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英国の某経済ブログへの投稿 たまたまナチスとネオコンの類似点なる話題が出たので投稿しました。
投稿者 戦争屋は嫌いだ 日時 2006 年 8 月 23 日 02:42:35: d/vusjnSYDx0.

米国のバブル崩壊に関連して、たまたまナチスとネオコンの類似点なる話題が出たので下記投稿しました。ご参考までに。文中4人の政治家がメディアキャンペーンの犠牲となったと言っていますが、具体的には次の通りです。Robin Cook(これは99%物理的暗殺), Charles Kennedy(LibDem元党首、アル中とのいいがかりで今年初め辞職を余儀なくされた。Mark Oaten(LibDem幹部、男妾を買ったとのセックススキャンダルで失脚、ただしこれは事実), Tommy Sheridan(無実のセックススキャンダルでスコットランド社会党党首を辞任、その後このスキャンダルを報じたルパートマードックのNews of the World紙に20万ポンドの慰謝料を求めて訴訟を起こし、先月勝訴)。

Nazis and the so called Zionist jews were initially in a cooperative relationship sharing the common goal or the so called final solution, i.e. to oust or emigrate European jews to the 'promosed land'. Also it is well known that those Wall Street financiers including GWB's granpa Prescott heavily supported Hitler and Nazi Germany. I am not talking about ordinary jews, but those power-money hungry elitistic jews, including the monster who was capable of demolishing a building with thousands of workers still inside. They have too much in common with the Nazi fascists, as well exemplified in the recent developments in the Middle East. It is not surprising that New Labour or the Blairites at least is quite close to the Neo Cons, as both are supported by those powerful financiers that can use the major media (News of the World in particular, about whose ownership I am not going to discuss any further) at their will, for their propaganda purpose. Look what happened to those politicians from Robin Cook, Charles Kennedy, Mark Oaten, and Tommy Sheridan, all of them had some potential to serve as effective restriction to the further military agression in the Middle East. BBC's incredibly distorted stance on the issue of property Bubble, is not due to such trifling reasons as the personal VI of their executives, but to the overall grip by the City or Wall Street; as illustrated by the fact that a Goldman-Sachs executive can serve as its chairman.

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