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(回答先: SDIプロジェクトと科学者、細菌学者、AIDS専門家の不審な死 投稿者 サラ 日時 2005 年 5 月 18 日 18:56:27)
★鳥インフルエンザはスペイン風邪と類似【Lethal Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed US Army scientists create \"Spanish Flu\" virus in laboratory】
Mount Sinai Researchers Study Most Lethal Flu Virus
Adolfo Garc?-Sastre, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology, along with researchers from three other laboratories, has successfully recovered an influenza virus containing one of the genes from the virus responsible for the devastating influenza of 1918, known as the Spanish Flu.
Spanish Flu Virus Reconstructed by US
【Lethal Virus from 1918 Genetically Reconstructed US Army scientists create \"Spanish Flu\" virus in laboratory - medical benefit questionable】
Bird Virus Tied to 1918 Flu Pandemic
By Randy Dotinga, HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, Feb. 6 (HealthDayNews) -- If new research on the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic is to be believed, scientists in Asia have good reason to worry about the avian flu that has spread to humans there in recent months.
The Spanish virus killed more people than World War I, and researchers now suggest it may have started in birds.
According to two studies released in this week\'s issue of Science, there\'s not much difference between the 1918 flu strain and an avian virus. The similarities, in fact, may have made it harder for humans to fight off the virus by fooling their immune systems into thinking the germs were harmless.
Disastrous 1918 Flu Linked to Birds, Study Says
Stefan Lovgren
for National Geographic News
February 5, 2004
Solving an 86-year-old medical mystery, British scientists have determined the structure of the so-called \"Spanish flu\" virus that jumped from birds to humans in 1918, killing more than 20 million people worldwide.
In two separate studies, researchers from the Medical Research Council in London showed that the virus likely derived from an avian virus and retained some key characteristics of its avian precursor that caught the human immune system off-guard.
We work to protect farm animals, farmers and ranchers, the nation\'s farm economy and export markets... and your food supply.
Plum Island is located off the northeastern tip of New York\'s Long Island.
SARS And The Military
Plum Island: BioWarfare Laboratory?
West Nile fever in Israel
U.S. West Nile virus matches Israeli strain
D.C. West Nile outbreaks cluster around Army unit
Book: West Nile Outbreak Began at Plum Island
Author claims lab is \'the world\'s most dangerous\'
By Bill Bleyer
Staff Writer
February 15, 2004, 8:48 PM EST
A new book about the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, the federal laboratory off Orient Point that studies foreign animal viruses such as foot and mouth disease, contends that the first American outbreaks of Lyme disease and West Nile fever originated at the center.
Michael C. Carroll\'s \"Lab 257 - The Disturbing Story of the Government\'s Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory,\" which is being released tomorrow by William Morrow, argues that security and biological safety procedures are so slipshod that it is only a matter of time before there is a serious virus outbreak or terrorist attack on the facility.
\"The laboratory once glorified as the \'World\'s Safest Lab\' is today the world\'s most dangerous,\" Carroll wrote.
But the federal departments of Homeland Security, which runs the island, and Agriculture, which handles its research, dismiss Carroll\'s book as fiction. Dr. Elizabeth Lautner, the new laboratory director who took over last month, said, \"It\'s really not an accurate portrayal of what\'s going on on the island.\"
Carroll, a corporate lawyer who lives in Bellmore and Manhattan, said in an interview, \"Here\'s Plum Island lying in the midst of some of the most expensive and exclusive real estate in America and lying on the edge of the largest population center in the United States, and it holds some of the most dangerous germs on earth in a laboratory with virtually no security and is run and protected no better than a junior high school biology laboratory.\"
Although the first-time author said he had no background in science before beginning research on the island seven years ago, \"What I found through documents and hundreds of hours of interviews with scientists, workers, journalists and local people is that this place is a ticking biological time bomb waiting to go off and if we don\'t do something soon we\'re going to have a real problem.\" At Orient Point one day, he saw Plum Island and became curious, and began researching it. As the book progressed, he could no longer keep his commitments to the firm.
Carroll, 31, describes the history of the lab from its founding by the Army 50 years ago with the aid of a former Nazi germ warfare scientist to the takeover by the Department of Homeland Security in 2003. The Department of Agriculture controlled it previously.
What he paints is not a pretty picture. He describes a 1978 outbreak of foot and mouth disease among animals penned outside and waiting for testing. All the animals on the island were killed to prevent the spread of the germ, as was reported in the media at the time.
And he writes of the loss of biological containment integrity and workers knee-deep in virus-contaminated sewage when power was lost in one building during Hurricane Bob in 1991.
He said the terrorist threat is not just the result of his imagination. As previously reported in Newsweek, \"It was on the mind of a suspected terrorist who was looking into building dirty bombs and putting together biological warfare for Osama bin Laden.\" He was referring to Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood, former chairman of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, who was arrested after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Newsweek reported that raids on his residence and office in Kabul, Afghanistan, turned up a dossier on Plum Island. \"This is a huge warning signal and nobody is paying attention to it,\" Carroll said.
