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Greenberg has emerged as one of the most powerful behind-the-scenes political fixers in the Anglo-American Establishment. He is vice chairman of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. He is a member of the Board of Counselors of the Washington, D. C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which serves, on occasion, as Wall Street’s private sector equivalent of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations
Financial terrorism towers over 9.11
(Part II)
Evidence points to attack on America by White House crime families
by Tom Flocco
Financing the 9.11 attacks
According to inside intelligence sources who provided additional documents, federal whistleblower Stewart Webb told us he has made the serious allegation that financing the September 11 attacks was facilitated through former CEO Maurice "Hank" Greenberg’s American International Group (AIG) and Florida’s Greenberg-Traurig law firm bank accounts established at New York’s Citibank where President George H. W. Bush’s former CIA legal counsel Norman Philip Brownstein sits as a Director.
Webb has spent 20 years investigating White House crime families and was credited for helping to expose the 1989-90 HUD and Savings & Loan Scandals. [Houston Chronicle, "S & L whistleblower faces federal charges," 9-16-1992 and Sarah McClendon‘s Washington Report, "Notes from the Editor," 12-24-1991]
On November 1, 2001--just seven weeks after the 9.11 attacks--former Somalia Ambassador to Switzerland Leo Emil Wanta--wrote to Vice President Richard Cheney to warn him about ongoing foreign transactions and to do something to stop the illegal activity:
"...my help was requested in moving large sums of cash into ‘Foundations’ Legal Groups...in the Philippines...German in the ‘family’ has financed a large group who were recovering ten boxes which were taken to US, Germany & Moldovia (Rumania)...The ‘family’ want their boxes!!....Things are getting out of hand!....Mil needs cash with which to purchase & remove these items...too much is in the wrong hands!"
The leaked memo raises serious questions as to what the Vice President of the United States knew about the movement of crates of cash out of the Philippines into the U.S.A. and two foreign countries almost immediately after the 9/11attacks. Did Cheney do anything to stop the illegal activity? Was Cheney linked to the operation? What did Condoleezza Rice and President Bush do about it when Cheney told them?
Of equal importance is whether the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee has obstructed justice in the matter by refusing to call Cheney to publicly testify about credible evidence of potential payoffs taking place along the 9.11 investigation time-line--just after the attacks.
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau will also have to explain why they are obstructing justice because they have been in possession of this evidence and much more for months and have not subpoenaed Mr. Cheney, Dr. Rice or the President.
Who are the members of the "family" that Leo Wanta warned Mr. Cheney about and why were they moving boxes of cash to other "family" members right after 9.11? Were these clandestine transactions linked to $240 billion in stolen collateral to purchase Brady bonds--and then to borrow currency which documents clearly show was linked to fraud in the U.S. banking system--money never repaid the day after the September 11 attacks?
Where is the money? Who borrowed $240 billion and never repaid it? Were the crates of cash in the Philippines used for payoffs to "9.11 terrorists" who met with an FBI Special Agent 30 days after the attacks, according to the December 14, 2001 Wanta-Cheney memo? "Terrorists" like the eight British Intelligence agents attempting to blow up the Chicago subway last week? [The "family" want their boxes!!...Things are getting out of hand!]
The Goldman Sachs and AIG financial evidence above is similarly linked to what former FBI contract linguist Sibel Edmonds recently told TomFlocco.com in our fourth interview story with the FBI federal whistleblower. The shocking evidence content of Edmonds’ translations of wire intercepts prior to 9.11 revealed that ten well-known American politicians and heads of federal agencies are tied to drug-money laundering in the federal banking system--money used for political campaigns she said, but also for financing the 9.11 World Trade Center/Pentagon attacks. Under a court-ordered gag restriction, Edmonds has not divulged the names.
Edmonds' explosive evidence, linking the 9.11 attacks to ten well-known American politicians and federal agency heads could also subject former Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and all judges and Department of Justice lawyers involved in her case to be targeted for obstruction of justice charges and as co-conspirators to misprison of treason. This, for withholding substantial and credible evidence from impaneled independent federal grand juries in New York and Arlington, VA, empowered to subpoena testimony and investigate crimes linked to September 11. [18 U.S.C. 4 ]
According to two witnesses, Greenberg-Traurig is allegedly tied to suspect legal entanglements surrounding the challenge for control of New Hampshire 9.11 widow Ellen Mariani's estate and her husband Neil’s death on September 11. Mariani’s litigation in New York and New Hampshire against President Bush and other top officials seeking court-ordered discovery about White House involvement in the attacks and obstruction of justice by members of Congress was blocked due to complications surrounding the challenge for control of her husband’s estate.
Norman Brownstein was a former Director and the current corporate attorney for the late Leonard Millman’s MDC Holdings, Inc., the parent company of Silverado Savings and Loan Association where President George W. Bush’s brother Neil was a Director of the failed institution which cost American taxpayers at least $50 billion dollars.
Webb revealed he has evidence that proves Silverado laundered $12 trillion dollars in narcotics money during the time period that President Bush’s brother Neal was on the board of directors of the failed bank organization.
