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Re: 【こぼれ話】トイレに女の幽霊=警察も怪奇現象体験・英 (AFP=時事)  ⇒ 英文元記事もありました。
投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 4 月 27 日 18:52:52: KbIx4LOvH6Ccw

(回答先: 【こぼれ話】トイレに女の幽霊=警察も怪奇現象体験・英 (AFP=時事) 投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 4 月 27 日 18:44:55)


Unwelcome spirits at pub
Wednesday April 26, 06:54 AM

Police were called to a pub toilet when a shocked licensee was left shaking by an encounter with a ghost with half a face.

Landlord Roger Froggatt, 55, and his wife Kathryn, 49, were woken by the alarm at the Low Valley Arms, near Barnsley, South Yorkshire in the early hours of the morning. As he investigated what he thought might be an intruder, Mr Froggatt was confronted by a woman wearing a long white gown in the ladies lavatory of the pub in Darfield.

But what left 55-year-old Mr Froggatt in a state of complete shock was her face - half of which was missing. One officer went into the ladies and although the figure of the woman had gone, the toilets began to flush themselves. Mrs Froggatt and a second officer went in and the flushing continued.

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