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投稿者 FakeTerrorWatcher 日時 2004 年 1 月 21 日 18:36:49:ctKRGOvG/DIEQ
日本財団などによると、ペルー政府の要請で、貧困救済などを目的とした家族計画推進のため、98年5月、約2億4797万円を助成。「日本財団プロジェクト」と名づけられ、98-00年、 アマゾン8地域を対象に、ボート購入や保健施設整備、医師・看護師らの研修、避妊外科手術などの費用に充てられた。
Japan, Peru trying to identify Peruvian man via Interpol
Sunday, December 4, 2005 at 07:14 JST
GUADALUPE — Japan and Peru agreed Friday to cooperate in investigating the identity of a Peruvian man, who has admitted to killing a girl in Japan, through the international police organization Interpol, a Peruvian foreign ministry official said.
Juan Carlos Pizarro Yagi, 30, who was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of murdering a 7-year-old girl and abandoning her body in Hiroshima, was identified by Japanese police as a third-generation Japanese Peruvian. But the Peruvian Foreign Ministry said Wednesday that the man is suspected of having had resident registration in Peru under two different Peruvian names, raising doubt whether he is of Japanese descent. (Kyodo News)
Code: ZE02120221
Date: 2002-12-02
U.N., U.S. and NGOs Promoted Forced Sterilizations in Peru
Parliamentarian Testifies Before Subcommittee
(日本のNGOという文章に注意! 2002年の記事)
LIMA, Peru, DEC. 2, 2002 (Zenit.org).- The United Nations, the Clinton administration, and Peruvian and Japanese nongovernmental organizations were responsible for thousands of forced sterilizations under the government of Alberto Fujimori.
Peruvian parliamentarian Hector Chávez Chuchón told a congressional subcommittee how the United Nations, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and powerful NGOs financed the National Program for Family Planning.
This program included the Voluntary Surgical Contraception campaign, in which 300,000 women were sterilized, many of whom had not given their consent, the ACI press agency reported.
"The United Nations was aware of this policy; [U.N.] personnel worked in the health ministry," Chávez said in response to a question from subcommittee president Luis Gonzales-Posada.
Chávez, who worked as a doctor in one of Peru's poorest states during the Fujimori administration, was among the first to denounce the abuses of the National Program for Family Planning.
Chávez has dedicated his time in Parliament to investigating cases of forced sterilization and presiding over a working group which has collected evidence accusing Fujimori and former Health Ministers Marino Costa Bauer and Alejandro Aguinaga Recuenco of infractions "in the exercise of their office."
These infractions, against fundamental human rights and the Peruvian Constitution, included violations of liberty, life, body and health, and conspiracy and "genocide," Chávez said.
According to Chávez, the term genocide can be used, because it refers not only "to mass killing of human beings, but is also expressed in actions to impede the birth of human beings."
The program of forced sterilizations was directed against poor and illiterate inhabitants of rural areas. Eighteen women subjected to forced sterilization during the campaign died.
Chávez said that doctors who took part in sterilizations said the Fujimori government fired those opposed to the surgical contraception program.