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(回答先: Re: もうこいつは潜伏エージェントでFAでいいでしょうw 投稿者 万事急須 日時 2006 年 4 月 09 日 13:18:55)
投稿者 ウソ捏造工場 日時 2006 年 4 月 02 日 00:21:45: OszuLYfIhReeI
In order to understand the nature of this monster—this enemy of liberty—you need to read and understand Victor Thorn’s The New World Order Exposed.
New World Order Tyranny Exposed
Here’s an important new book that encapsulates the tyranny of the New World Order and what it’s all about.
Exclusive to American Free Press
By Michael Collins Piper
One of America’s most energetic young patriotic writers, Victor Thorn, of the online publication, Babel Magazine (babelmagazine.com), has produced his first full-length book, confirming that he is a rising star in the freedom movement in America and around the globe.
His new book, The New World Order Exposed, is a proverbial “must read” for those who want the cold, hard facts that you aren’t about to get in the controlled media which acts as a mouthpiece of the very forces being exposed by Thorn.
In 563 thoroughly-documented pages, featuring references from dozens of important works, Thorn has dissected the New World Order and laid it bare: a virtual autopsy of Satan himself and of all of his intrigues.
This book is a virtual handbook, a catalogue, of the New World Order octopus that has the globe in its grasping tentacles.
Thorn opens up with an investigation of the 9-11 terrorist attacks. His summary of the massive volume of findings about the tragedy that has been “deleted” from the mainstream press is breathtaking.
Thorn also delves into that dangerous area of the inter-connections between the big banks, the armaments industry, the oil barons and the worldwide trafficking in illicit drugs and how it all relates to our global crisis today. Nor does the money monopoly known as the Federal Reserve System escape Thorn’s investigation.
The means by which our elite rulers oppress us—by manipulating our minds and our—read “their”—educational system and by the use of new spy technology aimed at controlling the masses also comes under inspection by Thorn’s sharply-honed magnifying glass.
The New World Order Exposed is also a primer of historical Revisionism, highlighting the scandals surrounding the Pearl Harbor cover-up, the role of international bankers in fomenting the wars of the 20th century, the shadowy connections of the Bush family and its forebears to the global money interests—and much, much more. Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations—it’s all here.
In the interests of “truth in press,” this author is compelled to note for the record that Thorn’s book also features a chapter-length and quite comprehensive review of my own book Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. Thorn’s book provides those who remain interested in the theory presented in Final Judgment a very worthwhile presentation.
Gordon Thomas, author of Seeds of Fire, Gideon’s Spies and Robert Maxwell—Israel’s Super Spy, among other international best-sellers, says of Thorn’s book:
In the world we live in, Victor Thorn’s writing is a beacon. A bright searchlight on what people want to hide: the truth. I unreservedly commend this book to all those who care with a passion about our future. Beg, borrow or best of all, buy it as one for your shelves.
Another widely-read and admired journalist, Jim Marrs, author of Crossfire—The Plot That Killed Kennedy and Rule by Secrecy says:
Consider Victor Thorn’s book your final wake-up call. It’s all here, the names, the dates and the places. There’s also the methods being used by a small clique of men and women to subjugate and manipulate the masses—that’s you and me. Learn about the New World Order now while America still pays lip service to the Constitution. Tomorrow may be too late.
Thorn makes it clear: there’s nothing “new” about the New World Order. It is a conspiracy—not a conspiracy theory—and its very roots can be found in the Garden of Eden. Today those who are tilling this soil for their own insidious ends are in positions of power in government, the media and in academia.
In order to understand the nature of this monster—this enemy of liberty—you need to read and understand Victor Thorn’s The New World Order Exposed.
The New World Order Exposed is available from First Amendment Books, 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Softcover, 563 pages, $25, #1080. Discount for members of the American Free Press Readership Council: New World Order Exposed just $21.95 each. No S&H.
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