According to Leonard Millman’s ex-son-in-law Stewart Webb, $2.6 billion in Mena, Arkansas/Iran contra drug money was laundered through the Rose Law firm [where New York Senator Hillary Clinton was a partner] into Millman’s failed M&L Business Machines Company of Denver.
Webb alleged that his documented evidence and first-hand witnesses prove that Hank Greenberg, Leonard Millman and Meyer Blinder were all involved in massive securities fraud involving National Brokerage Group of Companies, and its Stinger Securities, Coral Gables Securities and others that allegedly milked American investors for billions of dollars during the 1980s. This, while Webb also alleged that Hank Greenberg was involved in re-insurance fraud loans with Millman’s National Acceptance Company which owned First National Acceptance Company, both of which own Bank of America, with the first two being financially connected to AIG.
Attorney General Spitzer is in possession of part of the above evidence relating to Leonard Millman’s links to $6 trillion in American pension fund fraud; moreover, Webb
told us that former Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr--who the whistleblower said obstructed justice in his investigation of Clinton/Bush-linked narcotics money laundering--had lunch with Mr. Spitzer a few weeks ago, raising additional questions regarding obstruction of justice for a grand jury with subpoena power.
Webb alleges that drug money was laundered by Millman into Hank Greenberg’s AIG and other Wall Street accounts by Gwendolyn Waymark of the Waymark Group and also the Foundations Group--which the Cheney memo above links to boxes of cash moved from the Philippines and tied to both the recently deceased Millman and George H. W. Bush.
The Foundations Group’s laundered drug money paid for a group of 9.11 terrorists secretly headed by the Defense Intelligence Agency’s (DIA) Gary Best--one of the former Iran contra shadow government players--according to Webb.
Most shockingly, Webb alleges that "ONI-CIA Marine officer Oliver North, CIA-DIA agent Gary Best, CIA agent Terry Lynn Nichols and CIA contract agent Timothy McVeigh were all paid through Waymark’s Foundations Group funding arm--directly or indirectly."
This raises the bar as to why the Vice President has not been subpoenaed when the Wanta memo directly links Cheney, Dr. Rice (and by authority and the obligation to act upon a financial terrorist threat--President Bush) to knowledge of the Foundations Group in what appears to be United States covert black operations involving financial terrorism and mass murder.
Webb told us, "this explosive evidence is why Eliot Spitzer and Robert Morgenthau are obstructing justice to let AIG off the 9.11 hook in the "public" part of their current and high-profile Wall Street probe. But it’s also why the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee members are obstructing justice and committing treason by refusing to subpoena Cheney and other key intelligence officials regarding their awareness of a "family" extending from the Philippines to Europe and the United States--all with links to financing terrorism."
A comprehensive grand jury investigation, with subpoenas, testimony and interrogation by independent, a-political career prosecutors like Patrick Fitzgerald could well blow the lid off 30+ years of illegal operations, financial terrorism, 9.11 mass murder, the Oklahoma City bombing, the Kennedy assassination and pre-emptive war based upon lies--a lengthy pattern of illegal activities by a succession of White House crime families, according to both Webb and V. K. Durham.
All this, tacitly endorsed by quietly complicit congressmen--either too frightened to speak truth to power due to past small-plane assassinations or having been self-absorbed by pensions, perks and power to exercise their constitutional mandate to protect the very citizenry which honors them with high office.
Maurice „Hank“ Greenberg, AIG and the
Burning Down of the Madhouse
By: Dr. Stefan G. E. Grossmann,
April 05, 2005
Maurice „Hank“ Greenberg, age 79, is living proof to the insight that the insurance industry is full of crooks. To the knowledge of this researcher, none is so crooked as he. The true summary of his lifetime, still veiled behind numerous curtains of legend to this day, is aptly drawn in the following illustration:
To the left, the illustration shows a weird-looking Maurice Greenberg, the departed thief of AIG, the world’s largest insurance. To the right is shown a scene from 9-11. The three words in the illustration are self-explanatory.
A background dossier about Greenberg compiled in the year 2000 is below. Here is some more recent news about Greenberg and AIG:
1. Greenberg and AIG: Recent News
(Without News of Greenberg’s Resignation)
(For news about Greenberg’s resignation in March and early April 2005, see the next section below. This present section sets the stage by presenting the hidden recent facts behind Greenberg’s resignation.)
The recent news about AIG, Maurice Greenberg, his two sons and Warren Buffett indicates that the inside attacks of 9-11-1 are a huge accounting fraud - a mega-Enron - of the U.S. insurance industry. Initially, the insurance industry had to pay several billion $$ in damages. However, 9-11-1 has changed the landscape of insurance risk in such a way that premiums went into a steep hike, and today the U.S. insurance industry is the major beneficiary of 9-11-1 to the tune of over $13 billion increase (in 2004) for AIG alone (AIG alone thus achieved record revenues in 2004 of $100 billion according to preliminary figures).
