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Suit alleges government created AIDS
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For conspiracy buffs, it doesn't get much scarier than this.
Boyd Graves, an Annapolis graduate who put himself through law school, is convinced the U.S. government created AIDS in a secret program aimed at killing African-Americans.
Today, at San Diego's federal courthouse, he will get his day in court.
Graves is suing the United States for allegedly failing to hand over documents under the Freedom of Information Act that he says prove the government is behind the AIDS pandemic.
Legal experts say there is a place in the justice system for such unconventional lawsuits.
"This is a modern-day David vs. Goliath battle," said Graves, 50, an AIDS activist who lives in Normal Heights and represents himself in the federal lawsuit.
"The paper trail does exist. These are official documents."
Graves contends that AIDS is the product of decades of ultra-classified government research into developing a race-specific virus that attacks and kills blacks.
He compares the project to the eugenics movement early last century, when scientists and others advocated "racial hygiene" – a practice that in Germany led to Nazis working to eliminate Jews.
Graves, who is black, is not alone in his suspicions. Across the Internet, there is chatter about the origin of AIDS – theories that include CIA plots and vaccine programs run amok.
AIDS now ranks as the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States among men and women between ages 24 and 44. It is the top killer of black men in the same age group.
Graves spends much of his time outlining his allegations on his Web site and putting his law degree from Ohio Northern University to work on the lawsuit. He does not practice law professionally and is not a member of the California bar.
In addition to the conspiracy charges, Graves accuses the government of suppressing a cure that could save millions of lives.
The remedy worked for him, he claims. In 1992, he found out that he was HIV-positive. Nineteen months ago, he says, he took a one-time "infusion" and has been symptom-free ever since, without any further medications.
"It's all-encompassing," Graves said of the alleged cover-up. "Here we found a federal virus program that no one knew about. If we review this program, we will solve AIDS."
Government lawyers aren't buying Graves' position. At today's hearing, they plan to cite a variety of legal reasons the case should be dismissed by Judge Jeffrey T. Miller.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Beth Levine declined to discuss the complaint.
But she argued in court papers that, among other things, several government agencies made reasonable attempts to give Graves the information he requested.
"In this case, no agency records have been improperly withheld," Levine wrote in a brief submitted last month.
Filed Dec. 6 as Boyd E. Graves vs. The United States of America et al., the suit revolves around a "flow chart" that maps HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus, and which Graves believes is stored somewhere in the archives of the National Cancer Institute.
"The flow chart proves that this was not an accident," Graves said in an interview. "This was an intentional development of a special virus."
Graves also is seeking copies of "progress reports" that he contends detail successes in the secret program, and an audiotape titled "Virus Makers of the CIA," in which, he contends, government experts discuss the plot.
The records "will provide absolute proof of the true laboratory origin of HIV, a 'synthetic biological agent' destined for a certain receptor site in certain people," his suit says.
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