしょう。
最近の情勢としては、アリエルシャロン・イスラエル首相はイスラエル国防軍に、「2006年3月末までにイラン核施設への攻撃準備を完了させるよう」命じたと伝えられています(サンデータイム ズ、2005年12月11日)。
America's War of Terrorism
The Dangers of a US Sponsored Nuclear War
by Michel Chossudovsky
January 30, 2006
The wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq are part of the same "military road-map". Confirmed by military documents, the US war agenda not only targets Iran, Syria and North Korea, but also its former Cold War enemies: Russia and China.
We are dealing with a global military agenda characterized by various forms of intervention. The latter include covert military and intelligence operations in support of domestic paramilitary groups and so-called liberation armies. These operations are largely devised with a view to creating social, ethnic and political divisions within national societies, ultimately contributing to the destruction of entire countries, as occurred in Yugoslavia.
Meanwhile, the US sponsored "democratization" agenda consists in intervening in countries’ internal affairs, often with a view to destabilizing national governments and imposing sweeping "free market" reforms. In this regard, the illegal invasion of Haiti following a US sponsored military coup, which was also supported by Canada and France, is an integral part of Washington’s global military agenda.
War and Globalization
War and globalization are intimately related processes. Military and intelligence operations support the opening up of new economic frontiers and the remolding of national economies. The powers of Wall Street, the Anglo-American oil giants and the U.S.-U.K. defense contractors are indelibly behind this process.
Ultimately, the purpose of America’s "War on Terrorism" is to transform sovereign nations into open territories (or "free trade areas"), both through "military means", as well as through the imposition of deadly macro-economic reforms. The latter, implemented under IMF-World Bank-WTO auspices often serve to undermine and destroy national economies, precipitating millions of people into abject poverty. In turn, so-called "reconstruction programs" imposed by donors and creditors in the wake of the war contribute to a spiraling external debt.
In a twisted logic, "war reparations" financed by external debt are being paid to the US invader. Billions of dollars are channeled to Western construction conglomerates such as Bechtel and Halliburton, both of which have close links to the US Department of Defense.
Iran and Syria: Next Phase of the War
Confirmed in national security documents, a central objective of this war is the conquest and confiscation of Middle East oil wealth. In this regard, the broader Middle East – Central Asian region encompasses some 70 percent of the World’s oil and gas resources, more than thirty times those of the US.
The Anglo-American oil giants in alliance with Wall Street and the military-industrial complex are indelibly behind America’s war agenda.
The next phase of this war is Iran and Syria, which have already been identified as targets.
Iran is the country with the third largest oil and gas reserves (10%) after Saudi Arabia (25%) and Iraq (11%). The US is seeking with the complicity of the UN Security Council to establish a pretext for the bombing of Iran, which is presented as a threat to world peace.
Israel is slated to play a key role in launching the military operation against Iran.
This operation is in a state of readiness. Were it to occur, the war would extend to the entire Middle Eastern region and beyond. At the same token, Israel would become an official member of the Anglo-American military axis.
In early 2005, several high profile military exercises were conducted in the Eastern Mediterranean, involving military deployments and the testing of weapons systems. Military planning meetings were held between the US, Israel and Turkey. There has been a shuttle of military and government officials between Washington, Tel Aviv and Ankara.
Intense diplomatic exchanges have been carried out at the international level with a view to securing areas of military cooperation and/or support for a US-Israeli led military operation directed against Iran. The UN Security Council resolution regarding Iran’s nuclear program provides a pretext, which the US plans to use to justify military intervention.
Of significance is a November 2004 military cooperation agreement between NATO and Israel. A few months later, Israel was involved for the first time in military exercises with NATO, which also included several Arab countries.
A massive buildup in military hardware has occurred in preparation for a possible attack on Iran. Israel has taken delivery from the US of some 5,000 "smart air launched weapons" including some 500 BLU 109 'bunker-buster bombs.
Nuclear Weapons in Conventional War Theaters: "Safe for Civilians"
An attack on Iran using tactical nuclear weapons (mini-nukes) has also been contemplated. Tactical nuclear weapons with an explosive capacity between one third to 6 times a Hiroshima bomb have been cleared for use in conventional war theaters. .
The mini-nukes have been redefined as a defensive weapon, which is "safe for civilians" "because the explosion is underground". The Senate in a December 2003 decision, has authorized their use in conventional war theaters
Air strikes against Iran could contribute to extending the war to the broader Middle East Central Asian region. Tehran has confirmed that it would retaliate if attacked, in the form of ballistic missile strikes directed against Israel (CNN, 8 Feb 2005). These attacks could also target US military facilities in the Persian Gulf, which would immediately lead us into a scenario of military escalation and all out war.
In recent developments, Israel’s armed forces have been ordered by Prime minister Ariel Sharon, "to be ready by the end of March [2006] for possible strikes" on Iran’s nuclear enrichment facilities (The Sunday Times, 11 December 2005).
Meanwhile, Iran is building its air defense capabilities. Russia has recently announced that it plans to sell to Iran some 29 Tor M-1 anti-missile systems.
The planned attack on Iran should also be understood in relation to the timely withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon, which has opened up a new space, for the deployment of Israeli forces. The participation of Turkey in the US-UK-Israeli military operation is also a factor, following an agreement reached between Ankara and Tel Aviv.