The beneficiary of a crime is always a prime suspect of a crime. Here: the driving force behind the insurance industry. The Greenbergs, father and two sons, and Warren Buffett, their partner apparent in another Enron-size accounting fraud.
Don’t look – this is plain brutal!
There are numerous links, hints and more direct indicators that 9-11-1 is a crime that was backed by certain investment bank and insurance circles with a special focus on Maurice Hank Greenberg. This author has massive research to back up this accusation, published at www.gallerize.com and the talk radio for spies site www.cloakanddagger.ca.
Here are two outlines of the evidence – basically, an insurance fraud involving a rigged building demolition and the mass-murder of several thousand people:
http://www.cloakanddagger.ca/media/Grossmann/Four%20Horsemen/066%20Four%20Riders%20of%209-11%20Apocalypse.htm (scroll down to section III)
Note about the mentioning of Kissinger: Greenberg is reportedly the oldest and best-paying client of Henry Kissinger.
Here is a more detailed report in PDF format on the Greenberg-Kissinger-Blackstone insurance fraud connection and the insider trading of options around 9-11-1:
The author is a practicing lawyer in Germany and is confident that across the globe, perpetrators of insurance fraud are prosecuted, investigated, indicted and convicted for such evidence and in cases where there is less evidence.
Only in corrupt countries such as the U.S.A. can such normal and natural workings of justice be stopped and quashed.
The following section provides some insight why the Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer, is not doing his duty of prosecuting and investigating crimes:
2. The Eliot Spitzer Fraud:
How Greenberg is Being Covered By A Mere Mock Prosecution
(The News of Greenberg’s Resignation)
Conveniently, Greenberg together with his contacts has been able to hoist a company lawyer into the position of criminal prosecutor. That fellow’s name is Eliot Spitzer, posing as a rabid guardian of the criminal code, but in reality doing nothing else than prosecuting serial killers for shoplifting and otherwise sitting on his hands to let the law rot. If these people hope that the truth will drop dead or go away they are mistaken. The truth is knocking loudly on their door and calling their name.
Eliot Spitzer’s prosecution against Greenberg and AIG is an ersatz prosecution – a sham intended as a diversion. The idea behind this is that if Spitzer appear aggressive enough and the media convey this image convincingly, any true and meaningful reporting of AIG’s and Greenberg’s terroristic and treasonable felonies can be avoided. In other words, Eliot Spitzer, a former partner of AIG’s corporate lawfirm Skadden Arps, who some say is a crooked operation, is doing everything to save a major client of his former lawfirm. Or in short: friends help friends. Eliot Spitzer has been provided with a Citizens’ Complaint about the criminal aspects of 9-11-1, including numerous details about the specific and tangible insurance fraud involving Silverstein, Blackstone Group, Greenberg, Kissinger together with a research DVD full of data. Spitzer is stubbornly refusing to act on the evidence and is trying to take refuge to a mere mockery of prosecution.
The press (the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times) has indicated that AIG is much too big to get the same treatment as Enron did. It is pointed out that criminal prosecution broke up the accountant firm of Enron, Arthur Andersen. It is pointed out that there can be no desire to break up AIG. The Christian Science Monitor, „A Top Insurance Company as the New Enron?“ (April 01, 2005), at
„Because AIG is so massive and important to the financial world, regulators will have to tread carefully. The company’s main business is providing reinsurance, that is, it insures insurance companies. This helps the industry to spread its risk among many large and financially sound companies so a single event does not become a financial disaster for one company.
Also, because of AIG’s huge size, lawyers don’t think the government will bring a criminal charge against the company as it did for Arthur Andersen, Enron’s accountant. The criminal charge was a death sentence for the accountant.“
Further, the Christian Science Monitor ventures to predict a bleak future for the insurance giant, AIG:
„Before its legal troubles, AIG had begun an advertising campaign to become more well-known to Americans. Its most recent logo is ‚We know money.’ And, it brags it is the financial organization to choose for your ‚great-great-great-great-great grandchild.’ Now, lawyers expect it is likely to be fighting class-action lawsuits and irate regulators as it battles to survive.
The apple of contention is a deal between Greenberg/AIG and another grandee of the American insurance industry, Warren Buffett. Details are reported in the press. This and other deals amount to a $1.77 billion accounting fraud which actually has been admitted by AIG. As a consequence of this fraud and the insurance investigation of Eliot Spitzer, Maurice Greenberg resigned as the all-powerful CEO of AIG on March 15, 2005; and he resigned his position as non-executive AIG Chairman on April 3, 2005.
Until Greenberg’s resignation, the Greenberg family (Greenberg Sr. and his two sons Jeffrey and Evan) together with Warren Buffett control the better part of the U.S. insurance industry. Jeffrey Greenberg was CEO and chairman of the world’s second-largest insurance broker Marsh & McLennan (resigned in October 2004). Evan Greenberg is President and CEO of Ace Limited, a Bermuda-based insurer. Warren Buffett owns and controls General Reinsurance.
