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(回答先: ベネズエラ国旗のデザイン変更 馬は「左向き」に(CNN)【いかにもチャベス大統領らしいなって感じ(微笑)】 投稿者 gataro 日時 2006 年 3 月 14 日 13:58:54)
Venezuela gallops left with new flag
Sunday, March 12, 2006; Posted: 12:57 p.m. EST (17:57 GMT)
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday raised a new flag with one extra star and its white horse galloping left instead of right -- changes that he said pay tribute to independence hero Simon Bolivar but that critics called frivolous and wasteful.
Chavez hoisted the eight-starred flag -- approved by congress last week -- at an outdoor ceremony while soldiers stood at attention, and then he applauded and smiled.
"Long live the fatherland!" Chavez said. He called the eighth star, which Bolivar once proposed, "the star of victory, the star of the future."
"The white horse is now liberated, free, vigorous, trotting toward the left, representing the return of Bolivar and his dream," said Chavez, who has been heading left himself -- leading a "Bolivarian Revolution" to install socialism and help the poor.
Thousands of Chavez's supporters attended a government parade marking Flag Day and the 200th anniversary of Venezuela's tricolor flag.
While a white horse, floats, dancers and soldiers in revolutionary-era uniforms paraded past Chavez, his opponents planned their own, separate march to protest the new flag and coat of arms.
Critics call the changes a waste of money for a political whim. The new seal is eventually to be reflected in the currency, passports and government letterhead.
Chavez has displayed a penchant for changing Venezuela's national symbols since he was first elected in 1998, overseeing the drafting of a new constitution, renaming Congress as the National Assembly and renaming the country itself: now the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Many have suggested the turnabout of the horse in the coat of arms, which appears in the official flag's upper left corner, is simply a metaphor for Chavez's politics.
The president has acknowledged the political symbolism only vaguely but has said the horse looked odd running to the right while craning its neck back the opposite direction, and that historical drawings showed the horse was supposed to be running "freely to the left."
Venezuela's solidly pro-Chavez National Assembly overwhelmingly approved the new flag design Tuesday as proposed by Chavez.
Venezuela's yellow, blue and red flag has had seven stars since 1863, representing the original seven provinces that rose up against Spain.
Chavez suggested the eighth star to represent the early 19th-century eastern province of Guayana, which bordered what is today the independent country of Guyana. That province was initially loyal to Spain but then joined an independent Venezuela.
Bolivar once proposed a flag with eight stars in 1817, and it was used for several years. Chavez has called the eighth star the "Bolivarian star."
The new coat of arms, among various new details, also adds a bow and arrow to represent Venezuela's indigenous people and a machete to represent the labor of workers.
The new seal appeared on flags unfurled for the occasion, but the government apparently didn't have time to update Chavez's presidential sash; It still bore the old coat of arms with the horse galloping to the right.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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