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Koizumi's job is to look after the profit of American Jewish Mega Power. Koizumi is a pet dog of David Rockefeller who is proceeding his plan to monopolize the world by Jewish oligarchy. Jew's agents in charge of supervising and reprimanding Koizumi are those ethnic Korean religious leaders in Japan, i.e., Unification Church's Rev. Moon and Soka Gakkai's Daisaku Ikeda alias Song Tae Chak.
1) JUDIZATION of Postal Bank of Japan :
Postal bank will be purchased by Jewish funds at minimum cost after its privatization in 2008. These new American Jewish owners of this Mega Bank with 350 trillion Yen reserve will sell off Japanese government bonds and will purchase U.S. bonds instead. As a result, the huge assets of Japanese publics will be spent to compensate America's TWIN DEFICIT.
2) Destroying Japanese economy by JUDIZATION of Postal Bank :
Since privatized Postal Bank stops buying Japanese Bonds, Japanese Bonds will be slumped, thus, Japanese private bankers who possess huge amount of Japan Bonds will instantly impoverish. Then, Jewish funds will rush to buy these Banker's stocks at the rock-bottom prices. Japanese Banks as well as their loan customers including Japanese major manufacturing sections will be in the grip of Jewish Oligarchy. Japan's economy will
be hijacked by Jews. And Japanese will be forced to work free for Jews.
3) Sale of Shin-sei Bank to Jewish Ripplewood :
Though many domestic enterprises intended to take over the former Long term Credit Bank, Japan government has purposely handed it over to Ripplewood at mere 1 billion Yen only. 8 trillion Yen of national expenses had been spent for corporate makeover by government, then, enabled David Rockefeller to make a big fortune in a short period.
4) Jewish alchemy at Dia Construction Co. :
Resolution and Collection Corporation of Japan handed over the 140 billion Yen claimable assets of Dia Construction to Jewish Cerberus at a flank of the cost. And Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan was first to bail out Dia Construction "as scheduled". Cerberus bought Dia because they in advance knew Government will bail out. A typical Jewish alchemy.
5)Buying support of U.S. Bonds under the pretext of foreign exchange intervention :
Japan government spent 35 trillion Yen under the pretext of foreign exchange intervention in 4 consequent months in 2004, quietly bought 30 trillion Yen of U.S. Bonds. It is understood they made 1 trillion Yen exchange loss. Foreign exchange intervention is used as a mere device to support America's expenses of Jewish invasion in Iraq.
6) Deploying Self-defense Force to Iraq :
If Japan send troops to Iraq, domineeringness of American and British Jews would look less brutal. Jews need Japanese troops in Iraq to prevent the world to sniff out this war is for Jew.
7) Running for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council :
Once Japan becomes a permanent member, it simply means Jewish state of U.S. would practically have 2 votes. As a de facto protectorate of Jewish America, Japan will vote as instructed by U.S. Therefore, Bush Administration is backing Japan's running.
8) Participating in MD missile defense project :
This 100% surefire failure project will largely benefit Rockefeller's Jewish military-industrial complex including Lockheed Martin and Land Corporation. If such astronomically high military expenditure is spent for this useless project for long term, Jewish arm industry would fight back tears of joy.
9) Worshiping at Yasukuni Shrine :
If Japan, China and Korea are economically integrated, it would be a big threat to American Jewish Mega Power. When these 3 nation join together under "East Asiatic Community", they would stop listening to America just like Europeans under E.U. If East Asiatic key currency is created following to EURO, Dollar's monetary structure will collapse, then, U.S. economy will die. Therefore, David Rockefeller's pet dog, Koizumi goes ahead with Yasukuni worshiping in order to destroy the relationship among East Asian countries. Chinese and Koreans hate Yasukuni Shrine where Japanese War Criminals are enshrined as Gods. Once Koizumi visit there and pay a respect to those, China and Korea are instantly enraged and never agree to sit together for talking about East Asiatic Community. Then, Rockefeller is delighted for the result he longed for. Koizumi will be again handsomely rewarded confidentially.
10) North Korea-Japan talk :
American Jews expect to prolong North Korea's life in order to keep a convenient excuse to proceed that useless MD project. Unification Church's Rev. Moon has concocted the Japan-N.K. top meeting, Soka Gakkai's Daisaku Ikeda has given up 50 Billion Yen to Kim Jung Il as a gift for surviving longer. Koizumi would pay to King Kim a million Dollar bribery per an abducted Japanese released from North Korea.
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