CNN writes about the investigation, Report: AIG CEO Steps Down (March 15, 2005),
„AIG was mentioned in the case brought against Marsh & McLennan by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, but was not charged. But four former AIG executives have entered guilty pleas to criminal charges stemming from the investigation, along with six others from Marsh & McLennan, Zurich American Insurance Co. and ACE.
Last November, AIG agreed to pay $126 million to settle allegations of securities fraud by the SEC and the Justice Department related to three 2001 transactions it made with PNC Financial Services Group Inc. that allegedly helped the Pittsburgh-based banking company artificially inflate its earnings.
Part of the settlement also went to resolve a similar case involving Brightpoint Inc., a Plainfield, Ind., cell phone distributor.
Under that settlement, an independent monitor is examining AIG's books to see if there are any other questionable deals.
AIG, without admitting or denying guilt, also settled civil-fraud charges with the SEC, paying a $10 million fine.
In the latest investigation, AIG has been the focus of a probe by Spitzer, federal prosecutors and the SEC into the use of so-called finite insurance, or financial reinsurance, which critics say could be used to manipulate earnings.
The transaction under investigation took place between AIG and Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’s General Reinsurance unit four years ago and apparently was intended to shore up AIG's reserves.“
Maurice Greenberg joined AIG in 1960 and became its President in 1967. He became its Chairman in 1989. With Greenberg at the helm, AIG grew from a small company into one of the world’s largest and most profitable financial-services company with a market capitalization of $168.5 billion. Greenberg Sr. owns nearly 2% but through offshore companies controls about another 12% of the stock of AIG.
The connection with Warren Buffett is all the more suspicious in light of the substantiated indication of CIA money laundering through a bank partly owned by Berkshire Hathaway, Wells Fargo Bank, and the strange ongoings at the Offutt Air Base on 9-11-1 where Buffett met with President George W. Bush.
According to reports in the New York Times, Eliot Spitzer has stated that the scandal will be settled under civil law without any criminal prosecution or investigation. The is an attempt to defuse a problem of criminal responsibility that to my mind cannot work. In my opinion it is dictated by an egregious conflict of interest of Spitzer and his old law firm of Skadden Arps who do not wish to eliminate a major client, AIG by disclosing the true facts.
The New York Times reports something extremely suspicious about Greenberg, „How a Titan of Insurance Ran Afoul of the Government“ (April 4, 2005),
namely Greenberg considering taking the Fifth Amendment:
„By the accounts of people who have spoken with him, Mr. Greenberg, who did not agree to an interview for this article, ranges over bewilderment, rage and selfpity from the turn of events. In recent weeks, he has told A.I.G. directors that his lawyer is advising him to take the Fifth Amendment rather than testify in a broad inquiry, people involved in the case said.“
If you read the dossier below, you might consider the following statements by Gretchen Morgenson in the New York Times, „A.I.G.: Whiter Shade of Enron“ (April 3, 2005),
to be a nervous newspaper joke:
„Of that we can be sure. A.I.G., after all, is a real company with global operations, generating genuine profits from a variety of financial enterprises. As companies go, Enron was all smoke and mirrors; A.I.G. is substance.“
NO! Of one thing we can be sure: If AIG goes down the tubes then the inside terror cell behind 9-11-1 will thus be yanked out of its hiding in secrecy. At the same time those funny little green papers called the dollar will become cherished commodities for cooking and toilet paper.
Can Eliot Spitzer stem the tide? Is it all just mental? We think not...
3. Greenberg and AIG: Background Dossier
This dossier is chapter 10 of the PDF e-book „The Brotherhood of the White Monks“, www.gallerize.com, 310 pages, 2000 by Stefan Grossmann. It presents press materials and internet links about Maurice „Hank“ Greenberg that were current in the year 2000.
I would like to familiarize you with the Global Power Cartel. As a case study, let us look into American International Group (AIG), maybe the most powerful insurance and financial groups worldwide with a global presence in more than 150 countries:
(Quotes from: Wall Street Manipulator was Driving Force Behind Marcos Ouster in ‘86, in: Spotlight Newspaper, June 16, 1997, pp. 4-11, by George Blank; on AIG in China also see The Financial Times, May 22, 1998)
„Maurice ‘Hank’ Greenberg, the president and chief executive officer of American International Group (AIG), a multi-billion dollar New York-based insurance company …, is no run-of-the-mill insurance salesman. Since taking over the Shanghai and New York-based insurance business of Cornelius Vander Starr in 1968, Greenberg has emerged as one of the most powerful behind-the-scenes political fixers in the Anglo-American Establishment. He is vice chairman of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. He is a member of the Board of Counselors of the Washington, D. C.-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which serves, on occasion, as Wall Street’s private sector equivalent of the CIA’s Directorate of Operations.”
[Note: Philip Manuel, the investigator, is a member of the Financial Crimes Task Force of the CSIS, see at http://www.csis.org/taskfina.html.]
„Although Greenberg is a lifetime Republican, his name was prominently circulated as a possible replacement for James Woolsey, as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, during the first Clinton administration.”
„Greenberg is also the oldest and largest paying client of Henry Kissinger’s ‘consulting firm,’ Kissinger Associates. Greenberg hired Kissinger as his chief international trouble-shooter in 1982, and has been plowing millions of dollars a year into Kissinger’s coffers ever since.”
