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(回答先: 「インフルエンザ脳症」パニックの決まり文句「特効薬タミフル」。陰に隠れたリレンザ物語。 投稿者 どっちだ 日時 2007 年 4 月 02 日 23:20:13)
投稿者 Sun Shine 日時 2007 年 3 月 24 日 18:58:22: edtzBi/ieTlqA
But to answer your question I am a pharmacist now and we do prescribe tamiflu mostly indicated for the prevention or treatment of influenza virus A and B or the avian flu virus. It has to be given usually within a few days of the beginning of the symptoms of the flu and taken twice daily for 5 days to treat the flu.
From my understanding, there have been few cases of adverse psychological events with this drug compared to how many people have taken it for many years, but a drug similar to Tamiflu called Amantadine has always carried a warning that it can cause psychological side effects (psychosis/insomnia/confusion), so when I heard about this with Tamiflu I wasnt suprised.
So yes we do have it here and it is up to the physician to determine if he/she should prescribe it to children and weigh the risks of a rare psychological side effect with the risks of not treating a child with the flu.
take care .
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