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1月23日付、「World Tribune」のスペシャル・レポート(テルアビブ発)によれば、イスラエル空軍は、イランの核兵器プログラムを破壊するため、イラン国内60ヵ所に狙いを定めた軍事訓練を行っているとの事だ。これはアメリカの作家であり、軍事スペシャリストでもあるケネス・ティマーマン(Kenneth Timmerman )氏が、イスラエル国営ラジオ放送で発言したもの。
Timmerman氏によれば、イランへの核兵器プログラム破壊は、1981年に行ったイラクの同プログラム破壊に比べ、はるかに困難な作業とのこと(イスラエルの空軍部隊F-16は、1981年にバグダッドの郊外にあるOsirak 原子炉を破壊したことがある)。
「実践的な訓練が必要だ。多分、連合軍の合同部隊で行うよう依頼することになるだろう」と元イスラエル空軍の高官、Eitan Ben Eliahu氏は、22日の会議で語った。
新刊本「カウント・ダウンへの危機(Countdown to Crisis)」の著者であるTimmerman氏は、「イスラエルはイランの核兵器プログラムを破壊する能力を持っている」と言っている。
Report: Israel has identified
60 targets in Iran
Monday, January 23, 2006
TEL AVIV ・Israel's Air Force is practicing to destroy Iranian nuclear assets in a single sweeping strike, a U.S. specialist said in a radio interview.
Israel has established 60 targets required for the destruction of Iran's nuclear weapons program, Kenneth Timmerman told Israel National Radio.
Timmerman said any military strike on Iran would be much more difficult than the Israeli destruction of Iraq's nuclear weapons program in 1981. Israel Air Force F-16s destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor outside of Baghdad in 1981, setting back Iraq's program for a decade.
"It's not going to be Iraq, but the short answer is yes [Israel can destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program]," Timmerman said.
Israel has not confirmed Timmerman's assertions. But former senior officials and parliamentarians stress that Israel must prepare for a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, preferably in cooperation with the United States.
"We must make practical preparations in that maybe we will be asked to operate as part of a coalition," former Israel Air Force commander Maj. Gen. Eitan Ben Eliahu told the Herzliya Conference on Sunday.
Timmerman, author of a new book, "Countdown to Crisis," said Israel has the ability to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons program.
"They have identified five dozen targets that they believe are high-priority targets," Timmerman said.
Ben Eliahu said numerous Iranian sites must be targeted in any effort to destroy that nation's nuclear program. He appeared to doubt the ability of Israel to carry out such a mission alone.
"If this is operation is to be conducted, it must be done in continuing waves [of air strikes]," Ben-Eliahu said. "Therefore,we are talking of an international effort."
Timmerman said Israel has formed a leadership team that has focused on the destruction of Iran's nuclear weapons program. He pointed out that the new head of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, was the lead air force pilot in the operation against Osirak.
"I don't think that was a coincidence," Timmerman said. "You have a team in place that has tremendous experience, knows what they're doing and has cool nerves."
On Jan. 31, Bush in his State of the Union address is expected to focus on the Iranian threat, Timmerman said. On Feb. 2, Washington and the EU-3 will urge the International Atomic Energy Agency to recommend that the Iranian nuclear file be submitted to the United Nations Security Council for sanctions, Timmerman said.
At that point, Timmerman said, Iran could spark an international crisis. One prospect was withholding oil exports.
"I'm sure Iran will activate all of its minions," Timmerman said. "We're looking for $100 per barrel of oil before the crisis begins."