„The Kissinger connection has brought Greenberg an inside track on lucrative insurance and banking deals with both Peking and Moscow. In China’s financial hub, Shanghai, Greenberg’s AIG is the only foreign company with Chinese government approval to sell insurance policies to the city’s 13 million native Chinese.”
„Greenberg was introduced to C.V. Starr in 1961, after working for nearly a decade for Continental Casualties. The introduction was made by insurance executive Milburn Smith. Seven years later, when Starr died, Greenberg took over the business, according to profiles of Greenberg published in Business Week and Barron’s.”
„Starr had launched his insurance operation in Shanghai in 1919, first selling policies to the large Russian émigré community, and the British circles who were still kicking around China, following the Opium Wars.”
„Sources in the Philippines who are familiar with Starr’s early operations, link his success to the fact that he was close with Peter Aleksandrovich Badmayev, a leading Asian representative of the Soviet Cheka’s Felix Dzershinskii, and Badmayev’s close friend, Sidney Reilly, the so-called ‘ace of spies,’ who worked for both British and Bolshevik intelligence services.”
„By the 1920s and 30s, Starr expanded his Asian insurance operations into Hong Kong, Saigon, Jakarta and the Philippines, and opened a main office in New York City.”
„At the outset of World War II, Starr became an intelligence asset of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the wartime predecessor to the CIA. Starr’s OSS links landed him an entry to the emerging postwar ‘bankers CIA’ apparatus.”
„When Greenberg took over from Starr, the firm’s reputation for merging business interests with Anglo-American intelligence operations did not diminish.“
Who is Maurice Raymond (Hank) Greenberg?
His office is in New York near Wall Street. He is 75 years old (per December 2000) and is a financial legend. His personal net worth has been estimated by Forbes at $1 billion in 1997, and today $4.4 billion. In addition to that, as Chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), a most powerful insurance group, he is the lord over a gigantic financial empire located in 150 countries worldwide. The Board and other control organs of AIG are dominated by corporate officials which has led to protests of individual shareholders against AIG’s „undemocratic” structure. Greenberg’s sons held high positions in this empire but they have left him. Just recently, his son Evan, his father’s heir apparent, President and COO, left AIG, without much of an explanation given publicly.
Maurice Raymond „Hank” Greenberg, raised on a New York dairy farm, a self-made man, studied at the University of Miami, Florida and then at the New York Law School. He has been described as a ruthless archetypal capitalist. He is quoted as saying: „All I want in life is an unfair advantage.” With a view to AIG’s activities and Greenberg’s closeness to government in China, he has been characterized as pursuing „amoral insurance interests” (William Safire) and it has been surmised that he would sell his own country for money. Maurice Greenberg is a big political campaign financer for both established parties. His personal views are Republican; but the Philadelphia Inquirer (1996, by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele; see at
mentions that he benefits from a deep change of U.S. society into a two class society, one class of those who govern and one class of those who are governed, and that there is no question on which side Maurice Greenberg sees himself.
Maurice Greenberg is said to be a driving force behind the February 1986 downfall of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos (Spotlight, June 16, 1997, page 6). The Spotlight newspaper, that avid world government watcher (see http://www.spotlight.org), writes:
“A January-February 1986 CSIS newsletter revealed that the Asia work of the think tank was bankrolled by million-dollar grants from the C.V. Starr Foundation in New York, chairman Maurice „Hank” Greenberg, whose „global political economic expertise, especially with regard to the East Asia region, has been an important intellectual asset to CSIS.”
Greenberg was more than an „intellectual asset” for the Philippines coup plotters. A former high ranking CIA official in the Reagan administration named Hank Greenberg as being intimately involved in the overthrow of Marcos. Greenberg, according to the source, called upon his good friend, William Casey, to add his weight to the plot, and the CIA boss obliged. Greenberg’s zeal to dump Marcos was largely a matter of „business.” As the owner of the major insurance company in the Philippines, Philippine-American Life Insurance, Greenberg was the underwriter for all of the banks in the Philippines. And Marcos was increasingly finding himself at odds with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other agencies representing the world’s big private financing syndicates.
Marcos was resisting the demands of the big international underwriters to impose harsh austerity measures, higher taxes, and to open up the Philippines to unbridled „free trade” looting. The conclusion: Marcos had to go. And, reportedly, Greenberg was the man with all the connections – including to Moscow and Peking – to make it happen.“
[Note April 2005: In light of the above, I see a possible connection between Greenberg and the money laundering trail out of the Philippines regarding the funding of 9-11.]
To find out who Maurice Greenberg is, look at his empire. Traditionally, more than half of AIG’s revenues and profits are made outside the USA Also, AIG’s corporate structure is extremely fragmented into different entities worldwide, and therefore impossible to see through for any outsider. A highly fragmented structure was also used by BCCI, the multinational banking group that collapsed in 1991 and under investigation turned out to be the hub of the international black money market.