Lautner countered that \"there\'s been significant upgrades to Plum Island since 9-11. We\'ve increased the number of guards and we\'ve increased patrols to every part of the island. We\'ve done more extensive screening of potential employees as well as visitors. We have rigid escorting requirements for visitors so they must have an escort at all times. We\'ve installed electronic surveillance in sensitive areas.\"
Of his theory that Plum Island was responsible for the spread of Lyme disease, Carroll said, \"The first outbreak of Lyme disease occurred in Connecticut in 1975. Ten miles southwest of Old Lyme you have Plum Island directly in the flight path of hundreds of thousands of birds.\" He said at the time Plum Island was breeding thousands of ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease and were \"impregnated with exotic animal viruses and bacteria.\" In addition, Carroll said, government documents show that two or three years after the outbreak of Lyme disease, holes of up to three- quarters of an inch were detected in the roof and air filtration system at the lab and the incinerator where infected animals were burned. He said that meant that air could escape from the supposedly airtight lab and insects that transmit disease could enter and exit the facility.
Agriculture department spokeswoman Sandy Miller Hays said, \"It\'s my understanding that Lyme disease has never been studied on Plum Island.\" She said the center studies \"diseases that are of importance to animals in American agriculture,\" and Lyme disease is not because it does not affect livestock.
With the West Nile virus outbreak in 1999, Carroll noted that, \"Weeks before the first human infection, very close to Plum Island you had 18 horses on 13 horse farms on the North Fork dying from an unknown condition that later turned out to be West Nile fever.\"
Hays said, \"The first human case of West Nile was in Queens on Aug. 2 of 1999. That\'s the other end of Long Island from Plum Island. The wild bird collection [at the Bronx Zoo that was infected] was in New York City on Aug. 8, again a long way from Plum Island. The first horse case on eastern Long Island was on Aug. 26. We did not have any West Nile virus at Plum Island until Oct. 29,\" when it was transported there for research.
While Carroll admitted he had no direct evidence that Lyme disease or West Nile came from Plum Island, he said, \"When there\'s this much evidence piled on top of each other, I don\'t believe in coincidences.\"
Reaction on the East End to Carroll\'s conclusions was mixed.
Rep. Tim Bishop (D-Southampton), whose district includes Plum Island, said he has not seen the book but was aware of its conclusions. \"It raises issues that at a minimum ought to be looked at,\" he said, and the debate ought to help in the push by the community and government officials for increased security and accountability. Bishop said that a General Accounting Office study last year said Plum Island had made security improvements but more needed to be done.
Greenport Mayor David Kapell, a longtime defender of the lab, said, \"It sounds to me like sensationalism to play on the largely irrational fears about Plum Island. ... The community has lived with Plum Island for 50 years with no documentation that anybody has suffered any health consequences as a result.\"
Debbie O\'Kane, executive director of the North Fork Environmental Council, who has served on Plum Island advisory groups, said she couldn\'t comment on Carroll\'s contention that viruses from the island have infected people off the island. But, O\'Kane, a longtime critic of the lab who feels it should not be operating near a large population concentration, said, \"I\'m glad that the book will bring some attention back to Plum Island because we don\'t feel the current administration has been responsive to the local community. It\'s beneficial to have these issues out there for discussion.\"
While federal officials have criticized the book, it does have its supporters. Among them is former Gov. Mario Cuomo, who worked with Carroll at the law firm he quit to undertake the book. Cuomo offered a publicity blurb that called \"Lab 257\" \"a carefully researched, chilling expose of potential catastrophe.\"
U.S. Sen Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), who has been a vocal critic of Plum Island security, said in a written statement Sunday, \"I have not read the book yet, but I continue to have concerns about the safety and security at Plum Island, and I hope the book helps to further highlight the issues I have raised ... \"
☆またバイオ関係科学者が死亡した。研究施設の前で青酸カリの服毒自殺である。死に場所に無頓着な科学者の働いていた会社はCiphergen Biosystems Inc.。
Scienctist found dead outside biochemical firm in Fremont
FREMONT -- A research scientist found dead Friday morning in front of the biochemical firm he worked for apparently died after inhaling a combination of potassium cyanide and acid, police said.
An employee arriving at Ciphergen Biosystems Inc., 6611 Dumbarton Circle, about 6:20 a.m. found the 29-year-old man, whom he worked with, lying on the sidewalk in front of the west entrance, and immediately called authorities, Sgt. Jeff Swadener said.
Ciphergen is a biotechnology company that studies proteins and produces protein chips for cancer research.
Ciphergen picks up NIH grant to fight bioterror- related viruses
September 12, 2003
Ciphergen Biosystems Inc. and the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston received funding from the National Institutes of Health to develop new strategies for early diagnosis of viral infections caused by exposure to bioterrorism agents.
ちなみにいんちき選挙マシンDIEBOLDともつながりがある同じテキサスのTexas A&M Universityに、これから4日後、16日に同じ様に金が舞い込んだことが発表されている。
そして、Ciphergen Biosystems Inc.はこんな技術を持っている。
Biotechs may cash in with bioterror laws
June 28, 2002
Even those not directly developing drugs are looking to bioterrorism funding. Ciphergen Biosystems Inc. in Fremont has a screening technology designed to isolate disease-causing agents that could be used to determine, for example, if anthrax has made a person ill.