There is at least one report on secret connections between BCCI, AIG, the Chinese CITIC (the biggest client of Kenneth Starr), the Indonesian Lippo Group, other entities, and William J. Clinton during and after the Whitewater affair (see organigram at
article published in the March 24, 1997 issue if the Washington Weekly). In the March 17, 1997 issue (see at http://www.federal.com/mar17-97/Coral), the Washington Weekly wrote:
„Whatever AIG is, it appears to be tied into that big, bipartisan, ugly network of intelligence, money laundering, Arkansas, and Communist China.”
Specifically with a view to China, the article asks the question:
“Apart from ADFA, where does AIG get its money to fund, among other things, lobbying on behalf of the Chinese government? The answer is not clear, though some indications are available. (1) In 1995, AIG became the first company to be licensed to sell insurance in China. (2) AIG is a client of Kissinger & Associates. It was Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State, who advised against harsh sanctions after the Tienanmen Square massacre. „No government in the world would have tolerated having the main square of its capital occupied for eight weeks by tens of thousands of demonstrators,“ he wrote. The conduct of the students made a crackdown „inevitable“, he added. (3) AIG has also been the focus of SEC and BCCI investigator Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau’s attention, presumably because of its dumping insurance policies in the U.S. market below cost, to explore its ties to the BCCI. (4) And finally, AIG is headed by Maurice Greenberg, one-time chairman of the NY Federal reserve Bank, and in 1995 a candidate to head the CIA. Greenberg is chairman of the US-China Business Council and lobbied hard (and successfully) for the Clinton administration to sever the link between China’s human rights record and renewal of China’s Most-Favored-Nation trade status.”
Evidence has been hushed up, allegedly, after a bribe list from BCCI became public information in London, U.K. for a few hours, mentioning numerous U.S. Senators and Representatives from both governing parties as receivers of the bribes (see at
(November 17, 1995 -- Phone (312) 731-1100 for recorded message.)
Hi! Sherman Skolnick, Citizens’ Committee to Clean Up the Courts,
9800 S. Oglesby Ave [Chicago, IL 60617].
In the crunch in Washington, some forces are gearing up to attack
each other with scandals long kept out of the monopoly press.
For example, in 1991 we publicized exclusive details of the „Bank
of Criminals and Conspirators International“ [BCCI]. To promote
their operations worldwide, they bribed public officials,
including in the United States.
If you want to pave the way for vast bank operations in the U.S.,
what do you do? Why naturally, you buy the lawmakers! A hundred
years ago, Rockefeller, to promote business, bought the
Pennsylvania legislature!
So, BCCI bribed or blackmailed both Houses of Congress: 108
members of the House of Representatives and 22 U.S. senators.
Funny thing: when the bank supposedly went under, the bribery
list, for a short period, was a public record in England! *Four*
major international news organizations had the list and verified
it was correct. But the liars and whores of the press kept it
secret. One brave journalist, however, gave us the entire list
and a newspaper published our exclusive story -- minus the names.
Here is the reported payoff list of U.S. senators, as of 1990.
Some have since retired or lost elections. Senators....
Steve Symms (Idaho)
Richard Shelby (Alabama) **
Wyche Fowler (Georgia)Alan Dixon (Illinois)
Orrin Hatch (Utah) **
Hank Brown (Colorado) **
Larry Craig (Idaho) **
David Durenberger (Minnesota)
Mark Hatfield (Oregon) **
Howell Heflin (Alabama) **
Daniel Inouye (Hawaii) **
Alfonse D’Amato (New York) **
Wendell Ford (Kentucky) **
Tom Harkin (Iowa) **
Robert Kasten (Wisconsin)
Dan Quayle (Indiana)
Donald Riegle (Michigan)
James Sasser (Tennessee)
Richard Lugar (Indiana) **
Patrick Leahy (Vermont) **
Sam Nunn (Georgia) **
Robert Graham (Florida) **
[** indicates currently in office] [[Note: As of 1995]]
The scheme was done, reportedly, through six LaSalle Street
commodity brokers -- the ringleader apparently being GNP
Commodities. At the time, the federal commodity regulator was
Wendy Gramm (that’s G-r-a-m-m), wife of Senator Phil Gramm of
Texas. Wendy, reportedly, by extortion, got a piece of the
action. Also shaking them down were officials of the federal
reserve district bank here. Remember: for many years the top
official of the fed, in Chicago, was also boss at the Chicago
Tribune -- Stanton Cook.
So, in fact, one of the officials of GNP started to go public,
that if Wendy and the federal reserve did not get off his back,
well, they will be swept away by an „international incident“.
The payoff worked through the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, and other exchanges here. Accounts were set
up, in their name, in Chicago and London -- complicated trading,
called „straddles“. The money was to disappear here and be
withdrawn in London. Agents of the lawmakers showed up to get the
loot, or false records were created to show the same.
So, it was bribery or blackmail. And BCCI had Congress by their
private parts. Some $5 billion of BCCI funds disappeared in the
bribery/blackmail schemes -- secret coded accounts in Switzerland
and the Caymans.
But, funny thing: some super-hackers with links to spy agencies
got the codes and withdrew the money! So, present and former
members of Congress have something to cry about: their loot was
stolen from them -- you know, robbing the bank robbers.
Outgoing senator Sam Nunn has reportedly become a sizeable owner
of the successor to BCCI: Pinnacle Banc Group. Their flagship is
First National Bank of Cicero, long dominated by the CIA/Mafia-
linked Bishop Paul Marcinkus, once head of the Vatican Bank.
The Bush White House used the bribery list to push through the
Senate Clarence Thomas for U.S. Supreme Court. On the list were
seven Democrats that pushed the confirmation over the top.
Likewise, Bush used the bribery list to silence the „October
Surprise“ subcommittee, in a position to nail George for treason.
(That was the delay of the release of the U.S. hostages to help
put in the Reagan-Bush ticket.)
---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
See Wall Street Journal, 10/27/89, for a related article
regarding GNP allegedly threatening an international incident.”
The Spotlight newspaper (June 16, 1997, page 7) asked whether Greenberg, during his tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York, had any connections with the Russian underground economy:
“The New York Federal Reserve Bank has been functioning as a „printing press” for the Russian Mafia-dominated Moscow banks. New York magazine writer Robert Friedman has reported that, every business day, planeloads of freshly printed $100 bills are flown from JFK Airport in New York to Moscow. These bills, provided by the New York Fed, generate billions of dollars a year in revenues for the U.S. Treasury, and have been a significant factor in the global power grab by Russian organized crime.
The New York Fed, which has been shipping the bills to Russia, via Edmond Safra’s Republic National Bank of New York, aggressively defends its „dollarization” program, against charges that the funds are fueling global organized crime.
Bank spokespersons insist that it has no authority or means of determining where the bills go, once they have been delivered to the Moscow banks, which pay for them through offshore accounts in Europe and the Carribean.
When the U.S. government was preparing to issue new $100 bills last year, the Fed conducted a far-reaching advertising campaign in Russia, to assure holders of dollars that they would not have to turn in the old bills, and thereby face having to account for the sources of their wealth.
Linked to Mafia?
Is there any evidence that Greenberg’s position on the New York Fed, and the burgeoning „dollar-based” Russian underground economy are in any way related? Perhaps. For one thing, as noted in the accompanying story [on the Philippines], one of Greenberg’s closest business partners, according to Manila sources, is Jack Nasser, owner of some of the largest textile factories in the islands of the Philippines. A longtime member of the Syrian Jewish community, now largely based in Switzerland; Brooklyn, New York; and Brazil, Nasser is a longtime partner of Republif National Bank’s Edmond Safra.”
I am a concerned reader of news. Since nobody has been sued for defamation or slander, I have reason to believe that those politicians and businessmen mentioned may be afraid or compromised to sue. For example,
has been publishing since 1998 with impunity:
„AIG is an insurance company which is one of the biggest money launderers in the world.”
Maurice Greenberg may be the most influential individual alive. Moreover, during the Clinton administration, he was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. He was then nominated as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), however found very little support. Nevertheless, Maurice Greenberg continues his close ties to the intelligence community. See, for example, the voluminous Report:
“Making Intelligence Smarter
The Future of U.S. Intelligence
Report of an Independent Task Force
Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations
Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman
Richard N. Haass, Project Director”
(at http://www.fas.org/irp/cfr.html).
Or, consider the fact that Maurice Greenberg co-chaired the „Civil Society Vision, Tribute to Madeleine K. Albright – The Civil Society Vision Award Dinner” in New York on September 7, 2000. The event was in honor of Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s „leadership in the advancement of international justice and human rights.” The Presidents of the USA and of the Czech Republic also attended. (See
Could Greenberg avoid being detected by the control organs of the government?
If, hypothetically, he wanted to (which I am not implying), I believe that a “global individual” like Maurice Greenberg might be able to avoid being detected by the control organs of the government because the government officials are only humans, and because the government itself is controlled by the political process. The political process is controlled by the political financing; and the system of political financing is controlled by its financiers. It is a de facto Global Power Cartel that has been growing since the U.S. Civil War, and more specifically over the last 40 years since President Kennedy’s murder and Watergate. Never, of course, would Mr. Greenberg or AIG become involved by doing anything “illegal.” In the global field that he pioneers, such distinctions are naïve and outright misleading, as indicated earlier.
Can you give an example for the Global Power Cartel?
AIG has managed an astounding thing: they have had written for themselves parts of U.S. federal tax laws that gave them tax exemptions (Philadelphia Inquirer as quoted above). Here are some details mentioned by the Inquirer:
“AIG won a special provision in the Tax Reform Act of 1986 exempting certain of its operations from a crackdown on foreign tax shelters. Technically, the law fits AIG because AIG was incorporated in Delaware on July 9, 1967, and has its executive offices in New York. That provision and a similar clause written for the Cigna insurance company were worth an estimated $20 million. As far back as 1976, AIG as the prime beneficiary of a section in the Tax Reform Act that exempted AIG and other large insurers from taxes on some of their offshore operations, saving them millions of dollars.”
The company has wielded its anti-taxation power in Washington, D. C. for decades. That is evidence that they control the forces that are supposed to regulate them, not vice versa. In addition, don’t forget that, geographically, more than 50% of their business is outside the USA, including offshore jurisdictions.
Who is the Global Power Cartel?
The Global Power Cartel is like a mirage, like one of those deceptive visions of beautiful mountains in the desert air. In reality, there are no mountains but complicated mirror effects in different layers of the air. The Global Power Cartel is an entire hidden industry and a product of sophisticated intelligence groups and large amounts of money.
As to the Americans involved, one must remember what Senators John Kerry and Hank Brown found in „A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate” (December 1992, 102d Congress 2d Session Senate Print 102-140, at
http://www. fas.org/irp/congress/1992-rpt/bcci/):
„Equally important to BCCI’s successful secret acquisitions of U.S. banks in the face of regulatory suspicion was its aggressive use of a series of prominent Americans, beginning with Bert Lance, and continuing with former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford, former U.S. Senator Stuart Symington, well-connected former federal bank regulators, and former and current local, state and federal legislators. Wittingly or not, these individuals provided essential assistance to BCCI through lending their names and their reputations to BCCI at critical moments. Thus, it was not merely BCCI’s deceptions that permitted it to infiltrate the United States and its banking system. Also essential were BCCI’s use of political influence peddling and the revolving door in Washington.”
You mentioned „offshore jurisdictions.” What do you mean?
Many insurance companies use offshore jurisdictions and so-called „captive” insurance companies or banks within their organization. That is normally nothing to be worried about. One offshore company is, for example, AIG Insurance Management Services (Guernsey) Limited in Guernsey (Channel Island). In the case of AIG there are a number of additional factors.
For example, Philip Manuel served his client BCCI in 1990 by analyzing their money transfer system (see at
„BCCI’s Criminality”, footnote 8). Philip Manuel (and by the way also Marvin Rosen’s law firm) are specialized on international financial transactions. Even before the collapse of BCCI in 1991, the self-same Philip Manuel has been working with Cramer’s litigators in surveilling Spiro. But the connections, even as to the scanty evidence that has found its way into the media, go much farther.
On January 6, 1995, John Crudele of the New York Post published a column which called attention to a secret financial deal involving Coral Reinsurance on Bermuda, the Arkansas Development and Finance Authority, a project founded at the time by Arkansas state governor William J. Clinton (ADFA) and Maurice Greenberg’s American International Group (AIG). The story was only out for a few hours when Swaney received a call from a stranger who told Swaney he had been conducting his own investigation of Coral Insurance and AIG and was surprised to learn that the connections led to people then in the White House. When Swaney asked the stranger to identify himself, he declined to do so, for fear of retaliation. The Ozark Gazette (see at
reports that the anonymous caller had reliable information:
“We will call him Mr. Anonymous. It seems that Mr. Anonymous is an insurance man in New York City – a competitor of AIG – and at sometime in the last two years he became very suspicious of AIG because its affiliates were offering insurance at premiums way below market rates. Mr. Anonymous told Swaney that he could not believe that a legitimate insurance company could stay in business offering such low rates. Mr. Anonymous suspected that he was in competition with an illegal enterprise, and began poking around in the affairs of AIG. At some point after that, Mr. Anonymous became frightened, and dropped his investigation, because he believed that the repercussions were damaging his own business. Mr. Anonymous also told Swaney (and John Crudele of the New York Post) that AIG and its relationship with Coral Reinsurance was under investigation by the insurance regulators of Pennsylvania and New York.
Soon after the columns by John Crudele appeared in the New York Post, other media began to be interested in the Coral Reinsurance deal. Business Insurance magazine reported on the Coral deal. An AIG spokesperson denied that AIG had organized Coral Reinsurance. Other industry sources told John Crudele that $450 million dollars had suddenly appeared in Coral’s account in just the last two weeks of 1987. Investigators have been unable to identify the source of the cash infusion.
When the long sought after memorandum was finally obtained, it revealed that indeed, AIG had founded Coral Reinsurance.
By the middle of February the stories written by Crudele were attracting attention in the Arkansas press. Andrea Harter of the Democrat Gazette began a month long investigation into the Coral deal. The story appeared March 5, 1995 and revealed even more extensive connections between AIG/ADFA. In the year preceding the purchase of Coral stock by ADFA, an AIG affiliate had managed over one billion dollars worth of ADFA’s bonds. Having been founded in 1985 and starting business in 1986, by early 1987 ADFA had only been in business a little over a year. AIG’s involvement with that much of their bonds so early in ADFA’s history indicates a very strong relationship. Once again, considering that the Arkansas Committee had been told that US Intelligence had indeed laundered money through ADFA, and that the sale of ADFA’s bonds was one such vehicle for doing so, Maurice Greenberg’s connections to international politics and intelligence was very interesting.”
A final quote:
The sun is shinin’, oh, happy day
No more troubles and no skies are gray
(Don Howard)